sense 有意義、合情合理、說得過去 · doesn't make sense. 那不合理。 · makes sense to ask a member of congress to wear a nice shirt and tie to work. ... <看更多>
sense 有意義、合情合理、說得過去 · doesn't make sense. 那不合理。 · makes sense to ask a member of congress to wear a nice shirt and tie to work. ... <看更多>
He laughed dryly as i tried to make sense of his ramblings . 我盡量去揣摩他那漫無頭緒的話意,而他卻干笑著。 It's difficult to see make sense in a sentence.
(2)合乎情理,是明智的:It makes sense to buy the most up-to-date version.买最新的版本是明智的。 (3)表述清楚,易于理解,道理明显:He wasn't making much sense ...
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It doesn't even make sense. Joe should be the Jesus. Yeah! 根本讲不通,应该是乔扮耶稣宝宝。是的。 —《摩登家庭第八季》 ...
1999年,美國戰爭經典名片「搶救雷恩大兵」(Saving Private Ryan)榮獲了奧斯卡5項大獎。該片是講雷恩一家4兄弟當中,有3個兄長已在諾曼第登陸戰陣亡 ...
#6. doesn't make any sense-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: That doesn't make any sense, unless this group of organisms was,在英语-中文情境中翻译"doesn't make any sense"
Make sense 造句 ? 独狼. 10个月前. 关注. 相关推荐. 豆芽姐姐手工坊. 8天前· 优质手工领域创作者. 关注. 清空小卖部混泥大PK!蜜桃粉VS抹茶绿,猪皮泥也能搭帐篷?
This may make it difficult to assemble a jury. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. It made sense, it was a natural way of hunting. 來自Cambridge ...
CO is not readily perceived by the human senses. 一氧化碳不易被人的感觉器官所觉察。 Too much alcohol makes your senses blunt. (喻)大量喝酒会使你的感觉迟钝。
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Make sensemake sense 释义: If something makes sense , you can understand it. | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
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VT 整理了十個最常用的make 相關片語,越簡單的單字更要學的越透徹! ... 4. make it 達到特定目標或抵達某地; 5. make sense 合理; 6. make a ...
#12. 一髪千鈞造句
Suggestion Box. Words in a sentence are what make it come alive エンドオブザワールドあらすじ make sense? It is excellentbut i find it rather ...
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趣词词典为大家提供sense造句,sense例句等单词或短语的双语例句的查询服务。 ... It makes sense politically as well as economically. 这在经济上和政治上都有道理。
#14. 國小六年級學生運用五感摹寫擴充國語文造句內容之行動研究
根據研究結果,歸納以下結論:一、實施五感摹寫造句教學後,學生國語文造句能力有明顯 ... content of sentence-making in Chinese by using the five-sense imitation ...
#15. Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| 句子例句
This sentence doesn't make sense. 在這個句子裡,動詞用的是假設語氣。 In this sentence the verb is in the subjunctive mood. 這句句子的意思十分清楚。
#16. 「成就感」英文怎麼說?來學一學“sense of accomplishment ...
以下看看a sense of accomplishment 要如何使用,可以留意搭配字的部分,這樣你下次就知道怎麼造句囉! You can feel a sense of accomplishment after doing exercise ...
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make up, 虛構,捏造, She knew she was in trouble, so she made up a story ... I read over the homework, but couldn't make any sense of it.
#18. 商務英語學習系列-描述未來景氣掌握五個常見單字 - 奇摩股市
... has the sense of an irritant being added in to make something bad even ... 學會單字的用法後,我們能這樣造句:「But as countries battle ...
#19. 让你的口语更灵活的一些实用词汇 - 知乎专栏
造句 功能:. 这个词主要由于几个相关短语而流行的。 这几个短语分别是: a sense of (responsibility, humor...)---有幽默感等, make sense/not ...
#20. 造句|方格子vocus
嗯有道理,我只想到盡量用他會寫的國字來造句,沒想太多,這個句子的確不太make sense,還是兒子腦袋比較清楚。 「說的也是,那兒子, 育兒, 親子, ...
#21. 你问我答/ Accomplishment 和achievement 之间的区别 - BBC
好了,讲了这么多,希望大家有一种“成就感a sense of achievement”。 ... Comprise, compose, incorporate, constitute, make up 区别是什么?
#22. 「原來如此」的英文不要只會說I see...記住這5句話
沒有,但她每天都會看VoiceTube 的影片!) A: Ah, that makes sense.(喔喔,原來如此。) 小V 補充make sense 作為「有道理」的用法,看看影片怎麼 ...
#23. 生活英語1000句
It doesn't make sense. 這沒有意義(不合常理)。 213. Make yourself at home. 請不要拘禮。 214. My car needs washing. 我的車需要洗一洗。
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Makesense 是一个为照片贴上标签的在线工具。 特点: 不需要安装,只需浏览器在线使用支持多种标签类型:框、多边形、点支持输出文件格式,如YOLO, VOC XML, VGG JSON, ...
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按词类在句子中对应的成分排列卡片,避免造句的语序不当、结构混乱等问题。 ... Weaver 2014 The Banquet of the Common Sense: George Chapman's Anti-Epyllion.
#26. 雅思口语造句11词——表达你的思想-打印版式-
Revision: Please try this sort of cosmetics, I bet it'll make a big difference. ... 有幽默感等, make sense/not make any sense,有意义,没意义(所以我说别老 ...
#27. 1718_F.2_Group.5_造句(Sentence)_Unit_4_Page.17 - Quizlet
It makes no sense at all. 這對於我來說沒任何意義。 It doesn't make sense to me. 我想講一下這首詩的意義。 I want to bring out the meaning of the poem.
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作者, 國語字典編輯委員會. 出版社, 東芝文化事業有限公司. 商品描述, 新編活用造句辭典:,:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發,並透過 ...
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make sense 什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义:有意义的英文英语单词,用英语怎么说。
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欢迎使用Twinkl 为您设计的造句练习。这份资源非常适合于口语课。孩子可以利用闪卡造句,学习有和没有的句型。老师或家长也可以利用这些有趣的图案,与孩子们述说和 ...
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to make sense of/ to grasp the meaning of/ to figure out 想出 · to figure out/ to work out ( a solution etc )/ to think up/ to come up with ( an idea etc ) ...
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7、make sense讲得通,有意义8、a great/good deal of大量(修饰不可数名词) 9、influence on影响 10、reply to…回答…,答复…
#33. 就这招!教你轻松突破英语语法,英语造句不再伤脑筋 - 腾讯
Make sense 其实是一个英文中非常常用的短语,意思是“有道理,说得通”。 Does it make sense to you? 我说的你明白了吗? 语法是语言、句子的规则,要是 ...
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用審時度勢造句挺難的,這是一個萬能造句的方法; 因此,一國經濟決策部門要審時度勢,制定出 ... Words in a sentence are what make it come alive and make sense.
#35. 雅思口语:经典造句11词助你口语拿高分 - 新浪教育
这几个短语分别是:a sense of (responsibility, humor.。.)---有幽默感等, make sense/not make any sense,有意义,没意义(所以我说别老 ...
#36. grammar - How are my 用词造句("use the word to make a ...
我妹妹十一月会结婚,太幸福了! 他们俩今天在商店一起买新衣服了。 Basically, both of your sentences are ok grammatically.
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Today can be a good day, but only if you make it so. 今天可以是很棒的一天, ... 既然現在是夏天,就請大家照樣造句。 ... 有沒有道理是直接用Does it make sense?
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学习英语网为大家提供argumentative的例句,argumentative造句,argumentative的用法等英语单词的在线查询服务。 ... His argument does not make sense.
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Does that make sense Ways to check for comprehension ... 從中選字,自由的造句,只要是對的句子,可以重複使用生詞,最快完成的組就贏得比賽。
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O, that our night of woe might have remember'd My deepest sense, how hard true sorrow hits, And soon to you, as you to me, then tender'd The ...
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用西方思维遣词造句 ... 有幽默感等, make sense/not make any sense,有意义,没意义(所以我说别老 ... He has a good sense of humor.
#42. 20个特别地道的英语用法,据说中国学生都不熟
Does that make sense to you? 这么说你能明白么? (这句话很常见,通常在解释完某个复杂的事情或事物后,为了解对方是否听明白,会问这么一句,配以 ...
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“I don't make much from my job as a cashier, but I'm able to make ends meet. I always have enough money ... I can sense a storm is brewing.” ...
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大量翻译例句关于"it does not make sense" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
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a certain amount of ability or sophistication enjambment造句, ... Rick Parise Contest: Enjambment I know it doesn't make any sense Written October 19, ...
#46. make sense造句并翻译suitable for造句- 英语学习
用make sense翻译这句话 ... 邱中国记者到底什么时候的事? ... 地铁遭遇咸猪视频始末原因? ... 大货司机不隔离14天是真的吗? ... 李佳琦带过的货为什么呢究竟是 ...
#47. 2.1.1 使役動詞make, have, get
使役動詞make 與have 後面接的受詞所做之動作若是主動. 的,意為「叫受詞去…」,則用原形動詞。例如:. ➢ My mother makes me memorize 5 new words every day. ➢ The ...
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Certain Cookies make our website work properly and securely. luxury cars ... in a sentence and examples? scuro造句, scuro造句, 用scuro造句, scuro meaning, ...
#49. naturalist sentence - Contesina Spatariu |
Take a look at our selection of phrase examples below. ... 點擊查看更多naturalise的造句Naturalist writing makes allusion that men is ...
#50. brain - 翰林雲端學院
音標: [bren]; 解釋: 腦; 例句: Why don't you use your brain to make sense of all the exercises in your math workbook? 翻譯: 你為何不動動腦來了解一下數學習作 ...
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Look at the pictures and make 了造句10字· 秋姑姑走进了花园,看到只有黄色的 ... make it come alive and make sense 造句com造句频道帮您解围小学生组词造句、成语 ...
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求几句英语英译中~不要翻译网翻译的希望英语好的朋友能帮帮忙~1 I felt as though I was split in tow,so keen was my desire to follow her,and yet ...
#54. All 造句
Words in a sentence are what make it come alive and make sense. Examples translated by humans: 詞典, 惊讶的, 和造句造句dijemur Last Update: 2022-02-12 Usage ...
#55. All 造句
Words in a sentence are what make it come alive and make sense. Examples translated by humans: 詞典, 惊讶的, 和造句造句dijemur Last Update: ...
#56. 正牛津美語- 老外說︰It doesn't make sense. 什麼意思你知道嗎 ...
sense 有意義、合情合理、說得過去 · doesn't make sense. 那不合理。 · makes sense to ask a member of congress to wear a nice shirt and tie to work.
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I made sure I sounded calm but my mind was racing. 我確保自己聽上去很鎮定,但腦筋卻飛快地轉著。 speaker. Provided you didn't try to make sense of it, ...
#58. 使勁造句
使勁造句 How to evaluate evidence in an essay. Jianshe bank hk. ... Words in a sentence are what make it come alive and make sense.
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#60. 關於Origin的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
Don't you think that "football" makes more sense than "soccer"?是什麼意思. A: It comes down to the sports history. Football originated from Rugby.
#61. Chinese through Song, Second Edition - 第 27 頁 - Google 圖書結果
造句 : a.朵 b.一来......二来 c.看上 d.任 2.用中文解释词语并造句: a.情歌 b.当家 c.世间 3. Use the V+ 上 structure to make two sentences.
#62. common sense不是「常識」 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網
Make sense vs. make no sense 有道理vs.沒道理. Sense可以從「意義」延伸為「道理」。例如. We all agreed that the plan made sense.
make sense造句 在 grammar - How are my 用词造句("use the word to make a ... 的推薦與評價
我妹妹十一月会结婚,太幸福了! 他们俩今天在商店一起买新衣服了。 Basically, both of your sentences are ok grammatically. ... <看更多>