#1. 腸阻塞 - 臺北榮民總醫院
無動性腸塞(adynamic ileus):此疾並無真正的阻塞,只是腸. 子不蠕動,失去推進食物的能力。 §機械性腸阻塞(Intestinal obstruction). 機械性腸阻塞依腸壁相關位置分 ...
腸阻塞影像之鑑別, definition of Ileus. ... 腸阻塞 Ileus. 文/家翔 佳茵 柏安 韋愷. 觀念剖析 腸阻塞是指腸內容物不能 ... 麻痺性腸塞(paralytic ileus)
#3. 腸阻塞
1. 機械性腸阻塞(Mechanical ileus):比較常見,也有各種良性和惡性的原因造成。一旦沒有及早治療,往往有生命危險的。 ... 2. 麻痺性腸阻塞(Paralytic ileus):腸道神經或 ...
#4. 認識腸阻塞 - 高點醫護網
腸阻塞(Intestinal obstruction)是指腸內容物不能正常運行及順利通過腸道,是外科常見病症,腸阻塞不但可引起腸管本身解剖與功能上的改變,並可導致全身性生理上的紊亂 ...
#5. [R1.5系列] Ileus? - 急症福爾摩斯偵探館
(1)小腸阻塞(Small Bowel Mechanical Obstruction)。 (2)腸道功能不良,失去蠕動,推進食物的能力 (Adynamic Ileus),為最狹義定義。 (3) ...
#6. 腸道手術- 嘉義長庚一般外科
腸道麻痺(paralytic ileus)--- 通常為暫時性的狀況。 泌尿系統或性功能障礙。 其他偶發性之副作用及併發症,例如心臟循環系統疾病或肺呼吸系統疾病等。
Intestinal obstruction. 一、什麼是腸阻塞:. 腸道阻塞是指腸道因為不正常的病兆、先天或後天因素,而使腸蠕動無法. 前進或完全停止,以致食物和水份無法順利通過。
#8. 中西醫結合治療因急救後缺氧性腦病變之麻痺性腸阻塞病例報告
腸阻塞(intestinal obstruction) 是因. 機械性或非機械性因素破壞小腸及 ... 阻塞(paralytic ileus),或稱無動性腸阻塞. (adynamic ileus)或假性腸 ...
#9. 腸阻塞(Ileus)
92-11-30 ER, ABD fullness for 3-4 days, Imp: paralytic ileus, CT : colon dilation, Scopy: external compression at splenic flexture; 92-12-01~17 Admission.
#10. 「paralytic ileus中文」懶人包資訊整理 (1) | 蘋果健康咬一口
paralytic ileus中文 資訊懶人包(1),無動性腸塞(adynamicileus):此疾並無真正的阻塞,只是腸...Intraluminalblockadeorobstruction:gallstoneileus,bezaor,etc.2.
#11. paralytic ileus 麻痹性腸梗阻- 消化系统医学名词 - 學術論文修改
paralytic ileus 麻痹性腸梗阻,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,消化係統醫學名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#12. ileus paralytic 中文 - 綫上翻譯
ileus paralytic中文 :《英漢醫學詞典》ileus paralytic …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋ileus paralytic的中文翻譯,ileus paralytic的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#13. 腸阻塞之電腦斷層的評估
Intestinal Obstruction with Computed Tomography Evaluation ... (4)paralytic ileus was suspected by diffuse dilatation of both small and large bowel without ...
#14. Ileus 腸阻塞D/D - 醫學筆記匯集整理ED Notes
Ileus : 腸子不能好好排空- Intermittent cramping pain (Closed loop 較痛) - N/V (Simple obstruction 較會脹 ... Non - mechanical (Paralytic) :.
#15. 手術後腸梗阻之治療方針
關鍵字:手術後腸梗阻、Postoperative ileus、紅黴素、erythromycin、胃輕癱、gastroparesis ... Postoperative ileus (POI) 可被定義為在經過.
#16. paralytic ileus 的中文意思 - TerryL
paralytic ileus 中文 意思是什麼 · paralytic: adj. 1. 麻痹的,患中風的。2. 無能力的。n. 麻痹[中風]病人。 · ileus: n. 【醫學】腸梗阻絞痛。
#17. paralytic ileus的中文翻译及音标 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选paralytic ileus是什么意思、英语单词推荐、paralytic ileus的用法、paralytic ileus的中文翻译及音标、翻译paralytic ileus是什么意思.
#18. Intestinal obstruction and Ileus - MedlinePlus
Causes of paralytic ileus may include: Bacteria or viruses that cause intestinal infections (gastroenteritis); Chemical, electrolyte, or mineral ...
#19. Intestinal obstruction - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
If your doctor determines that your signs and symptoms are caused by pseudo-obstruction (paralytic ileus), he or she may monitor your ...
#20. Ileus - Gastrointestinal Disorders - MSD Manuals
(Paralytic Ileus; Adynamic Ileus; Paresis) ... Ileus is a temporary arrest of intestinal peristalsis. It occurs most commonly after abdominal surgery, ...
#21. 病例报告:麻痹性肠梗阻:严重COVID-19的潜在肺外表现。
Case Report: Paralytic Ileus: A Potential Extrapulmonary ... His hospital course was complicated with paralytic ileus, ... 中文翻译: ...
#22. 腹部急症-1 核心課程編號:E10
Paralytic Ileus c. Post Operative ... Intestinal Obstruction associated with pelvic abscess ... Bilious vomiting of small bowel obstruction.
#23. ileus 中文Ileus - Eyflka
係為腸部的機能性阻塞( 英語: Ileus ) ,查閱ileus的詳細中文翻譯,包括真人語音發音, ... 又稱神經性腸塞(neurogenic ileus)或麻痺性腸塞(paralytic ileus)。
#24. paralytic ileus,ileus paralyticus中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答 ...
paralytic ileus,ileus paralyticus中文意思是无力性肠梗阻.
#25. paralytic ileus"的中文翻译 - 医学词典
paralytic ileus. 英汉医学词典. 迥肠麻痹. 英汉中医词典. n.麻痹性肠梗阻. 专业医学词典. 麻痹性肠梗阻. 与"paralytic ileus"相近的词条.
#26. 肠梗阻-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
Objective To explore the clinical application characteristics and mechanism of aescin in the treatment of early postoperative inflammatory ileus.
#27. 麻痹性肠梗阻…《抓鸟》英语词典
paralytic ileus 的解释是:麻痹性肠梗阻… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:paralytic ileus的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#28. paralytic ileus - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典
paralytic ileus, Chinese Translation of paralytic ileus, Chinese Definition of paralytic ileus, paralytic ileus in Chinese, paralytic ileus中文翻译.
#29. (PGY、R)住院醫師生存守則-5 - Teachingcenter的醫學筆記- 痞 ...
常見成因:Ileus, GI bleeding, drug, intra-abdominal infection ... 務必確認vital sign、peritoneal sign、obstructive/paralytic ileus…
#30. No Significant Effect of Daikenchuto (TJ-100) on Peritoneal IL ...
Since there is a correlation between IFN-γ and IL-9 levels and paralytic ileus, peristalsis, and bowel inflammation, we focused our study on IFN ...
#31. 【篤實關懷倫理卓越】光田綜合醫院Kuang Tien General Hospital
中文 名, 硫酸阿托品注射液, 健保局藥理類別, 120808 抗蕈毒鹼劑/解痙劑 ... increased risk of paralytic ileus; increased risk of respiratory and CNS depression.
#32. Admission note - 台灣專科護理師學會
ileus and colon diverticulosis, NG tube was inserted with decompression. Then she ... 綜合以上結果診斷為腸阻塞,腸阻塞又分為Mechanism ileus & Paralytic.
#33. 咀嚼口香糖是否可促進腸胃道手術後病人排氣?
搜尋結果PubMed資料庫共22篇、Cochrane Database 3篇、Trip 12篇、CEPS中文電子期刊54 ... of Postoperative Paralytic Ileus Following Gastrointestinal Surgery」。
#34. 80 一位88 歲女性由家人送入急診就醫。主訴為腹脹一天
成年人(adult)小腸阻塞(small bowel obstruction)/機械性腸阻塞( ... (A)後腹腔出血(retroperitoneal hemorrhage)會造成手術後麻痺性腸阻塞(paralytic ileus)
#35. ileus — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“ileus” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。 ... Prevention of paralytic ileus utilizing alvimopan following spine surgeryPostoperative ...
#36. Complications and management of upper GI surgery 筆記整理
and paralytic Ileus. *Late : bowel obstruction, incision hernia, persistent sinus and recurrence of reason for surgery. 併發症治療上可分為外科性以及非外科 ...
#37. 燒燙傷病患的營養支持(楊瑞永) - 中華民國兒童燙傷基金會
(3)插管位置: 大面積燒燙傷病患( 40%以上) , 容易出現麻痺性腸阻塞( Paralytic ileus) , 但只限於胃及大腸部份。 胃排空能力差, 無法灌食。
#38. Epimat
12E045 no:100 Inj. 100 mg/10 ml/vial現行藥物外觀. 中文名: ... hypersensitivity to morphine products;paralytic ileus;respiratory depression( ...
#39. 中文題目:頑強的便秘—成人型大腸神經節減少症 服務單位:1 馬 ...
postoperative ileus, paralytic ileus, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, infection, ischemia, malignancy, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypothyroidism, ...
#40. 腸梗阻- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
腸梗阻(Bowel obstruction或Intestinal obstruction),係為腸部的機能性阻塞(英语:Ileus), ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#41. 腹部X光判讀
脹大的腸胃道可以發生於腸阻塞、paralytic ileus及吞下空氣,而在放射線學上來區分這些原因,則主要依賴腸道(bowel loops)之大小與分佈。 胃脹大( ...
#42. Ileus | Cigna
Ileus (adynamic or paralytic ileus) is a type of bowel obstruction that occurs when the intestines stop moving normally even though there is nothing ...
#43. Prevention and Management of Postoperative Ileus - DynaMed
postoperative ileus is transient loss of gastrointestinal motility occurring due to surgical stress and is reported to occur in 10%-30% of ...
#44. paralytic ileus - 中国的翻译
Paralytic ileus 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译.
#45. a report of 1171 cases].,Zhonghua yi xue za zhi - X-MOL
One case suffered paralytic ileus and recovered 7 days later. Another case suffered severe hematuria. ... with upper ureteral impacted calculi. 中文翻译: ...
#46. Ileus - Fairview
Motility is the movement of food and waste through the digestive tract. Ileus is not caused by a physical blockage (obstruction). Normally, muscles in the bowel ...
#47. 学学怎么发音的paralytic ileus - 发音词典
你怎么说paralytic ileus 在英语? 发音paralytic ileus 2 音频发音, 1 意思, 13 翻译, 更为paralytic ileus.
#48. -藥品資訊
商品中文名, 肚痊寧糖衣錠100公絲. 成分名, mebeverine hcl 100mg 連結MICROMEDEX查詢 ... 注意事項與警語, UlceratIVe colitis and paralytic ileus. 藥品交互作用.
#49. definition of paralytic ileus by Medical dictionary
Ileus is a surgical emergency that may or may not require surgical intervention; the cause needs to be established promptly. Adynamic (or paralytic) ileus often ...
#50. focal ileus中文– 腸道阻塞 - Kouji
focal ileus中文– 腸道阻塞. 可是, 在內科處理的病人, ... Paralytic ileus in the neonate as a rare complication of … Chronic opiate use could lead to the bowel ...
#51. Meconium Ileus | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Meconium ileus is a bowel obstruction that occurs your baby's first stool (meconium) is even thicker and stickier than usual, causing a blockage in the ...
#52. ICD 10 總表 - Dr.Tseng曾志仁醫師
代碼, 英/中文名稱 ... K56, Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction without hernia. 麻痺性腸阻塞及未伴有疝氣的腸道阻塞. K560, Paralytic ileus.
#53. Intestinal obstruction | Beacon Health System
Paralytic ileus can affect any part of the intestine. Causes can include: Abdominal or pelvic surgery; Infection; Certain medications that ...
#54. Mechanical Bowel Obstruction and Ileus - Calgary Guide
Other Languages · Chinese(中文) · French (Français) · German (Deutsch) · Spanish (Español) · Physiology (Indonesian) · Psychiatry (Indonesian) · Psychiatry (Slovene) ...
#55. Ileus | SCL Health
Symptoms of an ileus · Abdominal pain · Abdominal swelling and bloating (called abdominal distension) · Nausea and vomiting · Not being able to have a bowel ...
#56. hyoscyamine | Michigan Medicine
a stomach or bowel obstruction (including paralytic ileus);; severe ulcerative colitis, or toxic megacolon;; glaucoma; or; myasthenia gravis. Hyoscyamine is not ...
#57. Paralytic ileus in the orthopaedic patient - Document - Gale
Paralytic ileus is marked by the cessation of bowel motility. ... Ileus most commonly occurs following spinal surgery, traumatic injury, or lower extremity ...
#58. ILEUS-在英语词典里ileus 的定义和近义词。 - Educalingo
Paralytic ileus is a physiologic form of intestinal obstruction that usually develops in the small bowel after abdominal surgery. lt causes decreased or absent ...
#59. Systemic prokinetic pharmacologic treatment for postoperative ...
Does metoclopramide reduce the length of ileus after colorectal surgery? ... [Effects of ceruletide in the treatment of postoperative paralytic ileus].
#60. 多重解析地址选择页面 - 中文DOI
Title:, Observation of therapeutic effectiveness of acupuncture treating paralytic ileus due to postorperation. First author::.
#61. Bowel obstruction - Health&
Bowel obstruction occurs when you have a complete or partial blockage of your bowel, ... A non-mechanical obstruction, also known as paralytic ileus or ...
#62. Acupuncture Tips - 台灣光華雜誌
中文. The World Health Organization has publicly announced that acupuncture is ... acute bacillary dysentery, constipation, diarrhea, and paralytic ileus.
#63. 以麻痹性肠梗阻为首发症状的格林巴利综合症1例 - Baishideng ...
Paralytic ileus as a presenting symptom of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi 2016; 24(18): 2927-2930 ...
#64. 汐止國泰綜合醫院護理科- 護理之家常見診斷及檢查縮寫常見 ...
中文. 英文. 中文 candidiasis. 念珠菌感染. Hydronephrosis. 腎水腫 cataract. 白內障. Infectious colitis ... (paralytic)ileus. (麻痺性)腸阻塞 glaucoma.
#65. PARALYTIC ILEUS Meaning in Arabic - TR-Ex
Paralytic ileus is a common side effect of abdominal surgery. ; العلوص الشللي هو أحد الآثار الجانبية شيوعا لعملية جراحية في البطن.
#66. 中文意思| 麻痹性肠梗阻英文怎么说| 消化系统医学名词-词汇翻译
Abstract We present a patient with severe hypothyroidism complicated by paralytic ileus and acute kidney injury. A 65 year old male patient, diagnosed with ...
#67. Bowel obstruction - Doctors Australia
Bowel obstruction occurs when you have a complete or partial blockage of your bowel, ... A non-mechanical obstruction, also known as paralytic ileus or ...
#68. 困難梭狀芽孢桿菌感染的診斷與治療 - 台灣家庭醫學醫學會
塞(paralytic ileus)、偽膜性大腸炎. (pseudomembranous colitis)、毒性巨 ... ileus而增加疾病的嚴重度,故臨床. 不建議合併使用antimotility agents來.
#69. paralytic ileus (paralysis of intestinal muscles) - M Care Exports
#70. 泌尿系統創傷| 最新消息(備2)
如果是手術中發生的傷害, 病人術後會有發燒及腰痛或腹痛, 另外, 病人也常因麻痺性腸阻塞(paralytic ileus) 造成惡心嘔吐, 另外若兩側性的輸尿管傷害 ...
#71. Codepine 5mg
中文 名. 可待平錠. 主成份. CODEINE PHOSPHATE,TERPIN HYDRATE ... 與Anticholinergics合用,會產生麻痺性腸隔(paralytic ileus)
#72. paralytic - tłumaczenie angielski-polski | PONS
Pit suffered a paralytic stroke in 1951, and had two more strokes in 1954. There are several options in the case of paralytic ileus.
#73. Radiological observation in typhoid fever
Three of the most common radiographic findings were as follows: 1) Localized paralytic ileus in RLQ or diffuse paralytic ileus (96.3%).
#74. Index of Poisoning Features - Atlas of Poisonous Plants in ...
P · Palpitation · Pancreatitis · Paraesthesia · Paralysis · Paralytic ileus · Peripheral neuropathy · Proteinuria · Pulmonary haemorrhage.
#75. Paralytic ileus Flashcards | Quizlet
What is paralytic ileus? absence of physiological motility of the intestines, non-mechanical obstruction.
#76. Physical Examination in Gastroenterology 腹部理學檢查
Asymmetric: hernia, tumor, cysts, bowel obstruction, or enlargement of abdominal organ ... Decreased bowel sound: peritonitis and paralytic ileus.
#77. methscopolamine | Michigan Medicine
... or other urination problems, myasthenia gravis, severe constipation, or a stomach or bowel obstruction (including paralytic ileus or toxic megacolon).
#78. Ileus in Adults - NCBI
By definition, ileus is an occlusion or paralysis of the bowel preventing the forward passage of the intestinal contents, causing their ...
#79. N 의학정보( 장폐색 [intestinal obstruction] ) | 서울대학교병원
기계적인 원인으로 장이 막히는 경우(기계적 장관 폐쇄, mechanical obstruction)와 장의 운동이 중지되어 기능적으로 폐쇄되는 경우(마비성 장폐쇄, paralytic ileus) ...
#80. 科目:膳食療養學17 - 志聖文教
麻痺性腸阻塞(Paralytic ileus). 經由鼻胃管(nasogastric route)灌食且採批次(bolus feeding)灌食方法之患者發生. 腹瀉之併發症,下列何者對於改善症狀 ...
#81. INFECTION & VACCINE - 衛生福利部疾病管制署
中文 名稱. 途徑. HepB. B 型肝炎疫苗 ... bladder),或麻痺性腸子不適(paralytic ileus);若侵犯腦部神. 經元則造成腦炎,就可能引起嘔吐、嗜睡、意識不清、抽筋等 ...
#82. Dr. 黃凱君醫美&小兒專科- 『水平面』Air-Fluid Level Sign ...
腸阻塞Ileus 學理的定義是,腸道的內容物,部分無法(partial)或完全 ... (B) 麻痺性阻塞Paralytic Obstruction : 腸子被麻痺了,無法正常蠕動。
#83. Clinical Observation of Acupuncture Zusanli and Zhongwu on ...
中文 摘要; Abstract; 英文缩略词表 ... the clinical efficacy of severe acute pancreatitis with paralytic ileus clinical symptoms,such as abdominal、abdominal ...
#84. Chewing gum after surgery to help recovery of the digestive ...
When people have surgery on their abdomen, the digestive system can stop working for a few days. This is called ileus, and can be painful and ...
#85. Treatment of postoperative paralytic ileus by intravenous ...
Los efectos de la infusión intravenosa continua de lidocaína en íleo paralítico postoperatorio en pacientes colecistectomizados se investigó en este estudio ...
#86. 高雄榮民總醫院重症加護內科-腸胃重症
病患若有意識不清,麻痺性腸阻塞(paralytic ileus)或有嘔吐現象,仍可於置胃管,以避免吸入性肺炎。 急性胰臟炎可導致急性呼吸窘迫症候群,造成急性呼吸衰竭。
#87. Paralytic ileus | Radiology Case |
Paralytic ileus is a functional intestinal obstruction without an actual physical obstruction. This type of functional obstruction is caused ...
#88. Ileus: What Is It, Types, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and More
Risk factors for paralytic ileus include abdominal surgery and infection or inflammation of various parts of the digestive tract, such as the stomach or ...
#89. Paralytic ileus - SlideShare
Paralytic ileus. 1. ADYNAMIC OBSTRUCTION; 2. Intestinal obstruction Dynamic, in which peristalsis is working against a mechanical obstruction.
#90. 腸道昏迷 - 信健康
頭部創傷的病人可能會昏迷,而腸道受到傷害亦有機會導致腸道停止運作,造成麻痹性腸阻塞(Paralytic ileus),這是常見的外科問題。
paralytic ileus中文 在 Dr. 黃凱君醫美&小兒專科- 『水平面』Air-Fluid Level Sign ... 的推薦與評價
腸阻塞Ileus 學理的定義是,腸道的內容物,部分無法(partial)或完全 ... (B) 麻痺性阻塞Paralytic Obstruction : 腸子被麻痺了,無法正常蠕動。 ... <看更多>