Pls share the news
Thank you my friends contributed to the full translation of my 3,000-word essay describing the 12-hour ordeal in a detention cell, now available on The Guardian.
It seems that the Thai government feels it has much to fear from youth movements that promote democracy, such as mine in Hong Kong.
But my passport had been taken away, and I had been forbidden to use my phones or computers, so I could not contact anyone. They could do as they pleased. My two requests – to contact a lawyer and for them to explain the legality of their action – were both rejected with a simple “No”.
I criticised them for detaining me without any legal basis as something that was a violation of human rights and they replied: “We’ll tell you why once we have you detained.” I continued to point out that they were violating proper police procedure, but they simply replied: “You know this is Thailand, it’s like China. Not like Hong Kong!”
He was right, I thought. It is like China – not like Hong Kong. After all, the Hong Kong publisher Gui Minhai was kidnapped in Thailand last year and was eventually sent to mainland China.
So after China, Macau and Malaysia, there is now another territory I know I cannot enter. In fact, I still don’t understand why. I have never criticised the Thai government. I was only invited there to share my experiences of being a young man who took part in the umbrella movement. And this led to me being detained as soon as I stepped off the plane and being treated in a way that goes completely against human rights and the law. I spent almost 12 hours in detention and was deprived of my passport and of contact with others.
I am absolutely certain that my unlawful detention by the Thai authorities was motivated by their fear of youth movements around the world.
Indeed, young people right across the globe will only become more united and engaged as our collective yearning for democracy, civil liberties and other universal values strengthens. So too will our commitment to street activism. Our hopes and dreams transcend culture, language, country and political realities.
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,送你逐字稿 & 例句翻譯: · 點下列連結,並看「計畫更新」,有免費公開的逐字稿喔! · 也可以直接搜尋「賓狗 嘖嘖」唷 傳送門: 1【bar 禁止】— 動詞 Countries across Eur...
kidnapped翻譯 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳解答
送你逐字稿 & 例句翻譯:
· 點下列連結,並看「計畫更新」,有免費公開的逐字稿喔!
· 也可以直接搜尋「賓狗 嘖嘖」唷
1【bar 禁止】— 動詞
Countries across Europe barred travelers from Britain to keep out a highly infectious new COVID-19 strain.
2 【placate 平息怒火】- 動詞(正式用語)
Jack Ma offered to hand over parts of his Ant Group to placate Chinese regulators.
3【ordeal 折磨;煎熬】— 名詞
The kidnapped schoolboys were relieved that their ordeal had ended.
4【keep silent about 默許】— 動詞片語
Trump administration had largely kept silent about deforestation.
5【overloaded 工作負擔太大的】— 形容詞
Overloaded employees should prioritize critical tasks.
1)bar 禁止
2)placate 安撫
3)ordeal 折磨;煎熬
4)keep silent about 默許
5)overloaded 工作負擔太大的

kidnapped翻譯 在 暗網仔 2.0 Youtube 的最佳貼文
破解Kate yup事件是假的! 不是綁架! 不要被騙! (Facebook上的證據)
要求我拍Kate Yup的觀眾人數比去年Ashvlogs的訢求有過之而無不及. 這位一直在吃的Kate Yup擁有一個超過500K subscribers的Mukbang頻道.
最近她粉絲開始留意到Kate的影片各種異樣: 字幕上的奇怪體例, Kate本人身上的瘢痕, 甚至影片中打莫斯密碼. 令到網民擔心Kate的安全, 更有陰謀論指出她一直是被綁架而被迫去拍這些影片的.
Twitter上 #savekateyup 更一度在全球Trending一段時間. 多人認為跟一年前美國一位失蹤少女是有關的. 這情況是我們一向習慣的ARG嗎? 為何Kate總是糢著眼的呢?
Kate yup details
Kate Yup由2018年3月開台. 內容主要是吃海鮮Mukbang. 多條影片本身也超過一百萬觀看次數. 相比其他常常用買soing吸views的Mukbang主播, Kate Yup 從來都不露樣貌. 她的影片通常只看見她的下巴. 面的上部份也有面罩掩蓋. 顯得奇怪.
另外, 作為一個身材比較瘦的女生Kate Yup每一次拍Mukbang時也吃得像餓了很久. 非常急的感覺.真是因為她餓嗎? 還是被迫: 快點吃! 快點吃!
2019年6月21號Kate Yup上載的 ‘2 whole fish, whole giant squid, lobster, king crab, salmon & Tuna raw, octopus, scallop, shrimp’ 影片, 眼利的網民發現她身上的傷痕.
2019年7月一位網友初次發現影片中subtitle有異樣. 影片中某一些字幕用大寫字母, 湊合一起成HELP一個字.
之後同一條影片出現的Morse code翻譯成 ‘I need help’ SOS 甚至她面前的碗被拍到自己在動, 相信拍攝現場除了她以外還有其他人在場.
這些疑問大量廣傳後Kate Yup自己也有出Post解釋事件 “Hello everyone! It’s urgent to clarify my situation. Everything is ok for me!”
之後她解釋手上的傷痕是太陽光燒到她皮膚而嘴角的傷口是 herpes Labilis.
It’s not a Morse code, that’s not even how Morse code works...why would a captor let her edit the videos? That doesn’t make sense? ...her lip does not look busted, it’s either a cold sore or a bad blemish
你們要知道, 這段文字據稱是Kate自己打的. 有種自己説自己的感覺.
Kate Yup之後這奇怪的第三身回應加上8月上載的 ‘I AM ALIVE’ 影片再次出現了 HELP的信息.
作為一位有破解ARG經驗的Youtuber, 這個事件是一個 publicity stunt.
這個情況綁架的機會比較底的原因是從這個月外界對於此事件的關注度, 如果這真的是一埸罪案的話, 背後cho控整件事的人為什麼還會繼續上載影片啊?!
What I would do (viral marketing)
Mukbang剛巧是這個時代最流行的影片類型. 像Ashvlogs等ARG亦是成功例子. 把兩者mix在一起是正常的做法.
我想大家看看這條影片. 這是我前年拍英文頻道Horrorstudio1的片. 當中我用一些奇怪剪接令觀眾以為我有什麼事.
其實各種剪片和拍攝技巧我已經在暗網仔 2.0已推出一個會員群組. 當中有不同級別的會員.
除了每個月定期推出剪片教學, 我還會教有關Youtube algorithm和social media marketing的東西. 對恐怖網上文化有興趣的朋友我亦會提供這方面的資訊.
絕密直播, Q&A, 甚至跟我本人的聯絡方式也可以找到. 詳情可以按Youtube首頁 ‘Join’ 去了解.
其實拍到一些看似恐怖的影片不太難. 尤其如果情況是半真半假. 像有personality disorder的Marina Joyce也用這種做法紅了. 其實marina joyce和Kate yup情況也相當相似.
如果Kate是真心純屬一位Mukbang Youtuber, 沒有意圖想搞到事件這樣迷離的話, 那可能整個事件是精神上的問題. Kate Yup最新的 ‘I lose my tooth during this meal’ 影片有觀眾看過所有她影片後發現她所有表現都像有暴食症Bulimia的人士. 如果如此, 為什麼她或替她管理頻道的人會將一個病人的情況放上互聯網呢?
而其實Kate Yup的真相又會不會是Karlie啊?
Karlie guse
2018年10月13號加州少女於凌晨5點至7點消失. 到如今還沒有人找到她. 由Karlie面上的特徵, 尤其鼻子和下巴, 多人認為是現在爆紅的Kate Yup. 但我現在跟大家講, 不是. 我不想大家再因為一個網上的都市傳說令到一個真正失蹤人口個案比神化. Kate Yup跟Karlie不是同一個人的原因是什麼呢? Why do I know? Kate yup第一條上載影片的日期是2018年4月23號, 而Karlie Guse失蹤的日期是2018年10月13號. 所以她們兩個一定不是同一個人. 其實Karlie Guse的案件也能證Kate Yup不是真正的綁架啊. 而是一位ak like的Youtuber.
因為在Karlie Guse失蹤的官方Facebook頁可以找到頁主確認警方已因為Kate Yup與Karlie失蹤案拉上關係, 上門調查過Kate Yup頻道的有關人士, 確認是假的. 所以我才這樣相信整個Kate Yup事件不是真實的情況, 而只不過是publicity stunt. 那我們不如不要被這些東西干擾, 花多一點精神去真實的問題上. 例如失蹤少女karlie Guse. 完片.

kidnapped翻譯 在 ajin Youtube 的最佳解答
新的失憶症恐怖故事系列開始連載了,這次要玩的是lost the lights 失去光明。
Amnesia The Dark Descent ep
Amnesia justine ep
Amnesia obscurity ep
Amnesia kidnapped
Amnesia lost the lights

kidnapped翻譯 在 【Vspo翻譯】認為自己被質疑日文能力的すみれ【花芽すみれ】 的推薦與評價
【Vspo翻譯】認為自己被質疑日文能力的すみれ【花芽すみれ】 ... Rust Event Highlights: The Incident of BIG STAR Kidnapping [Part 1]【VTuber/Eng ... ... <看更多>