Perfect for summer! I made a refreshing color matcha nama-chocolate tart.It melts in your mouth and you can fully enjoy the taste of matcha. I was able to skip the tedious work of chopping the chocolate and heating the cream in a saucepan because this recipe uses a microwave oven. Easy-peasy! Yet I was able to make an extremely delicious nama-chocolate tart.
*Recipe* (15✕7✕H6.5 cm pound mold)
Make the bottom.
1.Crush 65g biscuits and 1/2 tbsp matcha green tea.
2.Mix (1) with 30g unsalted melted butter.
3.Press and spread (2) into a mold lined with a baking sheet. Put it in the refrigerator.
Make the white nama-chocolate in the middle.
4.Put 45g of fresh cream in a heatproof bowl and heat in a microwave oven at 600w for 20 seconds.
5.Melt 90g of white chocolate. Melt about 5 pieces at a time.When it is no longer melted, heat it in a microwave oven at 600w for 10 seconds. Repeat until all the white chocolate is melted.
6.Pour (5) into (3), flatten, and refrigerate.
Make the top matcha nama-chocolate.
7.Heat 10g of fresh cream in a microwave oven at 600w for less than 10 seconds.
8.Sift and add 2/5 tbsp of matcha and melt the matcha.
9.Put 45g of fresh cream in another heatproof bowl and heat in a 600w microwave oven for 20 seconds.
10.Add (8) to (9) and stir to dissolve.
11.Add 80g of white chocolate to (10), about 5 pieces at a time, and melt.When it is no longer melted, heat it in a microwave oven at 600W for 10 seconds. Repeat until all the white chocolate is melted.
12.Pour (11) into (6) and flatten out. If you want to make a decoration, do it here. Cool in the refrigerator until set.
13.Add more decorations as you like.
14.It's done. Delicious.
##chocolate #tart #easyrecipe #microwaverecipe
夏にぴったり!爽やか色の抹茶生チョコタルトを作ってみました。口に入れると とろりととろけて抹茶のおいしさが存分に味わえます。面倒なチョコを刻む作業と生クリームを鍋で温める作業が、今回は電子レンジを使うレシピなので省くことができました。手軽にできる!なのに極ウマの生チョコタルトができました。
*レシピ*(15✕7✕H6.5センチ パウンド型)
1.ビスケット 65g、抹茶 大さじ 1/2を砕く。
2.(1)に無塩溶かしバター 30gを入れ混ぜる。
4.耐熱ボウルに生クリーム 45gを入れ、600wの電子レンジで20秒加熱する。
5.ホワイトチョコ 90gを5カケ程度ずつ入れ溶かす。溶けなくなったら、600wの電子レンジで10秒加熱する。これを繰り返し、ホワイトチョコを全部溶かす。
7.生クリーム 10gを600wの電子レンジで10秒弱加熱する。
8.抹茶 大さじ 2/5をフルイ入れ、抹茶を溶かす。
9.別の耐熱ボウルに生クリーム 45gを入れ、600wの電子レンジで20秒加熱する。
11.(10)にホワイトチョコ 80gを5カケ程度ずつ入れ溶かす。溶けなくなったら、600wの電子レンジで10秒加熱する。これを繰り返し、ホワイトチョコを全部溶かす。