腸梗阻(Bowel obstruction或Intestinal obstruction),係為腸部的機能性阻塞(英语:Ileus),造成無法正常進行消化運動,發生部位可能是小腸或是大腸,症狀及體徵有 ...
#2. 認識腸阻塞 - 高點醫護網
腸阻塞(Intestinal obstruction)是指腸內容物不能正常運行及順利通過腸道,是外科常見病症,腸阻塞不但可引起腸管本身解剖與功能上的改變,並可導致全身性生理上的紊亂 ...
#3. 腸阻塞 - 臺北榮民總醫院
機械性腸阻塞(Intestinal obstruction). 機械性腸阻塞依腸壁相關位置分為(1,4,5):. 1. Intraluminal blockade or obstruction: gall stone ileus, bezaor, etc.
#4. 腸阻塞疾病Intestinal obstruction, ileus
Intestinal obstruction, ileus. 一、什麼是腸阻塞:. 腸道阻塞是指腸道因為不正常的病兆、先天或後天的因素,而使腸蠕動無. 法前進或完全停止,以致食物或水份無法 ...
#5. 腸阻塞
Intestinal obstruction 腸阻塞. 腸阻塞是在病房最常見也是最需要外科觀察和治療的病例,如何判斷進一步手術治療是非常重要的。在觀察中也要注意一些生理變化,注意 ...
#6. 腸阻塞- 嘉義長庚一般外科
腸阻塞:. bowel obstruction. 腸阻塞造成腸子的內容物無法正常的通過消化道,臨床上常見的症狀表現:. 腹部絞痛. 噁心嘔吐. 腹脹. 便秘或無排氣、等症狀來表現。
#7. 腸阻塞:症狀、原因、診斷、治療、改善方式- Hello 醫師
而上述情況,醫師們稱為機械性阻塞(Mechanical obstruction)。 advertisement. 若您的腸阻塞發生在小腸,癒傷組織則會是常見的原因。
#8. 腸阻塞(Ileus and intestinal obstruction) - 小逸文筆記
腸阻塞(intestinal obstruction). 症狀:腹痛、嘔吐、腹脹、便秘。 腹痛(pain):典型腸阻塞的腹痛是間歇性絞 ...
#9. 肠梗阻- 症状与病因- 妙佑医疗国际 - Mayo Clinic
登录患者账户 · 简体中文 · English · Español · العربية ... Intestinal obstruction. In: Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver ...
#10. 黏連性腸梗阻 - 信健康
黏連性腸梗阻是由於腸道水腫引致收窄,小腸內. 最近數個晚上,我都要回去醫院為病人做緊急手術。這些病人都是患有腸梗阻(Intestinal Obstruction ...
#11. [R1.5系列] Ileus? - 急症福爾摩斯偵探館
(1)小腸阻塞(Small Bowel Mechanical Obstruction)。 (2)腸道功能不良,失去蠕動,推進食物的能力 (Adynamic Ileus),為最狹義定義。
#12. 治療囊腫性纖維化遠端腸道阻塞症候群(DIOS) 的介入措施
繁體中文; English · Español ... treating distal intestinal obstruction syndrome (DIOS) in cystic fibrosis. ... 繁體中文; English · Español ...
#13. 中西醫結合治療因急救後缺氧性腦病變之麻痺性腸阻塞病例報告
腸阻塞(intestinal obstruction) 是因 ... (adynamic ileus)或假性腸阻塞(Intestinal ... 顯示大量腸氣滯留(excessive bowel gas.
#14. intestinal obstruction-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: Etiology, clinical classification and treatment principles of acute intestinal obstruction.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"intestinal ...
#15. intestinal obstruction 腸梗阻- 中文意思
intestinal obstruction 腸梗阻,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,麻醉專業名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#16. 成 腸道轉位異常:㆒病例報告
腸道轉位異常(Intestinal malrotation)是㆒種先㆝性的胚胎發育缺 ... received laparotomy later because of persistent intestinal obstruction with.
#17. intestinal obstruction - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"intestinal obstruction" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#18. 惡性腫瘤引起的腸阻塞(Malignant Bowel Obstruction).. - NEJS
惡性腫瘤引起的腸阻塞(Malignant Bowel Obstruction).. ... 今天的現場從加護病房拉到一般病房來,一位罹患肺腺癌(lung adenocarcinoma) 患者,因為腹痛, ...
#19. 腸道異物阻塞合併出血(Bezoar with partial small bowel ...
(Bezoar with partial small bowel obstruction and bleeding). 內科黃柏仁蔡青陽. 一68 歲男性病人,主訴腹痛、腹脹、全身虛弱兩天,且.
#20. Laparoscopic+Enterolysis+for+Small+Bowel+Obstruction
Small bowel obstruction is the most common surgical disorder of the small intestine. Acquired adhesions was the leading etiology of small bowel obstruction.
#21. 腸阻塞 - 台灣家庭醫學醫學會
國外研究報告因腹痛急診住院的病例約15%病因是腸阻塞,其中20%需緊急手術治療;約75%小腸阻塞(small bowel obstruction, SBO)是術後粘連(adhesion)所致。開腹手術( ...
#22. intestinal中文(簡體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
Foul-smelling brown vomit can be a symptom of low intestinal obstruction. 呕吐物为棕色带恶臭可能是低位肠梗阻的症状。 想要學更多嗎?
#23. 樂詞網 - 國家教育研究院
中文 詞彙. 學術名詞 動物學名詞 · intestinal obstruction · 腸阻塞. 學術名詞 獸醫學 · obstruction of intestine · 腸阻塞. 學術名詞 醫學名詞.
#24. intestinal obstruction 中文 - 查查詞典
intestinal obstruction中文 意思:腸梗阻…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋intestinal obstruction的中文翻譯,intestinal obstruction的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#25. intestinal obstruction翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
intestinal obstruction中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:[內科] 腸梗阻。英漢詞典提供【intestinal obstruction】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#26. Introduction to Obstruction Associated (障礙相關) | 學術寫作 ...
Duodenal webs presenting as intestinal obstruction associated with malrotation of intestines in adults is extremely rare with only about 30 cases reported ...
#27. 期刊篇目查詢-詳情
... Tomographic Findings of an Abdominal Cocoon with Intestinal Obstruction: A ... 中文摘要, 腹部腸繭又稱為硬化包覆型腹膜炎,它是造成腸阻塞罕見的原因,其 ...
#28. 腸阻塞intestinal obstruction, Ileus|疾病症狀與介紹
腸阻塞intestinal obstruction, Ileus|疾病症狀與介紹,常見急性腹症的原因之一;大部分都可經由症狀治療而得以紓解或消失,某些腸阻塞假若不...|KingNet國家網路醫藥.
#29. intestinal obstruction 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
The acute abdominal pain of intestinal obstruction usually fluctuates. 腸梗阻時的急性腹痛常不穩定。 Primary small intestinal carcinomas are very rare, ...
#30. 上腸系膜動脈症候群: 罕見的腸阻塞病因- 元照出版, 月旦知識庫
中文 摘要. 上腸系膜動脈症候群(superior mesenteric artery syndrome) 是上腸系膜 ... We report a case with SMA syndrome and episodes of intestinal obstruction, ...
#31. intestinal obstruction的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
n. obstruction, blockage, enteropathy. 英语例句库. 1.Treatment of bezoar-induced intestinal obstruction is usually performed ...
#32. Acute adhesive intestinal obstruction in children - 博客來
書名:Acute adhesive intestinal obstruction in children,語言:英文,ISBN:9786202667500,頁數:220,作者:Kobilov, Ergash,出版日期:2020/06/04, ...
#33. 腸阻塞 - 康健雜誌
Intestinal obstruction 或bowel obstruction 腸阻塞是外科常見的病症,當小腸或大腸中的內容物(包含固體與液體)不能正常地蠕動並順利通過腸道,病人可能會出現4種.
#34. Intestinal Obstruction - MSD Manual Professional Edition
Intestinal Obstruction - Etiology, pathophysiology, symptoms, signs, diagnosis & prognosis from the MSD Manuals - Medical Professional Version.
#35. 腸道阻塞— ICON專科中心
Intestinal obstruction. Accessed 21 November 2019 at ...
#36. Neonatal intestinal obstruction
We reviewed 36 cases of neonatal intestinal obstruction admitted to our surgical unit over a 10-year period, 1986-1996, for surgical intervention following ...
#37. Understanding an Intestinal Obstruction
You eventually eliminate it through a bowel movement. An intestinal obstruction may partially or completely block this natural process. A complete blockage is ...
#38. 實習醫學生臨床技能核心課程- 3.基礎腹部X-光影像的判讀
(Interpret an abdominal radiograph). 台北醫學大學影像醫學部 ... With central locating intestinal air due to ASCITES ... Distal colon obstruction.
#39. 胆石性肠梗阻五例报告并文献复习
Intestinal obstruction caused by gallstone: report of 5 cases and review of the literature[J].Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery,2010 ...
#40. 腹部急症-1 核心課程編號:E10
Associated Symptoms. CONSTIPATION a. Progressive intestinal obstruction from a neoplasm or inflammatory bowel disease b. Paralytic Ileus c. Post Operative.
#41. Refractory Acute Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction Complicated by ...
急性大腸假性阻塞,或稱爲奧格維氏症候群(Ogilvie's syndrome),在臨床的表現上常易與腸道機械性阻塞混淆,但經過詳細的影像學甚至是大腸鏡的檢查,可確認無機械性阻塞 ...
#42. Bowel obstruction in adults – causes and symptoms
Bowel obstructions usually cause cramping, abdominal pain, vomiting and inability to pass bowel motions (faeces or poo) or gas. A bowel obstruction is an ...
#43. Malignant bowel obstruction in advanced cancer patients
Abstract: Malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) is a frequent complication in advanced cancer patients, especially in those with abdominal tumors.
#44. 急性腸道假阻塞新救星-- 你哦史地各鳴(Neostigmine) - 健康族
(電腦字數統計:中文字3,626,英數字281 ;有 2 個圖和1 個表) ... 治療「急性腸道假阻塞」(acute colonic pseudo-obstruction) 的最新重大突破,是全世界第一個隨機、 ...
#45. 0503 先天性Cajal氏間質細胞增生合併腸道神經元發育異常 ...
... Interstitial Cell of Cajal Hyperplasia with Neuronal Intestinal Dyspl ) ... 原發性小腸性阻塞症(chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo—obstruction)等。
#46. Bowel colic 中文 - Jou Zwembad
"biliary colic" 中文翻譯: 膽絞痛; 膽石絞痛, 肝絞痛. bowel cancer ... Intestinal obstruction is the partial or complete blockage of the ...
#47. ICD 10 總表 - Dr.Tseng曾志仁醫師
代碼, 英/中文名稱. K00, Disorders of tooth development and ... K50012, Crohn's disease of small intestine with intestinal obstruction. 小腸克隆氏病併腸阻塞.
#48. Intestinal Obstruction Clinical Trials - Mayo Clinic Research
The purpose of this study is to determine the concordance of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma – Small Bowel Obstruction (AAST-SBO) scoring ...
#49. Ileus 腸阻塞D/D - 醫學筆記匯集整理ED Notes
可以先保守性治療的 Adhesion Small Bowel Obstruction. = NG, Hydration, NPO. = 液體都積在腸道, 要好好Hydration ! 依Bologna guidelines, 病人應滿足:.
#50. 全年齡都可能發生的「腸阻塞」該如何預防?症狀跟便秘有什麼 ...
腸阻塞最常見的兩大原因,一個是腸沾黏(Intestinal adhesions),另一個則是大腸癌。 ... 嘉義長庚醫院-腸阻塞 · Intestinal obstruction ...
#51. Small-bowel obstruction due to an internal hernia
Title: Small-bowel obstruction due to an internal hernia ... Anorexia; Cecal Diseases; Female; Hernia; Humans; Intestinal Obstruction; Middle Aged.
#52. Interventions for treating distal intestinal obstruction syndrome ...
Cystic fibrosis is the most common life‐limiting autosomal recessive genetic disorder in white populations. Distal intestinal obstruction ...
#53. 小兒科
英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD‑9‑CM 2001年版 A Code Abdominal pain 腹痛 789.00 A 464 Acute appendicitis 急性闌尾炎 540.9 A 342 Acute bronchiolitis 急性細支氣管炎 466.19 A 320
#54. intestinal obstruction - 肠梗阻…《抓鸟》英语词典
intestinal obstruction 的解释是:肠梗阻… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:intestinal obstruction的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#55. 小兒科英文疾病名稱中文疾病名稱ICD-9-CM
英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD‑9‑CM 1992年版 ICD‑9‑CM 2001年版 A Code Abdominal pain 腹痛 789.0 789.00 A 464 Acute appendicitis 急性闌尾炎 540.9 540.9 A 342 Acute bronchiolitis 急性細支氣管炎 466.1 466.19 A 320
#56. -藥品資訊
商品中文名, 散肚秘錠 ... 禁忌(症), Patients with intestinal obstruction or with undiagnosed abdominal symptoms. 常用劑量及頻次, Constipation Adult 12-50 mg.
#57. Bowel obstruction - Vejthani Hospital | JCI Accredited ...
A blockage that prevents food and liquids from passing through the small or large intestine is known as intestinal obstruction.
#58. Blocked Intestine | Cedars-Sinai
If you have an intestinal blockage, food and stool may not be able to move freely. It is also called an intestinal obstruction. When your intestine works ...
#59. 憩室炎- - 醫專薈腸胃鏡檢查資訊中心
長期的結腸炎症會令結腸壁纖維化,令腸道收窄,有機會造成「腸梗阻」(Intestinal Obstruction)。 徵狀︰. 與其他腸道疾病相似; 腹部不適、腹痛; 便秘; 嘔吐; 發燒.
#60. 【大腸癌】成因、病理、症狀、診斷及治療 - BestView
「大腸」可以分為「結腸」(colon) 和「直腸」(rectum)兩部分。 ... 當腫瘤生長至腸腔嚴重狹窄,可引致「腸梗阻」(intestinal obstruction)(即腸道完全阻塞,會有 ...
#61. 重點式照護超音波在腹部急症的ABDOMEN protocol
2020年一篇文章整理了基層醫療照顧中POCUS在急性腹痛應用的9項建議 3 ,包含有free fluid, intestinal obstruction, free intraperitoneal air, ...
#62. Preventing Intestinal Obstructions
Spotlight on Prevention Toolkit: Intestinal Obstructions. ... An intestinal obstruction is a potentially serious condition in which the intestines are ...
#63. Intestinal obstruction caused by colonic metastasis of lung ...
Abstract not available 中文翻译:. 肺鳞癌结肠转移致肠梗阻
#64. Bowel obstruction | Investigation | Management | Treatment
Bowel (intestinal) obstruction is blockage of free passage of contents at any level of the small and large bowel.
#65. Intestinal Obstruction | UCLA Health Library, Los Angeles, CA
If your healthcare provider determines that you have an intestinal obstruction, it means that something is blocking your intestine.
#66. A clinical study of intestinal obstruction and its surgical ... - Gale
Most common etiological factor is postoperative adhesions followed by abdominal hernia. Malignancy as a cause for obstruction is more common in large bowel than ...
#67. 腸套疊(Intussusception) - Tiny Notes
另外,除了大腸包小腸(ileal-colon)之外,也有小腸包小腸(ileal-ileal)…等不同的情況發生。 ... cystic fibrosis; Distal intestinal obstruction ...
#68. Small bowel feces sign | Radiology Reference Article
The small bowel feces sign can be observed on abdominal CT. The sign has been described as a finding specific for small bowel obstruction or ...
#69. 多重解析地址选择页面 - 中文DOI
Title:, Comparison of Early Diagnosis of Acute Intestinal Obstruction by Spiral CT and Plain X-ray of Abdomen. First author::, MAO Xiao-ping.
#70. 腹部急症,何時要找外科?(Surgical Abdomen) - 沈士強醫師
常見的腹部急症, 分為三種原因。 不開會死( peritonitis ). 不開不會好( complete bowel obstruction ). 不開會復發( appendicitis, cholecystitis ).
#71. Bowel Obstruction FAQs - Mercy
Learn the answers to frequently asked questions about bowel obstructions and how Mercy gastroenterologists treat them. What's bowel obstruction?
#72. Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction (CIPO)
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a rare, severe and disabling disorder of gastrointestinal motility. CIPO may involve multiple areas of the ...
#73. Understanding Intestinal Obstruction - Fairview
An intestinal obstruction is when the small or large intestine is blocked at one or more spots. ... It's also called a bowel obstruction or blockage.
#74. What are the contraindications in case of small bowel ...
Laparoscopic management of acute small bowel obstruction after laparoscopic gastric bypass. M Vix, J Marescaux. 15 years ago.
#75. intestinal单词的级别、释义、真人发音、例句 - 轻松背单词
A few other conditions are in high intestinal obstruction. 其它少数情况是高位肠梗阻。 来自辞典例句 2. This complication has occasionally occurred following ...
#76. Small bowel obstruction - VisualDx
A small bowel obstruction occurs when intraluminal bowel contents are obstructed from regular flow in the small intestine. Impaired passage of ...
#77. French Translation of “bowel obstruction” - Collins Dictionary
French Translation of “bowel obstruction” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Over 100000 French translations of English words and ...
#78. Small Bowel Obstruction | SCL Health
A Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO) is a blockage that keeps your food or liquid from passing through your small intestine. When you need medical assistance to ...
#79. 【求助】这几个词的差别 - 医学教育网
用新编全医药学大词典查intestinal obstruction和ileus都有肠梗阻的意思,但在翻译上面的句子时也不能连着出现两次肠 ... 中文就译为“(各种)感染”,应该不必区分。
#80. Spontaneous resolution of idiopathic intestinal obstruction ...
Conservative treatment for 3 mo for ileus and control of pulmonary infection resolved the intestinal obstruction completely. Unfortunately, 2 wk ...
#81. Closed Loop Obstruction | 醫學快紀 - Fandom
... 或是腸道持續脹大造成壞死、穿孔。以下疾病也屬於closed loop obstruction: Colon obstruction with competent ileocecal valve Afferent loop syndrome.
#82. Laparoscopic Lysis of Abdominal Adhesions (2011) - YouTube
Bowel Obstruction and Ileus: Ileus & Small Bowel Obstruction – Radiology | Lecturio. Lecturio Medical | Free Self-Assessments•136K views.
#83. 先天性腸道阻塞
gastrointestinal atresia or stenosis: ○ duodenum - 45%; jejunum - 25%; ileum - 15%; colon - 5%; multiple - 10%;. ◇ Malrotation and midgut volvulus: 發生 ...
#84. Obstruction 中文 - Sternen Metzg
1.堵塞,遮斷,妨礙,阻礙,障礙;【議會】妨礙議事"adhesive intestinal obstruction" 中文翻譯: 粘連性腸梗阻. "adynamic intestinal 腸阻塞(Bowel Obstruction) ...
#85. Ineffective Tissue Perfusion – Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan
Examine GI function, noting anorexia, decreased or absent bowel sounds ... These are symptoms of arterial obstruction that can result in the ...
#86. 小腸阻塞 - 醫學百科
小腸阻塞. Intestinal obstruction. 定義. 小腸是吸收食物養份、水份,並將剩餘食物殘渣 ...
#87. 科研通
科研通『学术中心』是文献索引库,收集文献的基本信息(如标题、摘要、期刊、作者、被引量等),不提供下载功能。如需下载文献全文,请通过文献求助 ...
#88. Douleur au nombril : 11 causes et solutions possibles
Gonflement abdominal. ... En cas d'obstruction complète, la personne peut signaler son incapacité à évacuer. Le diagnostic repose sur ...
#89. Small Bowel Obstruction | MUSC Health | Charleston SC
What is Small Bowel Obstruction? · functional — there is no physical blockage, however, the bowels are not moving food through the digestive tract · mechanical — ...
#90. 肠梗阻_百度百科
外文名: intestinal obstruction; 就诊科室: 普外科; 多发群体: 腹部手术或腹内炎症患者. 常见病因: 肠道先天性粘连或腹部手术或腹内炎症产生粘连、肠道肿瘤等 ...
#91. Small bowel obstruction in pregnancy is a complex surgical ...
Introduction. Small bowel obstruction (SBO) in pregnancy is rare and is most commonly caused by adhesions from previous abdominal surgery.
#92. 儿科慢性假性肠梗阻研究进展
如果出生时即发病,症状需持续2个月以上,否则需持续6个月以上才可以诊断为慢性假性肠梗阻(chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction,CIPO)。
#93. 中医中文: 文法与词汇 - 第 241 頁 - Google 圖書結果
1795 . dà cháng jĩn kuĩ , large intestinal liquid depletion dà cháng yè kuĩ ... invade / in'ved / fetter / fɛto / obstruction / ǝb'strɅkfǝn / stagnation ...
#94. Cumulated Index Medicus - 第 16 卷 - 第 2563 頁 - Google 圖書結果
「中文」 AG German 1 Calica a imani 1:44 GAR an u S Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2 ( 6 ) ... WB : Puerperal intestinal Zettlova LP see Bolotovski VM obstruction .
intestinal obstruction中文 在 Laparoscopic Lysis of Abdominal Adhesions (2011) - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Bowel Obstruction and Ileus: Ileus & Small Bowel Obstruction – Radiology | Lecturio. Lecturio Medical | Free Self-Assessments•136K views. ... <看更多>