搶先加入「投資帶我飛」社團:https://www.officialharrylee.com/invest-with-harry以下是根據地區不同,可以購買比特幣的平台(使用連接你會得到10 ... ... <看更多>
搶先加入「投資帶我飛」社團:https://www.officialharrylee.com/invest-with-harry以下是根據地區不同,可以購買比特幣的平台(使用連接你會得到10 ... ... <看更多>
[必抽NFT! 可升20倍?! 今年最熱NFT Mekaverse!如何參與?] Patreon優先#mekaverse #NFT #gundam. 5.9K views 1 year ago. 小火子Little Fire son - 理財.生活頻道. ... <看更多>
MekaVerse 太火紅,很多人在今天早上沒抽到NFT,幾萬人的遺憾,詐騙也預料到了。 詐騙利用Discord 創立類似的假帳號,然後發訊息給粉絲,… See more. ... <看更多>
引述《s256988452 (♥)》之銘言: : 標題: [新聞] Mekaverse的Discord用戶>10萬人(現24w人) : 時間: Fri Oct 8 14:17:29 2021 : : : Mekaverse上線6小時交易量 ... ... <看更多>
#1. 直播!Mekaverse你抽到了嗎? - YouTube
搶先加入「投資帶我飛」社團:https://www.officialharrylee.com/invest-with-harry以下是根據地區不同,可以購買比特幣的平台(使用連接你會得到10 ...
#2. [必抽NFT! 可升20倍?! 今年最熱NFT Mekaverse!如何參與?] Patreon ...
[必抽NFT! 可升20倍?! 今年最熱NFT Mekaverse!如何參與?] Patreon優先#mekaverse #NFT #gundam. 5.9K views 1 year ago. 小火子Little Fire son - 理財.生活頻道.
#3. 今天我要來分享一要來分享的NFT項目---mekaverse
前幾天有一個非常火的NFT項目---mekaverse可以鑄造,他是在以太坊鏈上。 ... 項目成本一隻是0.2以太坊,一人最多可以鑄造兩隻, 也就是有抽到成本大概 ...
#4. MekaVerse - 知乎专栏
MekaVerse 是一款总计8,888个机械战士NFT合集,发行于2021年10月7日,这些机械战士(Meka)NFT借鉴了日本机甲动漫元素,而每幅作品都由MekaVerse团队原创设计,有专属的 ...
以這次MekaVerse為例,每人可以抽一或兩個Meka,每個Meka要0.2ETH。不過這裡用「人」做單位其實不太準確,因為系統只會把每一個獨立地址,判定為不同參與 ...
以這次MekaVerse為例,每人可以抽一或兩個Meka,每個Meka要0.2ETH。不過這裡用「人」做單位其實不太準確,因為系統只會把每一個獨立地址,判定為不同參與 ...
#7. 必看:NFT詐騙橫行(上)項目篇,入場前一定要仔細了解
但是有些團隊根本就是把好的都抽起來,偷偷發給自己和親朋好友,像是MekaVerse 這個專案,就是被發現,可以手動將最稀有的Mekas 分發挑選好的錢包 ...
#8. #mekaverse - Explore | Facebook
MekaVerse 太火紅,很多人在今天早上沒抽到NFT,幾萬人的遺憾,詐騙也預料到了。 詐騙利用Discord 創立類似的假帳號,然後發訊息給粉絲,… See more.
#9. San on Twitter: "新版高达,稍微抽一下之前一代地板七八E,卷 ...
新版高达,稍微抽一下之前一代地板七八E,卷一卷搏一搏单车变摩托. @MekaVerse. Translate Tweet. premint.xyz. Meka-Drivers | PREMINT.
#10. Mekaverse抽高達(29倍利潤) | Mr. Sandwich and Mr. Lion on ...
Mekaverse抽 高達(29倍利潤). By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 400 exclusive posts. 625. Images. 4. Links. 1. Poll. 69. Writings.
#11. 鋼彈風NFT專案MekaVerse大幅跌價,犯下哪些巨作不該犯的錯?
關於MekaVerse · MekaVerse 推出時如何被取巧利用 · 你目前並不實際擁有Meka · 稀有度漏洞問題 · 「 給社群的」NFT 用於自肥? · 速食性投資風險高 ...
#12. 今天又是MekaVerse疯狂星期四。东阳要清礼品库存了,贡献出近20 ...
今天,又是,mekaverse,疯狂,星期四,星期,期四,东阳,礼品,库存,献出,20,meka,冒险, ... 抽100u/10人今天感恩节,又是疯狂星期四,感谢大家对我的不关注,拿皮鞭抽10人 ...
#13. mekaverse nft scam_【充值100送300】
mekaverse nft scam_【每日返現888】:交易所酒吧,luna 總發行量,disaster girl nft,meowdel nft,guild saga nft,circle usdt.
#14. NFT 終極指南:你需要知道的一切 - Zookram
什麼是Mekaverse? Azuki NFT · 加密貨幣收益耕種(Yield Farming ) · 加密貨幣抽地毯 · 幣安Binance 評價 · 如何在台灣購買以太幣 · 如何在香港購買以太坊.
#15. 你開的NFT 是盲盒還是黑箱 方格子VAF 的公平發行機制
作為一個從來沒抽中過稀有NFT 的jpeg 愛好者,這篇文章我會以比較白話的方式 ... 想看更多相關案例可以Google 關鍵字“mekaverse cherry-picking ...
#16. Re: [新聞] Mekaverse的Discord用戶>10萬人(現24w人) - 看板NFT ...
引述《s256988452 (♥)》之銘言: : 標題: [新聞] Mekaverse的Discord用戶>10萬人(現24w人) : 時間: Fri Oct 8 14:17:29 2021 : : : Mekaverse上線6小時交易量 ...
#17. 仿高达机甲NFT项目MekaVerse 24小时销售额达2700万美元,登顶 ...
巴比特| 元宇宙每日必读:推出不到一年就宣布逐步减少NFT 业务,Meta称未来将通过其它方式支持创作者,此举或与“效率年”计划有关 ... Meta抽回对NFT支持加密货币泡沫要破裂了 ...
#18. 【mekaverse】撸大毛高达主题NFT系列全新验资抽签模式抢必赚
唯一艺术又来送钱了抽签抽中就是一个月生活费. NFT即将登陆Coinbase,以太坊会爆发吗?交易所涉足NFT对. 7208 ...
#19. NFT搵錢入門篇(二) | 各門各路
NFT亦一樣,以近期熱門NFT作品高達(Mekaverse)為例,預售價為0.2枚以太幣, ... 預售大致上分兩種- 1)白名單(Whitelist)及2)開賣時即抽。
#20. [新聞] Mekaverse的Discord用戶>10萬人(現24w人) - 看板NFT
新聞來源連結: https://bit.ly/2YuAWZO 新聞標題: The MekaVerse: An NFT Project With 100k Discord Members In 48 Hours 新聞本文:
#21. 阿唯's creative space - Matters
剛寫完關於抽MekaVerse NFT的心得分享文章,就收到朋友告知,原來日本遊戲大廠Square Enix,也打算推出關於NFT的東西!我見華語媒體都沒怎麼報道過這單新聞,便直接看 ...
#22. 參與空投小心Discord 詐騙帳號 - NFTBoard.today
MekaVerse 太火紅,很多人在今天早上沒抽到NFT,幾萬人的遺憾,詐騙也預料到了。 詐騙利用Discord 創立類似的假帳號,然後發訊息給粉絲,.
#23. 日思夜想的高达NFT盲盒开箱推迟到,分批... 来自加密爸爸- 微博
日思夜想的“高达”NFT盲盒开箱推迟到http://t.cn/A6M9mHCz ,分批开,祝各位都抽中稀有。当前地板价6.45以太#Mekaverse#
#24. FUD的艺术:为什么一些NFT项目会死而另一些会蓬勃发展
曾经是Mekaverse 的独特卖点之一的大量关注,也成为了他们崩溃的源头。 后来几乎所有NFT Twitter 上的人都在取笑他们,真正的FUD 浪潮已经形成。大部分并 ...
#25. 像素、3D、日漫...盤點時下NFT正在流行的風格和頭部項目
NFTGO數據顯示,截至3月1日,Tsuki的總市值超342萬美元,地板價達0.04ETH。 MekaVerse. MekaVerse是以太坊上的8888個隨機生成的機甲係列NFT頭像合集,因 ...
#26. 盘点时下NFT正在流行的风格和头部项目 - 金色财经
MekaVerse. MekaVerse是以太坊上的8888个随机生成的机甲系列NFT头像合集,因与日本80年代著名机甲动漫《机械战士高达》元素颇为相似走红。目前,MekaVerse已与Antinomy ...
#27. 来点灵感-花瓣网|陪你做生活的设计师| 速写班长的微博
Meka #483 - MekaVerse | OpenSea : Meka from t... 添加评论 ... 【↺发本条2月28日抽1个TOPUPU机器人手办】JNROBO的第一弹推出啦,X宝搜“JN... 添加评论.
#28. 2021年NFT行业概览:文化与社交的数字确权价值
创作者的商业地位,减少中心化平台的抽佣分成。 通过NFT内嵌的智能合约,创作者能从后续的流. 转中获得持续的版税收益。以OpenSea为例,.
#29. 哈佛区块链俱乐部:NFT2.0投资指南,如何识别优质项目?
MekaVerse 系列后来逐渐就淡出人们的视线,地板价从8 至9ETH 跌至0.4ETH。 Doodles 团队则是一个具有良好平衡性的强大团队的例子。Evan Keast,在社区中被 ...
#30. 哈佛区块链最新研究:NFT 2.0投资指南 - 元宇宙
MekaVerse 在上了《福布斯》的一篇文章之后,因为Discord有超过10万人而出名,然而这些成员并没有转化为这个项目的长期信徒。相比之下,Azuki和BAYC都有 ...
#31. 徜徉在NFT 的公海上,如何找寻投资逻辑 - 链圈子
反之,若观察到地板价迅速下跌,如MekaVerse。则需特别纪录项目犯下哪些失去社群支持的错误。 ... 这些资金势必会从NFT 抽离,转移回原本的交易市场。
#32. 10個你應該在幣安NFT 市場買NFT的理由-手續費最低1%
相較於在OpenSea上販售,被抽的交易手續費真的低很多! ... Cats、Katana N Samurai(拉麵)、Mekaverse、Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC)…
#33. 晚娘下部罪色演員表-【註冊送500積分】
該部門設有交易銀行、信用卡晚娘下部罪色演員表亞洲男人的天堂在線VA,亞洲中文字幕無碼久2020,美女高潮抽GIF動態圖國產精品亞洲二區在線看, ...
#34. 2月17日限量發售首個港產3D機甲NFT——AOTAVERSE
更新後的開售時間如下:Mekaverse NFT持有者可以在2月18日下午7時開始鑄造,白名單持有者可以於2月18日晚上11時30分鑄造,其餘愛好者可以參與於2月19日中午12時開始的 ...
#35. SlowMist Hacked 区块链被黑档案库
如Ronin 开发人员所说,攻击者使用被黑的私钥来伪造假提款,仅通过两次交易就从Ronin 桥中抽走了资金。 损失金额:$ 610,000,000攻击手法:私钥泄露. 查看参考 ...
#36. NFT 2.0 時代:如何全面評估NFT 項目價值? - Web3Caff
雖然MekaVerse 系列有很好的藝術設計,而且比目前的一些頂級項目早推出,但當涉及到持續增長時,管理層被證明是無能的,而且對欺詐醜聞和Discord 黑客的處理也很差。
#37. MekaVerse | 8,888 unique Mekas who need Drivers
The MekaVerse is a series of 8888 generative Mekas with more than a hundreds elements inspired from the Japanese and Mecha universe. Each piece is unique ...
#38. 肝NFT白名单秘诀记住这几步 - iNFTnews
MekaVerse 就采取了登记钱包地址抽奖的方式。抽奖就看运气了吧,但是你 ... 有一些项目方会给持有那些bayc,doodle等蓝筹holder免费发或者抽NFT。
#39. 像素、3D、日漫……盘点时下NFT正在流行的风格和头部项目
MekaVerse 是以太币上的8888个随机生成的战甲系列产品NFT头像图片合辑,因与日本国80时代知名机甲动漫《机械战士高达》原素甚为类似爆红。
#40. 2021.10.17币圈最新消息:全球区块链新闻早知道 - 大性感
由于相关指控,最近几天MekaVerse的地板价出现暴跌,OpenSea上最便宜的MekaVerse NFT已经低于2ETH。 03 NFT资产浏览器和数据分析平台NFTSCAN推出API开放 ...
#41. NFT有官網嗎?怎麼買NFT?OpenSea 詳細步驟完整教學- 蘋果仁
現在比較受到矚目的專案大多屬於這種,購買該NFT 就可以換到某些東西,像是MekaVerse/勇者系列NFT 可以換公仔、Adidas NFT 可以換衣服褲子、陳零 ...
#42. crypto nft 討論區 - LIHKG
留意返rtfkt,月尾會presale,似mekaverse 咁出名. イクイク 2021-10-09 11:01:48. 偷人D圖放上去賣其實會唔會有人買定話得名人先有人買普通人 ...
#43. 盘点时下NFT正在流行的风格和头部项目 - 币圈活动网
MekaVerse 是以太坊上的8888个随机生成的机甲系列NFT头像合集,因与日本80年代著名机甲动漫《机械兵士高达》元素颇为类似走红。
#44. xfb幸福宝官网入口8008xyz\全集免费_国语HD高清
多功能真空抽吸仪型号; CFD180-4电机型号含义; O型硅胶圈型号 ... 自动抽湿设备 ... 2023-04-25“仿高達”NFT項目MekaVerse #2194以500 ETH成交,創歷史新高 ...
#45. 如何全面评估NFT 2.0 项目价值?
MekaVerse 在《福布斯》发布的一篇文章后收获了超过10 万名Discord 成员,然而这些成员并没有转化为项目的长期信徒。相比之下,Azuki 和BAYC 都有强大的 ...
#46. 18款禁用软件黄app糖心
環球影城開業后,這些道路將有大流量; 2023-05-25“仿高達”NFT項目MekaVerse #2194以500 ETH成交,創歷史新高; 2023-05-25今年以來新三板掛牌公司成交金額超1000億元 ...
#47. 国精产品一二二区视~在线免费完整版\在线完整版
預計今天前半夜降雪停止; 2023-05-24“仿高達”NFT項目MekaVerse #2194以500 ETH成交,創歷史新高; 2023-05-24韓正:實現碳達峰、碳中和目標中國需要付出極其艱巨的努力 ...
#48. 暗网幼儿入口2022完整版免费看-66s电影网-官网
中國平安:股價波動受多方因素影響我們不作評論; 2023-05-18“仿高達”NFT項目MekaVerse #2194以500 ETH成交,創歷史新高. images. 更多 产品活动Product activity.
#49. Bitfinex交易所_第10页-
NFT项目MekaVerse官方Discord被黑,疑似有数十万机器人的钱包被盗|数字货币公司注册条件| ... 【Izumi Finance】IZI抽新币教学,如何以Bybit Launchpad抢购?
#50. 顶级绝伦推理片30分钟-在线_免费版片*高清免费完整版
饮用天然矿泉水抽滤设备 · 客户合作案例国际先进的工艺技术及生产加工设备 ... 速爆设备案例. “仿高達”NFT項目MekaVerse #2194以500 ETH成交,創歷史新高.
#51. 比特派钱包怎么购买eth_Bitpie钱包-Bitpie 全球领先的区块链钱包
... 注入或抽离Ripple网络,并可公告支付双方的桥梁,即作为陌生人之间的“共同 ... DeFi 鎖倉額3 個月暴增354.64% MekaVerse 酷似鋼彈、靠顏值爆紅!
#52. 榴莲app官网入口卍导航/免费高清完整片
瓶抽真空设备. 承试三级设备; 昆山银洛工业设备; 风力发电设备制造行业现状; 江浙非标机械设备; 三菱接触器型号含义. 热电偶和热电阻型号.
#53. 成品网站w灬源码伊甸uhh|高清(中国)有限公司
2023-05-18"台独"鼓噪所谓"革命" 国台办警告:勿谓言之不预; 2023-05-18陳峰事發,顧剛連夜給海航員工一封信; 2023-05-18“仿高達”NFT項目MekaVerse #2194以500 ETH ...
#54. 我用催眠手表催眠妹妹在线观看|66s电影网
2023-05-25"台独"鼓噪所谓"革命" 国台办警告:勿谓言之不预; 2023-05-25蘇州突圍產業轉型力推“租房即可落戶”人才新政; 2023-05-25“仿高達”NFT項目MekaVerse #2194以500 ...
#55. MekaVerse 酷似鋼彈、靠顏值爆紅! NFT 開賣7 天成交量破億
由於借鑒了著名動漫《 機動戰士鋼彈》( GUNDAM )元素,NFT 項目MekaVerse 自10 月8 日開始鑄造發售後,在短短不到7天的時間內,成交量高達1.47 億 ...
#56. 小黄猫传媒在线免费
2023-05-20過半學生可解開防沉迷系統; 2023-05-20谷歌降低應用商店抽成至15% 但開發者需 ... 2023-05-20“仿高達”NFT項目MekaVerse #2194以500 ETH成交,創歷史新高 ...
#57. 大NFT時代:新手啟航筆記 - 第 57 頁 - Google 圖書結果
有一些項目方會給持有那些BAYC、Doodles等「藍籌」的人免費發或者抽NFT。 ... 這段時間熱門的有:Galaxy Egg、Time、MekaVerse等,只要你想辦法參與他們的鑄造, ...
#58. 红辣椒导航-免费高清无专码区-完整片
2023-05-27“仿高達”NFT項目MekaVerse #2194以500 ETH成交,創歷史新高; 2023-05-27黑莓漲超6% ,在美國提交了兩項專利申請; 2023-05-27麥迪直播賣豪宅喊話吳亦凡“買鞋 ...
#59. MekaVerse - Collection - OpenSea
The MekaVerse is a collection of 8888 generative Mekas inspired by the Japanese Anime universe. View the collection at https://themekaverse.com/gallery.
#60. 粉丝指责MekaVerse操纵NFT-鸟哥笔记
关键要点. MekaVerse 是今年最受炒作的NFT 项目之一。它借鉴了CryptoPunks 和Bored Ape Yacht Club 等项目流行的“avatar(化身)”格式。
#61. MekaVerse泡沫破碎,头像类NFT价值何在? - 鸵鸟区块链
MekaVerse 地板价已从近10 ETH跌至目前的1 ETH。 来源:Odaily(ID:o-daily). 作者:Pedro Herrera. NFT 赛道仍在持续增长。 在 ...
#62. MekaVerse NFT floor price and value
NFT Date Price 1 Meka #1292 2 days ago $1808 2 Meka #5939 29 days ago $1145 3 Meka #2268 11 days ago $1075
#63. Mekaverse - nft
Mekaverse 是由两位著名的NFT艺术家Mattey 和Matthieu Braccini打造的机甲系列数字艺术品。 目前该系列还未发售,计划发行8888个,他们的宗旨是质量第一, ...
mekaverse抽 在 [新聞] Mekaverse的Discord用戶>10萬人(現24w人) - 看板NFT 的推薦與評價
The MekaVerse: An NFT Project With 100k Discord Members In 48 Hours
When you get 100,000 people to join a Discord, or to be frank, when you can
get 100,000 people to all agree to do one thing, it’s something to marvel
at. When those 100,000 are all crypto-happy and love your art, it’s even
more impressive. In an exclusive interview with the creators of the
MekaVerse, what transpired and caused 100,000 people to support their latest
NFT project is revealed; and we learn a little of what goes into creating
community hype around an NFT project.
當您讓 100,000 人加入 Discord 時,或者坦率地說,當您讓 100,000 人都同意做一件
事時,這真是令人驚嘆。當那 100,000 人都對加密貨幣感到高興並喜歡您的藝術時,它
會更令人印象深刻。在對 MekaVerse 創作者的獨家採訪中,揭示了發生的事情並導致
100,000 人支持他們最新的 NFT 項目;我們了解了一些圍繞 NFT 項目創建社區炒作的內
The two behind MekaVerse are two dudes named Matt and Mattey from Europe who
have been freelance graphic and digital artists for the past several years.
Behind the brains of their Discord is Julien van Dorland, an NFT icon in his
own right. This team combined with Julien’s brother Simon van Dorland, have
attracted some of the NFT communities most excited Twitter folks including,
Loopify, who quote tweeted about Mekaverse, which is how many found out about
the project originally. Their announcement video has since been viewed over
700k times on Twitter.
MekaVerse 背後的兩個人是來自歐洲的兩個叫 Matt 和 Mattey 的傢伙,他們在過去幾年
裡一直是自由圖形和數字藝術家。他們 Discord 的幕後推手是 Julien van Dorland,他
本身就是 NFT 的偶像。這個團隊與 Julien 的兄弟 Simon van Dorland 相結合,吸引了
一些 NFT 社區最興奮的 Twitter 人,包括 Loopify,他引用了關於 Mekaverse 的推文
,這是最初發現該項目的人的數量。此後,他們的公告視頻在 Twitter 上被觀看了超過
70 萬次。
Jackson Weimer: What is a Meka? What was the creative and brainstorming
process that lead you to create this project?
Mekaverse Team: We have a strong interest in the Japanese universe and anime.
We spent 5 months in Asia and had a great time! We intended to establish a
series of collectibles that may have enormous future potential. The Mecha
world is a fantastic source of inspiration and allows us to experiment with a
variety of aspects. So we began sketching and creating 3D illustrations to
determine the creative direction we want. It was tough at first to claim such
a wide world! But after we found our way, we began creating every element of
the Meka and establishing our own lore and story on MekaVerse, and it's been
a lot of work on such a large project!
Mekaverse Team:我們對日本的宇宙和動漫有著濃厚的興趣。我們在亞洲呆了 5 個月,
的靈感來源,讓我們可以嘗試各種方面。所以我們開始繪製和創建 3D 插圖來確定我們想
方式之後,我們開始創造 Meka 的每一個元素,並在 MekaVerse 上建立我們自己的傳說
Weimer: What's your experience with NFTs? How did your team get involved and
hear about NFTs for the first time?
Weimer:你對 NFT 的體驗如何?您的團隊是如何第一次參與並聽說 NFT 的?
Mekaverse: We were introduced to the world of NFTs in February 2021 by
artists who told us it was really fascinating and that the community was
fantastic! We were able to express our originality, and collectors were drawn
to our creative approach. It's great to be able to work and simply focus on
our interest.
Mekaverse:2021 年 2 月,藝術家們向我們介紹了 NFT 的世界,他們告訴我們這真的很
Weimer: How did you design 8,888 of them in such a short time? Is there some
sort of automation that was done or was each one designed by hand?
Weimer:你是如何在這麼短的時間內設計出 8,888 個的?是否有某種自動化已經完成或
Mekaverse: Before we started with 3D, we performed a lot of drawings and
research. Then we developed each element/asset and created our first 3D Meka.
We worked hard to protect the code and random management once the aesthetic
direction of the project was accomplished. We spent weeks working as a team
to create a logical and engaging structure for MekaVerse. It also enabled us
to have organic automation, allowing us to personally modify each meka and
have a completely new aesthetic for each piece. We are really pleased of this
system and the creative process, which distinguishes the product!
Mekaverse:在我們開始使用 3D 之前,我們進行了大量的繪圖和研究。然後我們開發了
每個元素/資產並創建了我們的第一個 3D Meka。一旦項目的美學方向完成,我們就努力
保護代碼和隨機管理。我們花了數週時間作為一個團隊為 MekaVerse 創建一個合乎邏輯
且引人入勝的結構。它還使我們能夠實現有機自動化,使我們能夠親自修改每件 meka,
Weimer: Why only 8,888?
魏默:為什麼只有 8,888?
Mekaverse: We like this famous number and wanted each piece to be unique,
with its own color palette and design. The goal was to make each Meka unique
in order to favor quality over quantity, which was made easy by the number
板和設計。我們的目標是讓每個 Meka 獨一無二,以利於質量而不是數量,數字 8,888
Weimer: What are your day jobs and did you quit them to do this full time or
did you quit a while ago? What are your stories?
Mekaverse: We began our days in motion design and illustration, and we
initially met at a co-working office in France. After a few years, we
realized that we needed more independence and chose to become Artistic
Directors in the Freelance Design sector. We worked on projects with
companies such as Apple, Microsoft, MTV, Adobe, Nike, and Adidas, among
others. It was already amazing, and each job was really fascinating and gave
us the opportunity to build our own visual style. We chose to be focused on
MekaVerse all day when we launched it, and the flexibility to be Freelance
helped us to work hard on this collectable series!
MekaVerse 時選擇了一整天都專注於它,作為自由職業者的靈活性幫助我們在這個收藏系
Weimer: What was the timeline for designing this project? How long did it
take from when you had the idea to when you finished the last Meka?
Weimer:設計這個項目的時間表是什麼?從產生想法到完成最後一個 Meka 用了多長時間
Mekaverse: We began the project more than a month before the announcement and
were quite pleased with the outcome! However, the schedule was extremely
difficult due to the large number of people who had followed us from the
start. We had not anticipated such a large crowd, and we were pleasantly
pleased! As a result, we sought to develop the project even more and raise
our expectations. Add additional details and diversity, and this has taken a
lot of effort! We are really pleased with the outcome, and we have learnt a
great deal over the previous several weeks!
Weimer: Can you go into more detail about your roadmap for the next few
Mekaverse: MekaVerse is an ongoing long-term project, and we have a lot of
exciting things in the works for the future including physicals. We are
exploring more ideas and concepts everyday. What if your Meka could grow into
a Super-Meka? What if you could combine your Mekas? What if you could battle
with your Mekas? Imagine if your Meka could wield a sword and other weapons
and battle against each other. We like all of these systems and ideas and
have already begun to work on them. Quality, on the other hand, takes time!
The project is still in its early stages, and we have yet to complete 'Phase
I' of MekaVerse. We are also considering a more ambitious second drop, with
more organizations and a larger team of creators to provide a higher level of
visual quality! We sincerely wish for a long-term relationship. As a result,
we have high hopes for the physical aspect. Toys or Merchandise from 3D
Printing? We will go to any length to provide our services. Everything you've
seen on our Roadmap so far is a V1 of what's possible in the MekaVerse.
There's still a lot you haven't seen.
Mekaverse:MekaVerse 是一個正在進行的長期項目,我們在未來有很多令人興奮的事情
,包括物理。我們每天都在探索更多的想法和概念。如果您的 Meka 可以成長為
Super-Meka 會怎樣?如果你可以結合你的 Mekas 會怎樣?如果你能和你的 Mekas 戰鬥
怎麼辦?想像一下,如果您的 Meka 可以揮舞劍和其他武器並相互戰鬥。我們喜歡所有這
期階段,我們尚未完成 MekaVerse 的“第一階段”。我們也在考慮更雄心勃勃的第二次
建立長期合作關係。因此,我們對物理方面寄予厚望。來自 3D 打印的玩具或商品?我們
MekaVerse 中可能實現的 V1。還有很多你沒看過。
Weimer: What's your anticipated floor for let's say 1 month, 6 months, 12
Weimer:假設 1 個月、6 個月、12 個月,您的預期底價是多少?
Mekaverse: That is a difficult question to answer. Our community is presently
speculating about this a lot in the lead-up to the drop. Some predict a 1 ETH
floor right away, while others predict a 5 ETH floor. Our project is
long-term, and we have many ideas for the future in which anything might
。有些人立即預測 1 ETH 的底線,而另一些人則預測 5 ETH 的底線。我們的項目是長期
Weimer: Let's say this is a huge success and you become crypto millionaires.
How are some of you planning to use your ETH?
何使用你的 ETH?
Mekaverse: Obviously, one of the first things we'd like to do is invest in
the MekaVerse initiative. We want to progress in the evolution of the
universe and be able to evolve our Meka in the metaverse and reward holders
with awesome occurrences! One of the first things we'd want to do is open a
design studio where we can collaborate with other designers to develop
MekaVerse and other projects. We like South Korea, and Seoul is a wonderful
city in which we would want to operate. Having a MekaVerse headquarters and
offices for the crew would be even more insane, and we hope that this can be
Mekaverse:顯然,我們想做的第一件事就是投資 MekaVerse 計劃。我們希望在宇宙的進
化中取得進展,並能夠在元宇宙中進化我們的 Meka,並以令人敬畏的事件獎勵持有者!
MekaVerse 和其他項目。我們喜歡韓國,首爾是我們想在其中開展業務的美妙城市。擁有
一個 MekaVerse 總部和工作人員辦公室會更加瘋狂,我們希望這可以實現!
Weimer: When do you think NFTs will be more eco-friendly? To the "NFTs are
bad for the environment" argument, how do you feel about that?
Weimer:你認為 NFT 什麼時候會更環保?對於“NFT 對環境有害”的論點,您對此有何
Mekaverse: For a while, we saw a lot of artists on Twitter being attacked for
using NFTs and Crypto to sell their digital artworks to their followers for a
living. Attacking artists is NOT right and should never be tolerated.
Everything in life costs energy, even the jeans you're wearing or the t-shirt
you just bought. Everything we do has an environmental cost, whether we mint
and distribute the NFT or not. SuperRare has clarified that minting NFTs
doesn't even add to the energy usage of the Ethereum network. Industrial,
commercial, and transportation use significantly more energy. For comparison,
YouTube and the Ethereum network as a whole have a comparable carbon
footprint. Of course, everything can always be improved, and
miners/developers are constantly searching for new methods to make things
more environmentally friendly. We must focus on these issues rather than on
artists who create NFTs and criticize them for doing so. Ethereum isn’t the
only blockchain out there. Many artists, for example, use Tezos to mint their
NFTs. Tezos is a Proof of Stake blockchain, whereas Ethereum is still a Proof
of Work blockchain. Source.
Mekaverse:有一段時間,我們在 Twitter 上看到很多藝術家因為使用 NFT 和加密貨幣
容忍。生活中的一切都要消耗能量,即使是你穿的牛仔褲或剛買的 T 卹。我們所做的一
切都有環境成本,無論我們是否鑄造和分發 NFT。 SuperRare 澄清說,鑄造 NFT 甚至不
YouTube 和整個以太坊網絡的碳足跡相當。當然,一切都是可以改進的,礦工/開發者也
NFT 並因此批評他們的藝術家。以太坊並不是唯一的區塊鏈。例如,許多藝術家使用
Tezos 來鑄造他們的 NFT。 Tezos 是權益證明區塊鏈,而以太坊仍然是工作量證明區塊
Weimer: What connections or following helped you grow the Discord initially?
You guys almost had 50k members in the first night? Where did that hype and
talk initially spur from?
Weimer:最初哪些人脈或追隨者幫助您發展了 Discord?你們第一晚就快5萬會員了?這
Mekaverse: Yes, completely nuts! It blew up. I built the server and set it up
on August 28th. We used Discord Nitro Boosts to get our server's vanity URL.
We had 1K members in our Discord before we even tweeted about it publicly,
since people were attempting to guess the URL to join. We had 20K members
within the first 24 hours of launching the server. We are now at 170K+. We
did not use any paid promotion, yet a large number of influencers began
following us and tweeting about the project. It was all built organically,
which is critical for an NFT project. People began to bring their friends,
and things quickly escalated.
Mekaverse:是的,完全瘋了!它炸了。我搭建了服務器,並在 8 月 28 日進行了設置。
我們使用 Discord Nitro Boosts 來獲取我們服務器的虛 URL。在我們公開發布推文之前
,我們的 Discord 中有 1000 名成員,因為人們試圖猜測要加入的 URL。在啟動服務器
的前 24 小時內,我們擁有 20K 成員。我們現在達到 170K+。我們沒有使用任何付費推
於 NFT 項目至關重要。人們開始帶朋友來,事情很快就升級了。
Weimer: How many Discord members were you thinking you would get that you
would consider a success? Like were you thinking, "yo if we get 10k members
in our server that's a W" or did you not really think about that?
Weimer:您認為會獲得多少 Discord 成員並認為是成功的?就像你在想,“喲,如果我
們的服務器有 10k 名成員,那就是 W”,或者你真的沒有考慮過?
Mekaverse: We had no idea! I made the Discord while I was in a bowling centre
and set it up after I got home. Most larger projects have about 20K to 30K on
their Discord server, which was something we really looked up to, but as
previously stated, it moved so quickly that we achieved that number within 24
hours of starting the Discord. We love everyone in our community and we will
keep building it!
Mekaverse:我們不知道!我在保齡球中心時製作了 Discord,並在我回家後進行設置。
大多數大型項目在他們的 Discord 服務器上都有大約 20K 到 30K 的數據,這是我們真
正期待的東西,但如前所述,它移動得如此之快,以至於我們在啟動 Discord 後的 24
Weimer: Discord has a huge DM bot/scam problem, as you've seen in your
server. What should Discord do as a company to eliminate this issue and
improve their platform to be safe from scams.
Weimer:正如您在服務器中看到的那樣,Discord 存在巨大的 DM 機器人/詐騙問題。作
為一家公司,Discord 應該做些什麼來消除這個問題並改進他們的平台以免受詐騙。
Mekaverse: That's right, Discord has a major issue with bots on their
platform, and I am hopeful that they will develop a solution for it.
Currently, we must rely on third-party bots to prevent this from happening,
although some bot users continue to fall through that system. It's not a 100%
secure system. The majority of scams take place outside of the Discord
server. They take place in DMs when bots join the Discord server and begin
mass-dming our users. This is happening to the majority of big NFT projects
out there. I believe Discord should include a function that allows us to
deactivate DMs server-wide, so that no one may DM you unless you accept their
friend request. Members must currently disable this function manually, which
many do not know how to do. There are a lot of new individuals coming into
the NFT space as well due to our Anime-inspired NFT project, and the majority
of them don't know anything about Discord or what a DM looks like. It is also
important as a server owner to tell your community about it and to emphasize
that the team would never message them first. We've also set up an official
information channel, and every 20 minutes, a bot will send a message in
general chat with our official links. I strongly advise people to start
reading before purchasing anything. You might end up being scammed if you don
’t do enough research about the project.
Mekaverse:沒錯,Discord 在他們的平台上存在機器人的主要問題,我希望他們能夠為
人用戶繼續使用該系統。它不是一個 100% 安全的系統。大多數詐騙發生在 Discord 服
務器之外。當機器人加入 Discord 服務器並開始大量攻擊我們的用戶時,它們會在 DM
中發生。大多數大型 NFT 項目都在發生這種情況。我認為 Discord 應該包含一項功能,
允許我們在服務器範圍內停用 DM,這樣除非您接受他們的好友請求,否則沒有人可以
DM 您。會員目前必須手動禁用此功能,許多人不知道該怎麼做。由於我們受動漫啟發的
NFT 項目,也有很多新人進入 NFT 領域,他們中的大多數人對 Discord 或 DM 的樣子一
Weimer: What do you think the reason is for how highly engaged your server
is? What did you implement (bots/tools) to make sure things didn't get
Mekaverse: A lot of Discord communities are working with Level and XP bots or
Invites to grow their Discord server to receive a whitelist and to be able to
mint an NFT. We did not even need to implement this kind into our community.
We love to build a strong and organic community where everyone is feeling
welcome, more like a second home where they can feel comfortable. We've set
up a number of moderation bots to assist our community and keep spammers out.
We configured our server moderation level to the highest level of security,
which is phone verification. This means that in order to communicate in our
Discord, all users must have a verified phone number linked to their Discord
account. We also removed the ability to post any links that are not
whitelisted by us. To keep things family friendly and positive, these URLs
and swear words are automatically removed. This prevents our members from
posting any unsolicited links to various websites. To protect our community,
we have implemented the anti-bot tool Beemo. We'd also like to add some 24/7
music to your community as well, so we made a YouTube playlist with various
Synthwave/Chill music that people really seem to enjoy and listen to! It's
also a music genre that the team likes; we even used it in our teaser, which
went viral on NFT Twitter with currently 619K views.
Mekaverse:許多 Discord 社區都在與 Level 和 XP 機器人或 Invites 合作來擴展他們
的 Discord 服務器以接收白名單並能夠創建 NFT。我們甚至不需要在我們的社區中實施
我們的 Discord 中進行交流,所有用戶都必須將經過驗證的電話號碼鏈接到他們的
Discord 帳戶。我們還取消了發布任何未被我們列入白名單的鏈接的功能。為了保持家庭
友好和積極,這些 URL 和髒話會被自動刪除。這可以防止我們的會員發布任何未經請求
的鏈接到各種網站。為了保護我們的社區,我們實施了反機器人工具 Beemo。我們還想為
您的社區添加一些 24/7 全天候音樂,因此我們製作了一個包含各種 Synthwave/Chill
音樂的 YouTube 播放列表,人們似乎真的很喜歡和聆聽這些音樂!這也是團隊喜歡的音
樂類型;我們甚至在我們的預告片中使用了它,它在 NFT Twitter 上傳播開來,目前有
619K 的瀏覽量。
Weimer: What's the end goal for Mekas, if everything goes to plan?
Weimer:如果一切按計劃進行,Mekas 的最終目標是什麼?
Mekaverse: The project's objective was to offer quality to the world of
collectibles and a fresh perspective to the NFTs market. We'll keep going
down this road and see how far we can get! Make MekaVerse more than just a
PFP project by building a true brand with a strong and enthusiastic community!
Mekaverse:該項目的目標是為收藏品世界提供優質服務,並為 NFT 市場提供全新視角。
的真正品牌,使 MekaVerse 不僅僅是一個 PFP 項目!
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