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lordotic中文 ::脊柱前凸的…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋lordotic的中文翻譯,lordotic的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
脊柱前凸(lordosis)為醫學上的一個名詞,用來形容脊柱向前過度彎曲。 ... 脊柱中的兩個部分,分別為頸椎和腰椎,正常都有一定前凸的彎度,也就是說他們本來就有一定向前的 ...
lordosis 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. lordosis. noun [ U ] ... The discs between these vertebrae create a lumbar lordosis (curvature that is concave ...
#4. lordotic的中文意思 - Dict.site 線上英文字典
lordotic 中文 意思是什麼 ... L - spine lordotic kyphotic position 腰骶椎正側位. Rf can be instrumented easily to provide symmetric lordotic distraction to ...
lordotic中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:adj. (某些雌性動物交配時)弓背姿勢的;脊柱前凸的。英漢詞典提供【lordotic】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
lordotic adj 1: having abnormal sagging of the spine (especially in horses) [syn: {dipped}, {lordotic}, {swayback}, {swaybacked}]
#7. lordotic中文,lordotic是什麼意思,lordotic發音和翻譯 | 健康跟著走
lordotic中文 - lordotic中文:脊柱前凸的…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋lordotic的中文翻譯,lordotic的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#8. 骨科医学名词-词汇翻译- lordosis 脊柱前凸 - 學術論文修改
lordosis 脊柱前凸,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,骨科醫學名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
雷射筆是測量側面姿勢時用來定位位置的工具。 脊椎彎曲度測量. 胸椎曲度(thoracic kyphosis angle); 腰椎曲度(lumbar lordosis angle) ...
#10. 胸部前後位前凸X光攝影之最佳化探討 - Airiti Library華藝線上 ...
繁體中文DOI: 10.6717/JTMRT.201906_7(1).0005 DOI. 胸部前後位前凸攝影 ; 角度 ; 鎖骨 ; 假體 ; Chest AP lordotic view ; angle ; clavicle ; Prosthesis.
#11. 胸腔X光(chest X ray) - 小小整理網站Smallcollation
Chest AP(Anterior to Posterior)view. 光束呈三角形光束,影像較正常小 ; Chest Lordotic view 資料來源:netterimages. 採斜向後仰姿勢,讓胸部的臟器不會被鎖骨擋住, ...
#12. lordotic"的中文翻译 - 医学词典
与"lordotic"相近的词条 ... lordly · lordoma · lordoscoliosis · lordosis · lordosis quotient; lordotic; lordotic albuminuria · lordotic curvature ...
#13. lordotic — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“lordotic” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#14. lordotic中文翻译和例句 - 词典
lordotic中文 翻译、例句和音频发音。 ... A small degree of both kyphotic and lordotic curvature is normal. 发音. 同义词. having abnormal sagging of the spine ...
#15. Lordotic 的圖片、庫存照片和向量圖 - Shutterstock
Lordotic 圖片. 共有34 張符合「lordotic」搜尋條件的免版稅庫存照片、向量圖和插圖。 觀看「lordotic」庫存短片. Woman With Lordosis And Normal Curvature Against ...
#16. 脊柱前凸_百度百科
#17. 脊柱前凸的,弓背姿势…《抓鸟》英语词典
lordotic 的解释是:脊柱前凸的,弓背姿势的… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:lordotic的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#18. Lordosis 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Lordosis 释义: forward curvature of the lumbar spine : congenital or caused by trauma or disease | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#19. chest (AP lordotic view) - 肺尖攝影 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 醫學名詞-放射醫學名詞, chest (AP lordotic view), 肺尖攝影. 以肺尖攝影 進行詞彙精確檢索結果 ...
#20. 實習醫學生臨床技能核心課程基本胸部X光判讀影像判讀
具備基礎基本胸部X光判讀學及相關部. 位解剖學知識。 ▫ PA view / AP view. ▫ Lateral view. ▫ Lordotic view. ▫ Both oblique view.
#21. lordotic 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释lordotic这个英文词呢? lordotic这个英文词,中文意思如下:前凸。 Meaning of lordotic for the defined word.
#22. Chest X-Ray 判讀 - 長庚醫院
Position. ➢ P-A view. ➢ A-P view. ➢ A-P supine. ➢ Lateral (Lt'/Rt'). ➢ Lateral decubitus (Lt'/Rt'). ➢ Lordotic. ➢ Oblique(Rt'/Lt'; post/anterior) ...
#23. 結核病的診斷
Lordotic view, computed tomography. 4. Clinical laboratories. Routine lab tests, microbiology lab. 5. Pathologic examination. 6. Molecular method ...
#24. 單字lordotic的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
lordotic中文 意思: lordotic [lɔ:'dɔtik] adj.[醫]脊柱前凸的,(某些雌性動物交配時)弓背姿勢的..., 學習lordotic發音, lordotic例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#25. 肺尖攝影- 放射醫學名詞- 英文翻譯 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 肺尖攝影 chest (AP lordotic view) 【醫學名詞‑放射醫學名詞】 肺臟攝影術 pneumograph 【畜牧學】 肺尖鎖骨下溝 Sulcus subclavius apicis pleuræ 【人體解剖學】
#26. 搜索
BACKGROUND To investigate the effects of over-lordotic curvature after lumbar fusion on the stress and deformations of the ... 中文翻译: ...
#27. 身體支柱之【失去的頸椎曲綫】【Loss of Cervical curvature】
Remember how important to maintain a good cervical curvature. arm pain, curvature, disc, loss of cervical lordosis, neck pain, protruding.
#28. NOVA Minimally Invasive System | BAUI Biotech
En · zh 中文 ... implant design enables multiple screws implantation in one small incision and maximizes surgical feasibility on extreme lordotic curvature ...
#29. lordotic的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
#30. Influences of trunk muscles on lumbar lordosis and sacral angle.
Lumbar simple lateral radiograph was taken and lordotic angle was ... 中文翻译. 躯干肌肉对腰椎前凸和角的影响。 背景技术通常提到腹肌和背部伸肌的力量或其 ...
#31. 第三章執行或判讀 - 慈濟醫院
六、Lordotic views-於upright PA 位置,請病人後仰約30˚。用來. 確認肺尖病灶,以及右肺中葉或左肺舌葉,部分被肋骨遮蓋. Page 10. 144. 的病灶。
#32. lordotic curvature中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
lordotic curvature中文意思是嵴柱前弓曲线.
#33. Effect of lordosis on adjacent levels after lumbar interbody ...
Therefore, restoration of adequate lumbar lordosis is considered as a major ... with a spinal fixator and lordotic intervertebral cage at L4-L5 (FUS-f-5c), ...
#34. lordosis 中文
中文 詞彙學術名詞實驗動物及比較醫學名詞lordosis 交配姿勢;脊柱腹凸學術名詞內分泌學名詞lordosis 脊柱腹凸(交配姿勢) 學術名詞獸醫學lordosis 脊柱腹凸學術名詞舞蹈 ...
#35. lumbar lordosis 中文 - Bidj
lumbar lordosis中文的意思,而嚴重的脊椎側彎會影響呼吸[2][3],翻譯及用法:n. 脊柱前彎癥。英漢詞典提供【lordosis】的詳盡中文翻譯,lordosis發音和翻譯::脊柱前彎 ...
#36. lordotic的中文解释和发音- 欧路词典|英汉 - 法语助手
#37. lumbar spine-翻译为中文-例句英语
Rautalampi students' lordosis of the lumbar spine was first 37.47 degrees and finally 25.73 degrees, which is statistically significant. Rautalampi学生腰椎前凸 ...
#38. 脊椎側彎矯正除了背架與手術以外的新選擇 - 閻曉華脊骨神經 ...
脊椎側彎開始於頭部前移(forward head)、失去頸部曲線(loss of cervical lordotic curve)和腰椎曲線(loss of lumbar lordotic curve)。
#39. lordosis翻译为:脊柱前弯症
lordosis 的中文意思:脊柱前弯症,点击查看详细解释:lordosis的中文翻译、lordosis的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握lordosis这个单词。
#40. What is Loss of Lumbar Lordosis? | Adult Spinal Disorders
May Loss of Lumbar Lordosis Require Treatment? A spine being fused in a less-than-ideal lordotic situation is called the “flat-back” syndrome. Flat-back may ...
#41. Flexion-extension rhythm in the lumbosacral spine - Research ...
From extension to flexion, all of the intervertebral rotations approached 0˚ from the lordotic position; the translations changed from slightly ...
#42. Loss of lumbar lordosis. A complication of spinal fusion for ...
Symptomatic loss of lumbar lordosis is a disabling complication of scoliosis surgery. This so-called "flat-back syndrome" is characterized by an inability ...
#43. lordosis中文意思 - 英语句库
lordosis 的中文翻译,lordosis什么意思,lordosis发音-用法. ... lordotic adj. 转载请注明原文地址: https://en.17lexue.com/read-36984.html ...
#44. 胸部X-ray 影像判讀原則與常用徵象
Lordotic view. ▫ 彎曲身體上半部. (約30度)使背後. 的肩部靠近片匣. ▫ 用來確認肺尖、. RML/Lingular lobe. 等被肋骨遮蓋住.
#45. 衛生福利部金門醫院放射診斷科攝影申請表
□chest x-ray Lordotic view. □Clavicle (Right side). □Humerus Left 2 view. Neck CT. □ 無□有/無造影劑. □chest x-ray decubitus (Left). □Sternum RAO view.
#46. loss of lordosis 中文 - Myuhg
加重處罰“aggravation of the situation”中文翻譯事態的惡化. What is Loss of Lumbar Lordosis? Loss of lumbar lordosis is not a disease, fusion,作為(i)加盟本 ...
#47. 姿勢不良的型態(Poor Posture) - 新華醫院
腰椎前彎(Excessive lumbar lordosis) 2.骨盆前傾(Anterior pelvic tilt) 緊繃肌肉群〈Tightness Muscle〉又稱張力型/姿勢型肌肉群〈Tonic/Postural Muscle〉:髂 ...
#48. Lordosis | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Lordosis is a type of spinal curve in which the normal inward curve of the lower back is exaggerated. This excessive curve can make the buttocks more ...
#49. 提升影像品質之方法Chest PA 影像Chest PA 影像 - 中華民國 ...
個腫瘤(紅色圈圈)處,利用Lordotic view (右圖)呈現更完整。 原始影像. 後處理影像. 16. DR 影像. 同一個病人的胸部X光影像,有經後處理(左.
#50. Reversal of Cervical Lordosis: What Is It? What Causes It?
In a healthy spine, the neck has a gentle lordotic curve, meaning it bends forward towards the body's center. Cervical lordosis is important because the ...
#51. loss of lordosis 中文 - Mattlam
“congenital postural lordosis” 中文翻譯: 先天性體位性脊柱前凸“disappearance of lumbar lordosis” 中文翻譯: 腰前凸消失“other acquired lordosis” 中文翻譯: ...
#52. 在"英语"词典里lordotic}的意思 - Educalingo
在英语词典里带使用范例的lordotic含义lordotic的近义词以及lordotic的25种语言 ... 通过我们的英语多语言翻译器,找到lordotic的25种语言翻译 ... 翻译者英语- 中文.
#53. 何謂頸椎生理曲度變直/ 消失? 邱宇鋒中醫師... | Facebook
在很多患者的X光報告上,常見「頸椎生理曲度變直/消失(loss of cervical lordosis)」這句話,卻不知道它的意思是甚麼。...
#54. Vascular Compression Syndromes - Scholbach.de
The images below show the effect of the decompression by active stretching of the lumbar spine, thus counteracting the lordosis and reducing the lordotic ...
#55. Kyphosis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Español · Português · العربية · 简体中文 · Twitter · Facebook · Pinterest · YouTube. Menu. Care at Mayo Clinic.
#56. 期刊界All Journals 搜尽天下杂志传播学术成果专业期刊搜索 ...
示例: 沙坡头地区 人工植被区 变化 可输入完整中文标题,也可只输入其中的几个词并用 ... and capillary endothelial cells of the spinal cord of the lordotic fish.
#57. definition of lordotic by The Free Dictionary
Define lordotic. lordotic synonyms, lordotic pronunciation, lordotic translation, English dictionary definition of lordotic. n. pl. lor·do·ses 1.
#58. cervical lordosis 中文脊柱(Spine) - Wfklee
cervical lordosis 中文脊柱(Spine). 脊柱(Spine) 1. cervical(C):頸椎7 節2. thoracic(T):胸椎12 節3. lumbar(L):腰椎5 節4. sacrum(S):薦椎骨由5 節連結成一片 ...
#59. LIFEGRAFT® Spacer - HCT Regenerative
Stored at ambient temperature. Available with or without 7mm same donor cancellous plug that promotes osteoconduction. Available parallel or lordotic ...
#60. lordosis - 同義字、 反義詞和發音
瞭解更多關於英語單詞: lordosis,包括定義、 同義字、 反義詞、 發音。 ... 英語到中文的翻譯. 英語中的定義 ... 包含lordosis,超過七個字母的英語單詞: 沒有結果 ...
#61. 名詞解釋(關於脊椎疾病) - Teachingcenter的醫學筆記
= Kyphotic curves ( ; round shoulders or hunched shoulders (Scheuermann's disease) = Lordotic curves ( ; swayback (lordosis) = Scoliosis ( ...
#62. chest ap view中文– lordotic view - Strategy
chest ap view中文– lordotic view. Peace No comments. TorchXRayVision provides access to many datasets in a uniform way so that they can be swapped out with ...
#63. 轉寄 - 博碩士論文行動網
論文名稱(外文):, Influence of Pilot's Lumbar Lordosis on the ... 語文別: 中文 ... No significant difference was noted in lumbar lordotic angle (LLAΙ) ...
#64. Reverse Cervical Lordosis | Chiropractic | Hong Kong
Modern day working lifestyles have increased the prevalence of neck conditions such as reverse cervical lordosis (reverse neck curve). Discover more.
#65. Apical lordotic view in chest X-ray - PG Blazer
An apical lordotic view of chest x-ray used to taken to visualise the lung apices better, to look for apical tumours like Pancoast tumour or superior sulcus ...
#66. Current strategies for the restoration of adequate lordosis ...
Not restoring the adequate lumbar lordosis during lumbar fusion surgery may result in mechanical low back pain, sagittal unbalance and ...
#67. lordotic view中文 :: 合法醫療器材資訊網
lordotic view中文 家用呼吸器 諾和諾德胰島素筆 諾和諾德新藥 諾和諾德胰島素 cobas immunodiagnostics cobas u411 principle 谷曼有限公司 採血針重複使用.
#68. kyphosis 中文– lordosis - Iarchys
kyphosis 中文– lordosis. Avatar image of. Posted by. Kyphosis is an abnormally excessive convex curvature of the spine as it occurs in the thoracic and ...
#69. X 光平片
Chest 胸部 Chest 胸部 Chest 胸部 Chest 胸部 XCHP Chest PA 胸 正位 XCHL Lateral 側位 XCHPL PA & Lateral 正位 及 側位
#70. lordosis 中文LORDOSIS - Bdury
英漢詞典提供【lordosis】的詳盡中文翻譯,lordosis的同義詞,出處/學術領域英文詞彙中文詞彙; 學術名詞實驗動物及比較醫學名詞lordosis 交配姿勢;脊柱腹凸; ...
#71. Lordotic图标——免费下载矢量图 - Icons8
#72. Is correction of segmental kyphosis necessary in single-level ...
Some researchers think that the degree of cervical lordosis is ... whether sagittal lordotic alignment and clinical outcomes could be ...
#73. Restore Your Neck Posture & Curve | Cervical Lordosis
#74. lordosis 中文香港新浪網 - Itha
lordosis 中文 香港新浪網. 香港新浪網 lordosis lordotic lordship lore Lorelei loretta When one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but ...
#75. Identifying and Working with Common Postural Deviations
Lordosis : An increased anterior lumbar curve with an associated tilting of the pelvis. This typically leads to tension on the spine, ...
#76. disappearance of lumbar lordosis中文翻譯 - LWWX
lumbar lordosis 中文lumbar. 胸椎向後仰。另外, lumbar lordosis的中文,使用. ICD-9-CM: 737.2 大量翻譯例句關于”lumbar lordosis” – 英中詞典以及8百萬條中文譯文 ...
#77. lumbar lordosis 中文lordosis中的中文-英文-中文字典|格洛斯貝
檢查“ lordosis”到中文的翻譯。瀏覽句子中lordosis的翻譯示例,聽發音并學習語法。 After treatment, the pain level was significantly reduced, lumbar lordosis ...
#78. Lumbar lordotic change and its fulcrum in low back pain ... - Gale
An angular measure of LL that consistently detects even a small lordotic change ... Tangential radiologic assessment of lumbar lordosis (TRALL) angle (101).
#79. Intoduction to Element Models | 学术写作例句辞典
Effect of lordosis on adjacent levels after lumbar interbody fusion, before and after removal of the spinal fixator: a finite element analysis ...
中文 名稱. Remarks Price Contl. Thorax 胸部. TH01 Chest (P.A./A.P.). X光-胸部, 正位 ... TH04 Chest, Lordotic view ... TH07 Clavicles (P.A. & Lordotic).
#81. Levoscoliosis: What it is, causes, and treatments - Medical ...
Levoscoliosis is a type of spinal curvature that occurs when the spine curves to the left in a “C” shape. This curve usually starts in the lower ...
#82. cervical lordosis 中文翻譯 - XZV
lordosis 的中文意思:n.【動物;動物學】脊柱前凸。lordotic adj.…,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,cervical spondylosis的中文 ...
#83. lordosis是什么意思 - 英语词典
#84. LORDOTIC in French Translation - TR-Ex
Translations in context of "LORDOTIC" in english-french. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "LORDOTIC" - english-french translations and ...
#85. YouniquelyFit | LinkedIn
... founder Athena Casey has identified there to be the following postural types: Kyphotic Lordotic, Lordotic, Sway Back, Flat Back, and Perfect Posture.
#86. 開合式截骨術治療矢狀面失衡或駝背畸型
Compensatory spinopelvic balance over the hip axis and better reliability in measuring lordotic to the pelvic radius on standing lateral radiographs of ...
#87. 語文訓練中心英檢初級成績查詢家教網站lordosis中文意思是 ...
語文訓練中心英檢初級成績查詢家教網站lordosis中文意思是什麼. 英檢補習班new toeic用美國人的一天學英文成人美語臺南看電影學英文軟體學美國英語 ...
#88. What Is Lordosis? - SpineUniverse
Swayback is often caused by lordosis; an abnormal inward curve of the lumbar spine.
#89. 職業性頸椎椎間盤突出認定參考指引編修者:黃百粲醫師
(radiculopathy )或脊髓病變(myelopathy)。一條神經根通常會被其出口之上突出的椎間盤. 所壓迫,例如C5 神經根病變被C4-5 間之椎間盤突出所造成。
#90. Here's What Science Has to Show for a Half-Century ... - Hornet
... they reported, “The prenatally stressed males showed low levels of male copulatory behavior and high rates of female lordotic responding.
#91. arterial trunk meaning Caplan, in Encyclopedia of the ...
English-繁體中文. com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, ... young patients especially women projectional rotation lordotic view rotation of the ...
#92. lordotic - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
lordotic 的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:. 英英释义. Adjective: having abnormal sagging of the spine (especially in horses) ...
#93. Chest (AP lordotic view) | Radiology Reference Article
The AP lordotic chest radiograph (or AP axial chest radiograph) demonstrates areas of the lung apices that appear obscured on the PA/AP ...
#94. measurement of cervical lordosis with different methods ...
Harrison tangents methods to measure the cervical lordosis angle using lateral cervical ... Key Words: Cervical lordosis, Cobb angles, Jackson stress lines, ...
#95. Cervical Lordosis Treatment | Neck Spine Curve | Relieving Pain
Cervical lordosis treatment vary greatly from person to person. Treatment decisions are made based on the patients curve and pain.
#96. Postural Hyper-Kyphosis-Lordosis - Balanced Edinburgh
Postural Hyper-Kyphosis-Lordosis. When looking at you from the side, your back bones form a series of curves which are a bit like a stretched spring.
lordotic中文 在 何謂頸椎生理曲度變直/ 消失? 邱宇鋒中醫師... | Facebook 的推薦與評價
在很多患者的X光報告上,常見「頸椎生理曲度變直/消失(loss of cervical lordosis)」這句話,卻不知道它的意思是甚麼。... ... <看更多>