#到底我地係咪行緊雨傘條舊路【#AntiELAB Movement vs #UmbrellaMovement: are #HKers walking on the old path?】
5/ Global reach for visiting Taiwan. Heiko Maas criticized with an open letter.t 11 pm on 30 June 2020:
1/ HK's protests have indeed reduced due to the COVID19 and the National Security Law. Hong Kong Government mass arrests protestors, and crackdown on the education, mass media, medical and judicial industries. But, NO, we're not walking the old path of division between different sides in the pro-democracy bloc. In fact, we're winning. Here's why:
2/ In 2014,
- 70% of polls call for the occupation to stop
- Division within Pro-democracy bloc
- Average results in the District Council Election
- Pro-Beijing bloc gained 57% seats in Legislative Council
- CCP's economic diplomacy is doing well
- Few countries support HK
3/ From 2019 till now,
- Pro-democracy bloc swept 85% of the seats in the District Council Election
- it's likely for the pro-democracy bloc to gain more than half of the seats in the Legislative Council Election, which forced the #CCP to cancel the election
Polls did by 香港民意研究計劃 HKPOP request by Reuters showed that
- 70% support an independent investigation committee
- 63% support universal suffrage of the Legislative Council and Chief Executive
- 58% support Carrie Lam to step down
- 56% oppose the riot characterization of the antiELAB Movement
- 49% support the release of the arrested people
- 60% oppose the NationalSecurityLaw
- 31% support the NationalSecurityLaw
- 57% vote for pro-democracy candidates
- 25% vote for pro-government candidates
4/ Normally, public opinion of social movements will reverse after a while, like the #UmbrellaMovement, #BlackLivesMatter and the #YellowVests. But after a year, the majority of public opinion is still on the protestors' side ...
5/ Global reac for visiting Taiwan. Heiko Maas criticized with an open letter.t 11 pm on 30 June 2020:
- Jul 1: over 100k people took to the streets
- Jul 11-12: over 610k people vote in the democratic preliminary election
- Aug 12: 530k copies of 香港蘋果日報 Apple Daily were sold & 282 tocks are sold after Jimmy Lai was arrested
- Aug 27: all HKers dressed in black to say no to the Police rewriting what happened on 21 Jul 2019
- Aug 31: hundreds mourned for the #831PrinceEdwardAttack
6/ Gobal reactions
🇺🇸: Sanctioning HK and CCP officials and change "made in HK" to "made in China"
🇬🇧: Banned the buying of Huawei and offering HKers "lifeboats"
🇦🇺: US-Japan South China Sea military exercise took place in Australia. CCP intimidated journalists in Beijing
🇪🇺: Stop exporting sensitive tech and treat HK the same way as China
🇩🇪: Wang Yi intimidated Czech Senate speaker
Miloš Vystrčil for visiting Taiwan. Heiko Maas criticized with an open letter.
🇫🇷: Forced telcos to ditch @Huawei and announced of won't treat China naively
🇨🇦: Showed no sign of thawing with China. Hostage diplomacy continues to deadlock.
🇯🇵: partnered closely with the Five Eyes and acted tougher after 周庭 Agnes Chow Ting was arrested
🇮🇳: border clashes continued and ditched Chinese mobile apps like WeChat, Alipay and Tik Tok.
🇹🇼: international reputation continued to rise after having the least COVID19 confirmed cases in the world with its anti-pandemic policy
🇭🇰: US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France and Germany ended extradition agreements
7/ #HongKongers have achieved remarkable results fighting against the second-largest, evilest country in the world in just one year. The idea of phoenixism is that we know the chance of winning is low, so we try to increase the costs beard by the #CCP to achieve what we demand.
8/ Everyday we are guided by our thirst for freedom and a sense of duty to bring democracy to our children and grandchildren. So long as we follow that path, we will always be on the right side of history. The island of HK may be small the resolve of its people is anything but.
╞#存亡號召 #絕處逢生
maas中文 在 Initium Media 端傳媒 Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. 當地週二,中國外長王毅訪問柏林,與德國外長海科·馬斯(Heiko Maas)就經貿、人權等議題舉行會談。在會後聯合記者會上,馬斯就香港、台灣、新疆等問題批評中國政府,王毅則表示外國不應干涉中國內政。會場外有大量民眾抗議中國政府打壓人權。
2. 當地週二,白羅斯首都明斯克有大批學生在街上遊行,遭到防暴警察暴力驅趕和強行逮捕。塔斯社指,約200名抗議者被捕。
3. 香港831太子站事件一週年,有孕婦在旺角被警察拉倒,其丈夫遭警察指控涉嫌公眾地方行為不檢並逮捕。該男子經過近20小時扣押後獲準保釋候查。他表示,當晚他在旺角下班,打算與妻子坐巴士回家,剛好路過那裏,遇上失控的防暴警察,「逃不掉,沒辦法」。
4. 美國總統特朗普昨日訪問威斯康辛州基諾沙(Kenosha),支持當地警察對抗議者執法。
5. 日本自民黨總裁選舉在即,政調會長岸田文雄和前幹事長石破茂昨日正式宣布參選,已獲得多個主要黨派支持的官房長官菅義偉預計今日宣布參選。自民黨總務會昨日通過決議,不採取黨員和黨友投票。
6. 近日有 QAnon 陰謀論支持者“Mel Q”發布推文,聲稱美國疾控中心(CDC)「悄悄調低」疫情死亡數據,全國只有9000多人死於 Covid-19,僅佔官方數據6%。該條推文獲總統特朗普轉發,隨後被 Twitter 平台以違規理由刪除。這條虛假消息也在中文社交媒體上傳播。
7. 津巴布韋政府週一發布公告,指遭驅逐的外國白人農民可以申請收回此前被政府剝奪的土地。政府發言人尼克·曼瓦納(Nick Mangwana)週二又指,此項措施並非針對所有被驅逐的外國白人農民,僅適用於受相關協議保護的外國農民,不超過37人。
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