#1. 失效的保險單,lapsed policy,元照英美法詞典- 免費線上查詢!
lapse,元照英美法詞典. ... lapsed policy. 中文. 失效的保險單. 解釋. → lapse ( 撰). ☆ 近期熱門優惠☆ 。 【法律一對一專屬課程】碩博士級顧問團隊,大小試都幫你 ...
#2. policy lapse - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"policy lapse" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#3. 你知道「保險失效Insurance lapse」的意思嗎?... - Facebook
你知道「保險失效Insurance lapse」的意思嗎? 哪怕是短期間的忘記買保險也可能釀成大麻煩...甚至被吊銷駕照!
#4. lapsed policy中文是什么意思 - 查查在线词典
lapsed policy 的中文意思:失效保单…,查阅lapsed policy的详细中文翻译、例句、发音和用法等。
3 天前 — lapse的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a temporary failure: 2. a period of time ... Many uninsured drivers aren't even aware that their insurance has ...
#6. lapse-翻译为中文-例句英语
In what circumstances would a policy lapse? 在哪些情况下保单会失效?
#7. 保險商品採脫退率假設為定價基礎-財產權觀點(The Lapse ...
中文 摘要:, 本文將從財產權觀點,探討採脫退率定價方式對公司權利與消費者權益造成的 ... calculated in considering lapse rate assumption in insurance industry.
#8. Lapse 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
Lapse 释义: A lapse is a moment or instance of bad behaviour by someone who usually behaves well. ... Your insurance policy will lapse after 30 days.
#9. 保險辭典 - 旺旺友聯
高爾夫球責任險(Golf Liability Insurance). 係指承保被保險人參加高爾夫球運動時,因意外事故造成第三人(含球僮)之體傷、 ...
#10. 第I 部份– 一般保單條款Part I - General Policy Provisions
transfers, trust and beneficiary arrangements, lapses, reinstatements and surrender of your Policy and Other. Policies (if applicable) and all instructions ...
#11. 國際保險監理官協會
Scope and coverage of the Insurance Core Principles 保險核心原則的範圍 ... Consideration should also be taken to the lapse of time since the ...
#12. 國立政治大學風險管理與保險系
... Terminations of Life Insurance: Differentiating Surrender Propensity from Lapse ... 2021.09, 'Applying Economic Measures to Lapse Risk Management with ...
#13. lapse — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“lapse” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。 ... Lapse refers to the contractual disruption of an insurance policy before its maturity.
#14. 有關填寫《客戶保障聲明書》(《聲明書》)的問題
existing policy has lapsed/will lapse or is surrendered/will be surrendered ... 保險公司是否必須雙面印製雙語的《聲明書》及《註釋》,即中文版.
#15. Perpetual Life Plan (OIU) 安達人壽恆富傳承分紅終身保險(OIU ...
倘中文與英文保單條款內容有異, 概以中文保單為準。 ... said payment or the date on which this Policy lapses. ... Lapse under Clause 34 of the Policy.
#16. Life Insurance Policy Replacement – What you need to know
Are you also sure that the application for your replacement policy will be ... your existing life insurance policy to lapse, may be less than your total ...
#17. 保单失效 - MBA智库百科
保单失效(lapse of policy)保单失效是指投保人未按合同约定交纳续期保费,到宽限期(每张保单均有60天的缴费宽限期)最后一日仍未将保费交齐,而使保单暂时失去效力, ...
#18. LAPSE 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
I had a friend let her insurance lapse because she wasn't using it; she later broke an arm in South America. 我有一个朋友让她保险失效,因为她并有使用它, ...
#19. 台灣人壽新增信安美元利率變動型增額終身壽險(OIU)
實際的條款內容與條件,仍以經主管機關完整授權的原始中文版本為主。 ... (Policy Loan and Lapse of the Contract). Article 27.
#20. 行政院金管會保險局雙語詞彙
... 投資組合=portfolio 保險索賠=insurance claim 保單紅利=policy dividend 保單 ... 清保險=paid-up insurance 投資報酬率=yield on investments ratio 失效=lapse ...
#21. How to pay an insurance lapse civil penalty - New York DMV
Determine if you can payYou can pay (and remove a suspension) ifyour insurance lapse is for 90 days or lessYou cannot pay ifyou already paid a civil penalty ...
#22. Lapse Ratio Definition - Investopedia
A lapse ratio measures the percentage of an insurance company's policies that have not been renewed by customers.
#23. 2019年版本國際保險監理官協會(IAIS)保險核心原則(ICP)(1).pdf
The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) is a ... Consideration should also be taken to the lapse of time since a ...
#24. lapsed policy是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选lapsed policy是什么意思、英语单词推荐、lapsed policy的用法、lapsed policy的中文翻译及用法、翻译lapsed policy是什么意思.
#25. lapsed - 英汉词典
lapsed - 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文 ... Ben had a major lapse in coverage and the insurance company wouldn't cover him for his illness.
#26. lapsed policy - 失效保单…《抓鸟》英语词典
lapsed policy 的解释是:失效保单… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:lapsed policy的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#27. 北京高华证券有限责任公司 高盛高华产业词汇
中文 翻译. capital, 资本金. catastrophe insurance, 巨灾保险. claim settlement, 理赔. claims, 理赔 ... 中文翻译. lapse, 保单脱落. liability insurance, 责任险 ...
#28. 常用法學英文字彙表 - 輔仁大學法律學院
liberty shall not be against public policy or ______. ... 中文. 英文. 1. 年金(保險) annuity (insurance). 2. 受益人 beneficiary ... lapse of time.
#29. Flood Insurance Policy Just Expired? Call Your Agent - FEMA
Call your insurance agent or company, or the NFIP Call Center at ... be received within 120 days of the policy expiration date to avoid a lapse in coverage.
#30. 繁體中文版 - 電子學位論文服務
系統識別號, U0002-0606201711405800. 論文名稱(中文), 長期照護保險脫退因素之探討. 論文名稱(英文), The determinants of lapse in the long term care insurance.
#31. 人壽保險Life Insurance - DBS
How Your Policy Works. 23. º Premium payment. º Policy Loan application. º Early Lapse Protection. º Change of Life Insured. 4. Product Features at a glance.
#32. Vehicle Insurance - DC DMV
DC requires drivers who live in the District to have valid insurance subject to certain ... If you let your vehicle insurance lapse, you will be fined.
#33. Lapse-Based Insurance - 歡迎進入澳門博彩執照監察局官網
Lapse -Based Insurance by Daniel Gottlieb and Kent Smetters. Published in volume 111, issue 8, pages 2377-2416 of American Economic Review, August 2021, ...
#34. lapsed 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
lapsed (a.)過去的,墮落的,轉歸他人的.
#35. 解約率模型建構及應用-台灣壽險經驗
Lapse rate modeling and application- Taiwan life insurance experience. 邱珮娟 , 碩士指導教授:黃泓智. 繁體中文. 解約率 ; 保單年度 ; 預定利率與市場利率之利 ...
#36. Justices of the Constitutional Court,Judicial Yuan-Interpretations
The right of a worker to enroll in the labor insurance program and all of his ... to pay the insurance premium and default penalty overdue after lapse of ...
#37. 保險名詞
分紅保險(par/ participating insurance) 被保險人可領取公司盈餘。 ... 不分紅保險(nonpar/ nonparticipating insurance) 投保人無權參加公司任何 ... 失效(lapse)
#38. Glossary: Home Insurance Terms
This is the amount we pay to repair or replace the damage when there is a covered claim. Top. Lapse. This is when an insurance policy term expires and the ...
#39. Premium payments, grace periods & termination - HealthCare ...
If you miss a monthly premium payment. Your health insurance company could end your coverage if you fall behind on your monthly premiums. But before your ...
#40. 關務業務中英文詞彙對照表 - 財政部全球資訊網
關務業務中英文詞彙對照表. Chinese and English Glossary for the Customs. 類別. Category. 項次. Item. 中文詞彙. Chinese. 英文詞彙. English.
#41. COBRA Continuation Coverage | U.S. Department of Labor
COBRA health coverage offers a number of benefits: · Continuity in Coverage · Coverage for Dependents · Avoiding a Lapse in Coverage · Generous Time to Enroll · Long ...
#42. 國庫業務中英文詞彙對照表項次類別中文詞彙英文詞彙一、庫務管理1 ...
中文 詞彙. 英文詞彙. 一、庫務管理. 1. 庫務管理. 公庫法. Government Treasury Act. 2. 庫務管理. 國庫法. National Treasury Act. 3. 庫務管理. 國庫經辦行.
Marine insurance defined ... Disclosure by agent effecting insurance ... lapse of a reasonable time no news of her has been received, an.
#44. 合作夥伴展示
Clouds On Mars - Insurance Executive Dashboard. This solution provides valuable ... What is my product new business vs. lapse trends? - What is my outlook?
#45. 常用保险术语
保险insurance. 投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发. 生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、 ...
#46. What Is a Reduced Paid-Up Life Insurance Policy Option?
Insurers that offer whole life insurance usually provide three ... your life insurance if the policy lapses or you want to cancel the plan.
#47. 什么是“nonforfeiture provision”?对应的中文该如何表达? - 译问
In the event of the lapse of the policy when it has a reserve value, the insured will be entitled under options as follows: 1) to receive ...
#48. Can I File a Car Crash Claim if My Insurance Policy Lapsed?
Learn what happens if your insurance policy lapsed prior to being injured in a car crash that was not your fault.
#49. What Happens If My Car Insurance Lapses? - WalletHub
Having a lapse in car insurance coverage can also result in higher premiums moving forward and legal penalties. Consequences If Your Car ...
#50. Frequently Asked Questions - Great Eastern
Yes, you may revert to the original coverage. However, if the policy lapses before the completion of twelve (12) months, the reinstatement of policy is subject ...
#51. 發行限制員工權利股票規範之研究 - 台灣證券交易所
interest in such property (disregarding any lapse restriction, as defined in Sec. 1.83-3(i)). For special rules applying to the transfer of a life insurance ...
#52. 3 Reasons an Insurance Lapse is Bad for Business
A lapse in coverage can result in the loss of long-tail Products / Completed Operations Coverage. If you are with an insurance carrier for say ...
#53. 1024.37 Force-placed insurance. - Consumer Financial ...
If a premium payment is made within such time, and the insurance company accepts the payment with no lapse in insurance coverage, then the borrower's hazard ...
#54. 保險中介人素質保證計劃人壽保險考試研習資料手冊
版了一系列優秀的教科書,並在其第一冊中,將人壽保險(Life Insurance )定義 ... 如果沒有在繳費到期日之前繳清保費,保單會失效(Lapse)(終止(Terminate))。
#55. Don't Lapse That Life Insurance Policy
Your clients may lapse or surrender their life insurance for a variety of reasons, but they may be leaving equity on the table.
#56. Tammy Tsao, FSA - Pricing Actuary - BNP Paribas Cardif
A self-motivator with actuarial experience in life and health insurance industry is seeking ... Review pricing assumptions annually, including lapse rate…
#57. 「2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)」#額外保障及保單行政服務
如本推廣宣傳單張之英文及中文版本在內容上有任何歧異或抵觸,均以英文版本為準。 ... In case of policy lapse due to unpaid premium within the renewal premium ...
#58. Unemployment Insurance Extended Benefits will lapse too ...
The unprecedented scale of income support provided to displaced workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic has made the economic downturn less ...
#59. WA State Long Term Care Insurance Tax Exemptions ...
If you don't keep up, your policy could lapse and leave you without coverage. You can access benefits after three years of contributions. And ...
#60. Lapses - definition of lapses by The Free Dictionary
a temporary deviation; a slip or error: a lapse of judgment; discontinuance due to a late payment: She let her insurance lapse. Not to be confused with: laps – ...
#61. Oregon Department of Transportation : Insurance Requirements
In Oregon, it is illegal to drive without liability coverage. See ORS 806.010. The minimum insurance a driver must have is: Bodily injury and property ...
#62. health insurance election for military service personnel
Let your coverage lapse after being activated for military service due to non-payment of ... Chinese: 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。
#63. Prioritizing Debt:Which Bills do I Pay First?
Do not let your car insurance lapse! Child Support. If you owe child support and cannot afford to pay, try to make a partial payment each month.
#64. COBRA Insurance Guide: What is it & How Does it Work - Aetna
Be sure to shop around ahead of time to avoid any lapse in coverage. By asking the right questions about COBRA benefits, Dale and Debra can now choose the best ...
#65. Medindia Insurance Glossary Lapse Ratio
The ratio of the number of life insurance policies that lapse within a given period to the number in force at the beginning of that period.
#66. Reinstating a Resident License That Has Been Expired for ...
A producer may be subject to additional penalties for any sale, solicitation or negotiation of insurance during the time the license was expired and before ...
#67. Bupa Health Insurance Scheme Application for Reinstatement ...
This form is applicable to Subscriber applying for reinstatement of their Contract which has been lapsed for more than 2 months because of unpaid ...
#68. FAQs - ICBC
Find answers to common questions about insurance, claims, driver licensing, vehicles, registration and more.
#69. Indexed Universal Life Insurance
**Policy loans and withdrawals will reduce the available cash value and death benefit and may cause the policy to lapse or affect guarantees against lapse.
#70. Variable Universal Life Insurance | Applewhite Tyll Retirement ...
Keep in mind that loans and withdrawals reduce the policy's cash value and death benefit. Loans also increase the possibility that the policy may lapse. If the ...
#71. Continuing Insurance at Retirement -
There can be no lapse in coverage. The date retirement benefits start (retirement date) must be on or before the date your active state coverage ceased.
FWD Life Insurance Public Company Limited (บริษัท ... 了五個AI Lapse模型,每個模型皆針對各個銀行保險和代理細分渠道而度. 身定造。 科技人員.
#73. NFIP Lapse Update - Deeley Insurance Group
If your insurance policy is set to renew on or around the date of the lapse (1/19/2018) and you have received your renewal notice, the insurance carrier is ...
#74. 如何解讀人壽保險的圖表說明?(之二) - 萬維論壇
大部分客人以為保費(premium)和保險成本(cost of insurance) 就是壹碼事, ... 有No-lapse Guarantee 的人壽保險:近幾年來壹些保險公司推出壹種 ...
#75. 常用詞彙- 友邦保險控股有限公司 - AIA Group
意外及醫療保險產品- Accident and health (A&H) insurance products. 意外及醫療保險產品提供傷殘或疾病保險,涵蓋醫療、殘疾、危疾和意外保障。意外及醫療保險產品以 ...
#76. When politics kills the policy debate - The Australian
What worth boosting the NDIS by more than $40bn compared with a momentary lapse in sensitivity? Of course, the ephemeral, not the substance, was ...
#77. Struggling to pay bills, more Americans turn to credit cards ...
1 天前 — Without stimulus checks and a lapse in monthly Child Tax Credit payments, Americans in dire financial circumstances are swiping credit cards ...
#78. Memorial falls to Windham in extra innings, 9-6 - Manchester ...
MANCHESTER, NH — A small miscue here, a mental lapse there. ... Two batters later, Jason Sullo added some insurance with an RBI single up ...
#79. Auktion 168 |
FR, EN · DE · ES · IT · 中文 ... FR, EN · DE · ES · IT · 中文 ... 2, all of the buyer's rights to the purchased object shall lapse and E N G E L Fine Art ...
#80. Mega insurer looks to slash IPO size as war in Ukraine hurts ...
... an initial public offering of state-owned Life Insurance Corp., ... Current approvals, including the draft prospectus, lapse on May 12.
#81. LIC IPO measurement to be lower, valuation falls 40% as ...
... an preliminary public providing of state-owned Life Insurance Corp., ... Current approvals, together with the draft prospectus, lapse on ...
#82. Video Proves How Crazy-Dangerous 'Basikal Lajak' Are To All ...
A momentary lapse in concentration or plain bad luck when encountering them could apparently land you in jail (after a 5-year legal battle).
#83. Ψάχνεις To ΜΕΓΑΛΟ με 8/256gb… POCO X4 Pro 5G σε ...
στ) Σβήνεις shipping insurance (αν πληρώνεις με paypal δεν ... Προσφέρει επίσης λειτουργίες slow motion, dual-video, time-lapse video, ...
insurance lapse中文 在 你知道「保險失效Insurance lapse」的意思嗎?... - Facebook 的推薦與評價
你知道「保險失效Insurance lapse」的意思嗎? 哪怕是短期間的忘記買保險也可能釀成大麻煩...甚至被吊銷駕照! ... <看更多>