#1. onset of action - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"onset of action" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#2. onset of action在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供onset of action的在線翻譯,onset of action是什麼意思,onset of action的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
The new treatment can delay the onset of the disease by several years. 新的治療方法可以把疾病開始的時間延後幾年。 phonetics specialized.
#4. onset time - 波至時間 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
波至時間. onset time. 以onset time 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 海洋地質學, onset time, 波至時間 ...
#5. onset time翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
onset time中文的意思、翻譯及用法:初動時間。英漢詞典提供【onset time】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
onset time中文:[網絡] 起效時間;起始時間;病發時間…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋onset time的中文翻譯,onset time的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#7. 起效-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
These results show that dapsone gel 5%is safe and effective for long-term treatment of acne vulgaris and has a rapid onset of action. 起效日期延迟天数:在起 ...
作用方式(mode of action, MoA)在藥理學和毒理學中是指一個特定分子(如藥物分子、毒物分子)在細胞層面上發揮特定藥理或毒理作用的機理。
BTcP=breakthrough cancer pain; IV=intravenous; ROO=rapid-onset opioid. 1. Smith H. CNS Drugs. ... oral opioids because of more-rapid onset of action.
#10. 【篤實關懷倫理卓越】光田綜合醫院Kuang Tien General Hospital
關閉訊息公告[X]. Logo. 字體, 小型字體, 中型字體, 大型字體. 繁體中文, 全球資訊網-簡體中文 · 全球資訊網-English · 認識光田 · 醫療服務 · 掛號服務 · 衛教天地 ...
#11. 高雄榮民總醫院重症醫學部-重症藥物
穩定期(Steady state): 藥物投予一段時間後(通常約需3-5個半衰期時間),藥物血中濃度可達一穩定狀態(Cpss)。 抽血時間(Sampling time): 即給藥後何時應抽藥物的血中濃度。[ ...
#12. Tonal Effects on Voice Onset Time- 月旦知識庫
中文 摘要. This study examines the influence of lexical tone on voice onset time (VOT) in Mandarin and Hakka spoken in Taiwan. The examination of VOT values ...
#13. Tonal effects on voice onset time — 國立成功大學
原文, English. 頁(從- 到), 341-362. 期刊, International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing = 中文計算語言學期刊.
#14. onset of action comeon的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文
onset of action comeon. 5个回答. 发病的行动科盟 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. comeon发作行动 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 行动comeon起始
#15. 肌電圖檢查 - 復健醫學部
... action potential)、複合肌肉動作電位波(compound muscle action ... 間期(duration):電位波初離開基線至最後回到基線之時間,與記錄範圍內之 ...
#16. 以抗體測試辨別當前和過去是否感染SARS‐CoV‐2 - Deeks, JJ
However, the duration of antibody rises is currently unknown, and we found very ... and action is needed to ensure that all results of test ...
#17. Onset 同义词| 柯林斯英语词库 - Collins Dictionary
onset ; complex plot · vegetable plot · vegetable plot. complex plot ; civil action · swift action · civil action. swift action ; long-term goal · winning goal · winning ...
#18. 臺灣生物精神醫學暨神經精神藥理學學會:出版學會通訊
一般藥物動力學試驗結果用Plasma concentration-time figure來呈現,PK相關的概念也都在其中。一般而言,PK相關的研究結果包括Cmax及AUC兩個藥動參數。Cmax為最高血中藥物 ...
#19. 藥理學-藥物效應動力學 - 高點醫護網
今天我們要把藥效動力學(Pharmacodynamics)的基本概念統統整理一遍,大家稍留意!藥效學的基本內容包括藥物的基本作用、作用機制(mechanism of action),藥物劑量與 ...
#20. Onset of action in placebo-controlled migraine attacks trials
中文 翻译:. 安慰剂对照偏头痛发作试验中的作用开始:文献综述和建议。 背景. 偏头痛患者需要急性 ...
#21. 病歷寫作教學法病歷書寫的目的 - 台中榮總
Case Presentation (中文vs 英文) ... Onset mode (起病狀態或發作形式) ... Speed of onset (seconds, minutes, hours, days), frequency, time of onset (early.
#22. Table: Onset, Peak, and Duration of Action of Human Insulin ...
† Lispro and aspart are also available in premixed forms with intermediate-acting insulins. ‡ NPH also exists in premixed form (NPH/regular).
#23. A+Cross-Linguistic+Study+of+Voice+Onset+Time+in+Stop+ ...
中文 計算語言學期刊; 13卷2期(2008 / 06 / 01) , P215 - 231 ... This study examines voice onset time (VOT) for phonetically voiceless word-initial stops in ...
#24. VOT_百度百科
VOT,英文全称为voice onset time,中文有“嗓音起始时间”、“浊音起始时间”、“发声起始时间”、“声带震动起始时间”等各色缤纷的译法,大抵翻译仅襄阐释不做正名,称呼提 ...
#25. 胰島素作用時間insulin action peak duration @ 急診小醫師
2017-05-23 Fast-acting insulin: Is absorbed quickly from your fat tissue (subcutaneous) into the bloodstream. Is used to control the blood ...
#26. Onset of action of indacaterol in patients with COPD - Dove ...
Background: Indacaterol is a novel, inhaled once-daily ultra-long-acting ß2-agonist for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( ...
#27. Audio - 演算法筆記
short pcm[96000];; // duration = 1 second; // sampling rate = 48000Hz ... 常有人說:中文歌曲不看字幕根本聽不懂在唱什麼;英文歌曲轉音好美、爆發力十足。
#28. Thrombolysis Guided by Perfusion Imaging up to 9 Hours after ...
The time to initiate intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke is generally limited to within 4.5 hours after the onset of symptoms ...
#29. Stilnox (Zolpidem) 10mg 柔拍
中文 名, 柔拍. 廠牌, 中國化學 ... (5)Onset:約30分;Duration:6~8小時;半衰期:2.5小時;Time to peak:1.6小時。 健保用藥規定, 1.2.3.
#30. onset 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
The time of onset of pain has diagnostic importance. 疼痛開始的時間有診斷意義。 Bleeding and diarrhea signal the onset of symptoms. 出血和腹瀉意味著癥狀的發作 ...
#31. VOT - 英文全稱為voice onset time,中文有“嗓音 - 中文百科知識
VOT,英文全稱為voice onset time,中文有“嗓音起始時間”、“濁音起始時間”、“發聲起始時間”、“聲帶震動起始時間”等各色繽紛的譯法,大抵翻譯僅襄闡釋不做正名,稱呼提 ...
#32. App Store 上的《JoinTriage》
The time from onset to the start of treatment greatly affects the survival ... 德文, 日文, 瑞典文, 繁體中文, 英文, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文.
#33. What does onset of action mean? -
Onset of action is the duration of time it takes for a drug's effects to come to prominence upon administration. With oral administration, it typically ...
#34. Metabolism of heroin and its pharmacologic implications
However, in the 32-day-old animals, the onset of effects for heroin appeared to be earlier than for morphine. The duration of action of both drugs with animals ...
#35. Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome -
COVID vaccine 4 to 42 days prior to symptom onset# ... Avoidance of rituximab is important because of slow onset of action (weeks), negation of recent ...
#36. 「onset醫學」懶人包資訊整理 (1) | 蘋果健康咬一口
Present illness. ,【onset】在生物医学专业领域怎么翻译,它的中文翻译,汉语表达,以及相关专业术语翻译,来自SCIdict生物医学词典的解释和翻译,SCIdict是专为学术研究人员 ...
#37. 工廠及工業經營(工作噪音)規例簡介 - Labour Department
(c) Peak Action Level - a peak sound pressure level of 140 dB or peak sound pressure of 200 Pa. 2.2. Generally, a daily personal noise exposure can be ...
#38. 早發性失智症(Early-onset dementia) - 國立台灣大學醫學院 ...
其實在1907年A. Alzheimer所描述的第一位阿滋海默症病患,就是屬於這種早發型案例。而特別與一般的老年失智症有所區隔,主要是因為臨床特點與照料需求上的不同。
#39. Building a new consensus on trade - ISO
会说中文吗 ... cause widescale disruption at the start of the new millennium as the year changed from 1999 to 2000. ... Onset of digital age.
#40. CDC in Action
On January 21, 2020, CDC launched its agencywide response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been the largest response to any disease outbreak in CDC's ...
#41. 麻醉部住院醫師.實習醫學生學習手冊麻醉學 - 長庚醫院
Newborn—little metabolism, onset time—shorter in younger age, sleeping time—decreased with increasing age, reduced metabolis.
#42. 轉寄 - 博碩士論文行動網
論文名稱(外文):, Exploring the Voice Onset Time on Spanish Learners of ... 中文摘要. Flege (1995, 1999, 2002) 的「語音學習模型」指出第二語言學習者在學習標的 ...
#43. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español ... 中英对照. 嗓音起始时间. voice onset time ...
#44. 藥物血中濃度監測簡介
Concentraion dependent→看peak值(須達MIC的8倍). 3.腎毒性→控制trough值(愈接近0愈好). 4.Once daily dosing (OD). →給藥後8-12小時抽血. 不需監測peak值, trough ...
#45. Analyze call reporting data - Google Ads Help
You'll also be able to assess specific details related to each call, like start and end time, whether the call was missed or received, area code of the ...
#46. 公務員事務局- 搜尋政府部門常用辭彙
中文, 薪俸數據輸入表格〔民航處〕 ... 中文, 《一九九零年至一九九四年選定行業的薪金總額統計數字》. 類別, 工業貿易 ... 英文, peak action level. 中文, 頂級措施 ...
#47. 語音知覺、聲
本研究旨在探討聲韻表徵指標(聲韻覺識、語音知覺和構音表現)與中文識字能 ... 嗓音起始時間(voice onset time, VOT)決定構音動作發聲與否(Nittrouer, 2002)。其.
#48. Young-onset Alzheimer's: When symptoms begin before age 65
If you feel overwhelmed, consider reducing your hours or taking time off. Coping tips for couples. After a diagnosis of young-onset Alzheimer's, spouses or ...
#49. 24小時溶栓中風治療 - 醫院管理局
hemiparesis and onset time ... Confirm onset time with patient and relatives (onset < 3 hours) ... Hospital, the onset time of stroke being < 1.5 hour.
#50. Center for Drug Evaluation, Taiwan
Adequate study duration is also required. e. ... The efficacy profile includes the time to onset, time to maximum effect, ... (中文版) ...
#51. onset - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
单语范例(未经PONS编辑处理). 英语. Most serological tests would succeed only after a certain period of time past the symptom onset (usually a week) ...
#52. 成年遲發性自體免疫糖尿病(LADA) 簡介
在這種情況下,稱為成人發病的自體免疫糖尿病(Adult-onset autoimmune diabetes),該 ... 不同人種有所差異,北歐是7-14%,歐洲的多中心研究(Action LADA) 是9.7%, ...
#53. Article Content - Laws & Regulations Database of The ...
When person infected with HIV is confirmed of onset of disease, ... residence, site of onset, time of onset, process of medical care, clinical symptoms, ...
#54. Sinopec sees more opportunities than threats in China's ...
China's 2030 carbon emissions peak action plan provides more opportunities than threats to Sinopec's business, Secretary to the Board of ...
#55. 振動訓練對女性運動員股內斜肌與股外側肌活化之立即影響
中文 摘要. 目的: 振動訓練是透過振動波誘發肌肉活動,以促進身體活動表現,近年來也常 ... For the VMO and VL EMG onset-time, there was a significantly difference ...
#56. Heparin 治療監測
Dalen JE. Heparin and low-molecular-weight heparin: mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, dosing, monitoring, efficacy, and safety. Chest. 119(1 Suppl): 64S- ...
#57. Monitoring and evaluation of anticipatory actions for fast ... - WFP
The forecast-based nature of an FbF programme and of Anticipatory Action (AA), the short lead times of fast-onset hazards and the complexity ...
#58. voice onset time — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“voice onset time” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#59. 腹部急症-1 核心課程編號:E10
Onset – time and mode. 3. Severity. 4. Nature – colicky, spasm, gripping, dull, ... Sudden onset pain which wakes the patient from sleep.
#60. 認知神經科學研究所
中文 關鍵字: 眼動軌跡、眼動、注意力. 英文關鍵字: attention、saccade、curvature. 中文摘要: 在心理學的研究中已經有許多的實驗支持突現刺激( abrupt onset ) 可以 ...
To peak carbon dioxide emissions and achieve carbon neutrality is a major strategic decision taken by the Central Committee of the Communist ...
#62. Voice Onset Time (VOT) Mini-Lesson - YouTube
#63. AT THE ONSET 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
AT THE ONSET”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“AT THE ONSET” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#64. 59 嗓音起始時間(voice onset time, VOT)的定義為何?
59 嗓音起始時間(voice onset time, VOT)的定義為何? (A)發音時嘴唇打開的時間點 (B)發音時聲帶開始振動的時間點 (C)氣流由口腔釋放到聲帶開始振動的時間間隔
#65. Public Safety Power Shutoffs| Wildfire | Home - Southern ...
See SCE's PSPS Action Plan for detailed updates on our PSPS planning and mitigation efforts. ... Start Planning Today ... 中文: 1-800-843-8343
#66. World Bank Group - International Development, Poverty ...
The challenge got harder in early 2020 with the onset of COVID. ... World Bank Group Climate Change Action Plan 2021–2025 : Supporting Green, Resilient, ...
#67. Taipei Times
Bringing Taiwan to the World and the World to Taiwan.
#68. Welcome to the City of Houston eGovernment Center
... Houston Instagram page · Email the City of Houston · Frequently Asked Questions · Houston 3-1-1 · العَرَبِيَّة | Français | Español | 中文 | Tiếng Việt ...
#69. Spikevax (previously COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna)
... are carefully evaluated and any necessary action taken to protect patients. ... More information about the COVID-19 vaccines, such as expected duration ...
#70. The rise of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus ...
#71. Testing positive to COVID-19 and managing COVID-19 safely
... they have been exposed to COVID-19, and what action they should take. ... people this is around 4-6 weeks after the onset of infection.
#72. Climate migration—deepening our solutions - Brookings
... and foresighted action to address climate-related migration in ... The authors find that, as a consequence of slow-onset climate factors ...
#73. Breast tenderness following combo hormone therapy linked to ...
Such new-onset tenderness was found to be more pronounced after the start of combination estrogen-and-progestin therapy than with estrogen ...
#74. Executive Director's Report – March 14, 2022 - San Francisco ...
No action is required by the Commission, as this item is for ... 2021, following closure at the onset of the pandemic in mid-March 2020.
#75. Asthma Education | Children's Mercy Kansas City
... find important information about how to recognize symptoms, avoid common triggers, and manage the onset of asthma. ... How to use an Asthma Action Plan.
#76. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Westchester County ...
Isolate for 5 days, where day 0 is the day of symptom onset or (if ... 者隔离的命令 (简体中文); 現任局長針對COVID-19化驗室確診感染者隔離的命令 (繁體中文).
#77. Alzheimer Dementia - DynaMed
commonly defined as onset in persons > 65 years old ... implying an expectation to perform the recommended action for most patients.
#78. Press Conference - 厚生労働省
Figure: Number of new symptomatic coronavirus infektion cases and fever reports,by date of onset,Cruise Ship DP,as of February 23,2020 別ウィンドウで開く ...
#79. Is Hong Kong's 21-Day Quarantine evidence-based or justified?
October 7, 2021 7 Read in 繁體中文. Written by: Dr David Owens New call-to-action. Answer: No. The only possible justification for 21-day quarantine is that ...
#80. UFC London UK and US time: When does Alexander Volkov ...
The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic saw the 2020 edition of the event cancelled on short notice, and no card was held in 2021, but finally ...
#81. Frequently Asked Questions - Hogwarts Legacy
A: Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world, action role-playing-game set in the ... They can customize their character at the onset of their adventure.
#82. Liquidity and working capital advisory - EY
... carried heavy dividend and share buy-back commitments, debt payments and investment in business transformation at onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic
#83. ThedaCare | LinkedIn
Non-COVID patients will now be permitted to have two essential visitors at a time during normal visiting hours. ThedaCare Updates Visitor Restrictions – ...
#84. Dementia information in Hindi, Chinese and other languages
Other dementia resources in other languages. Family enjoying views of the oceanside horizon. 中文資訊及服務 | Chinese-language information (via the Alzheimer ...
#85. Akamai Blog | Retrospective 2020: DDoS Risk Higher Than Ever
DDoS risk profiles changed rapidly with the onset of COVID-19 as we increasingly ... where there was a lot of talk and not a lot of action, ...
#86. Art Business Leaders Will Gather for the Elite Talking Galleries ...
... arts professionals in the city since the onset of the pandemic. ... Panelists discuss action on climate change within arts programming.
#87. Real-Time News: Forex News Live - DailyFX
$SPX Bulls on Parade fresh monthly high 50% of the 2022 sell-off erased, much of which posted after the start of the #FOMC presser March monthly bar now ...
#88. Playbook for building a customer centric culture | SurveyMonkey
Process of reviewing results and taking action. Before you start digging in to specific areas and groups in your survey results, it's important to look at ...
#89. Conservation news on Lemurs - Mongabay
At its onset in May, a wave of fires ate into the dry forests that line the… ... We're a nonprofit. Donate · New call-to-action ...
#90. The 20 best movies based on true stories - Time Out
It's the kind of story no one would buy if it hadn't happened: at the onset of the Iranian Revolution in 1979, a movie-loving CIA agent ...
#91. 當代中文語法點全集(二版) - Google 圖書結果
... 5k - zhāng ( for flat objects ) , # - bēi ( for cup ) , X - cì ( for times , occurrences ) , - dùn ( for the duration of a meal / a duration of action ) ...
#92. 當代中文課程課本3 - 第 328 頁 - Google 圖書結果
H & o duration of action : : ; : neighbor #}} jo #7-1-3 measure word for a stretch. Swath : H : H. 6-12 net congestion £i. #4. 5.
#93. 中医中文: 文法与词汇 - 第 39 頁 - Google 圖書結果
X you , ' also ' in the sense of a further action ( same subject but ... the patient's constitution or his normal state before the onset of illness : till ...
#94. 心理學名詞(第二版) - 第 393 頁 - Google 圖書結果
英文中文 voice 表達、發聲;建言 voice onset time(VOT)發聲起始時間 volley theory (聽覺)齊射理論 voltage-gated ion channel 電位門控型離子通道 volumetric thirst ...
#95. 圖解西班牙語發音 - 第 128 頁 - Google 圖書結果
英語的爆裂音[p]它的送氣聲是輕微的,與其相比,中文注音符號ㄆ的送氣聲是強烈多了。 ... 從 A 到 B,聲學上稱為 VOT (voice onset time):發聲(或聲帶振動)起始時間。
#96. Diabetes can Now be Treated With Fewer Side Effects
"Our findings suggest a way to improve on the mechanism of action of thiazolidinedione drugs, which holds promise for eliminating the side ...
#97. 當代語言學概論 - 第 530 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... 400 , 401 velar ( ER ) 35 , 36 , 391 voice onset time ( VOT ) (振前 ... 251 , 326 , 327 南京大學中文系漢語言文字學教授、博士生導師 530 當代語言學概論.
onset of action中文 在 Voice Onset Time (VOT) Mini-Lesson - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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