#Giant #bluefin #tuna #Cutting #Sashimi #Sushi
Blufin tuna:
The tuna are most plentiful April to June every year. Practically every part of the fish is good to eat. The meat from the belly is perfect for sashimi and melts in the mouth. The meat from the back has a texture like Kobe beef after it is fried; the lower jaw is good roasted and the head can be used to make soup or steamed. Tuna can swim at speeds of up to 160 kmh. The blood vessels all over its body make its meat red. Its blood is rich in iron and its meat rich in EPA, DHA, nucleic acids vitamins. Toro is regarded by the Japanese as a treasure of the sea and is even more valuable than “black gold” mullet roe.
The bigger a tuna is, the better,It has a higher fat content, which makes it more valuable.
The Japanese, who in the mid-1970s started buying up any fresh bluefin caught off Pingtung ,Taiwan. Their insatiable demand for bluefin and the high prices they were willing to pay allowed Pingtung fishermen to make enough profit to outfit themselves with better equipped boats, and they increasingly began to trawl for the lucrative bluefin.
The auction itself is a noisy affair and creates a spectacle worth watching, sellers and buyers negotiating the sale with body movements only those familiar with their business understand. If you can attract the attention of a seller you can even try your hand at buying a fish.