He was going to have a talk with me about this matter and attempt to get the thing in perspective . 他準備和我談談這件事,設法弄出個頭緒來。 Before going ...
perspective 造句 / 例句. 1. In his art he broke the laws of scientific linear perspective. 他在自己的绘画艺术中打破了科学的直线透视法规律。 《牛津词典》.
6 天前 — perspective的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a particular way of considering something: 2. to think about a situation or problem in a wise…。了解更多。
perspective造句. 1、. 1. Children often draw without perspective. 小阿子画画常常不管透视法。 2. You have the wrong perspective on that situation.
Their perspectives were broader . 他们的眼界比较开阔。 It's difficult to find perspective in a sentence. 用perspective造句挺难的; That tree on ...
#6. perspective造句_perspective例句_perspective用法_优词词典
perspective造句,perspective例句,perspective用法. ... From a humanistic perspective based on our users' mental models, these actions are natural and normal.
用perspective造句,perspective例句besoo2020-03-23 258 We should keep this effect in perspective .我们应该正确地保持这种效应。 You need a perspective.
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從你的角度來看,好看的人比較有可能是很渣的混蛋,但那是因為這跟你第一眼就注意到的人有關。 觀賞完整影片 分享至FB. 造句練習 ...
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from my own perspective造句. by 三十七度四要吃药吗 at 2021-12-27 06:25:53. 十句话,胜读十年书!_ 2018 经典语录1 乌龟在地上是跑不过兔子,可乌龟在水里永远比 ...
#10. from perspective造句 - 布格伦科技网
perspective 造句 / 例句1. Seen from this perspective, they look rather pointless, don't they? 从这个角度看,它们看上去相当没有意义,对吗?
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95%的人还搜了 · perspective put in perspective · comprise of造句 prospective造句 · suspended造句 coincidence造句 · from my perspective造句 technique造句 ...
#12. Applied Survey Methods: A Statistical Perspective BETHLEHEM
Applied Survey Methods: A Statistical Perspective Bethlehem, Jelke 出版商: Wiley 出版日期: 2009-07-01 語言: ... 【國小國語字詞句集合】世一-字詞造句應用100.
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它的意识就是思考的方式,还有一个引申义是对于事物客观的看法。 perspective on sth 对某事的看法from sb's perspective 从某人的观点来看看到他们的 ...
#14. 你问我答/ Angle and perspective 一对表示“角度” 的词语 - BBC
单词“angle” 和“perspective” 作名词时都有“角度” 的意思;同时,它们也都可以用来谈论“看待、思考事物的方式”。这两个词分别用来表示什么样的“角度”?在 ...
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用discovery造句 ... 探索知识的海洋,能够陶冶我们的情操. ... From my perspective, it should be like this.在我看来,它应该是这样的.It gives out some perspective about ...
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例句(配音頻,來跟讀哦!):. IELTS writing requires students to look at everything from an international perspective. 雅思寫作要求學生要從國際 ...
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From my viewpoint/point of view/perspective. 這用法比較正式,不只口語上可這樣講,寫作時也可以用喔! From my perspective, learning English on ...
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A complete thought is also called a main clause or independent clause (IC). 5. historical perspective造句, historical perspective造句, 用historical perspective ...
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reduce造句最新消息,还有reduce简单造句,reduce to造句,perspective造句等内容,这两个词汇的用法大概如下:○在尺寸缩小,价格下降时,两者基本通用, ...
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关于婚姻生活,她的观点确实非常有意义.[其他]复数:perspectives 形近词: retrospective introspective prospective. 4、worth 的用法及其造句. 有这样的用法, ...
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#23. 【高中英语】Day4 | 和出道一起背3500词
(2) 造句:. aspect = perspective. 你们对perspective的主要认知可能来自那个固定搭配:from one perspective. Aspect也可以套入这个句式中.
#24. 推广造句子【TG电报∶@AK5537】google优化seo投放包上 ...
This is a combo scene with a psd drawstring bag mockup and book mockup to showcase a branding design in style. Use the… Perspective Psd ...
#25. 【楼上分享】[br]reverberation n.回声;余韵
attribute n.属性;品质v.归功于 perspective n.观点;看法; 造句. Shopping is a recreation activity on which I often spend too much time and money.
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international perspective. ... 色扮演、使用圖片字卡、造句接龍、比手畫腳等。 ... The best for our children: Critical perspectives on literacy for latino ...
#28. 月刊 - 臺灣教育評論學會
Historical and theoretical perspectives in language policy and ... 若要求學生抄寫字詞,每個詞不會抄超過三遍;造句.
#29. perspective (【名詞】看法, 觀點)意思、用法及發音 - Engoo
"perspective" 例句 ... Let's try to look at your problem from a different perspective. 讓我們嘗試從不同的視角看你的問題。 I hadn't considered that perspective ...
#30. 汉语第一人称施事被动句的类型学意义* - 同志社大学
提要汉语的“长被动句”,结构上属于介词型被动句,造句时必须“带施事”;语义上 ... 我们曾将汉语被动句的原型意义解释为“以受事为视角(perspective),叙述一件出乎说话 ...
#31. 参考文献汇编Glossary: Cumulative List1 术语解释 - PolyU
this sense, existing models have drawn ontwo perspectives in ... dictionary),此外还包含了一套遣词造句的规则,以便传达各个概念之间的逻辑 ...
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... 顶针造句完整版(顶针造句) · 漱口水能长期使用吗(能不能长期吃漱 ... on international perspective英语作文(VIA的S3 UniChrome Pro显卡能 ...
#33. Coterie synonym. Get your annual subscription for
Unique perspectives are what brings flavor to our conversations and our ... used in a sentence and examples? coterie造句, coterie造句, 用coterie造句, ...
#34. Discipline example sentence. The sentences that f - Schlussler
... your patience with those around you or fail to see their perspective. ... in a sentence and examples? disciplinary action造句, disciplinary action造句, ...
#35. Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| perspective 例句
You must learn to see things in perspective. 你們應該學會正確地觀察事物。 Children often draw without perspective. 小孩子畫畫常常不管透視法。 You have the wrong ...
#36. from a local perspective - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"from a local perspective" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#37. Winter's Bone (2010) Based on: Winter's Bone by Daniel ...
Which leads most nations — from an economic perspective — to choose the ... in a sentence and examples? adaptation造句, adaptation造句, 用adaptation造句, ...
#38. multi -perspective thinking是什麼意思- 英語 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供multi -perspective thinking的在線翻譯,multi -perspective thinking是什麼意思,multi -perspective thinking的真人發音, ...
#39. Put sth. in perspective 是甚麼意思? - Huan-Lin 學習筆記
英文單字“perspective” 最重要的意思就是「透視法」。 perspective = the art of drawing solid objects on a flat surface so as to give the right ...
#40. 《破产姐妹》口语养成之“独到见解” - 沪江网校
Caroline变得有点消极,幸好有Max能安慰她。 【讲解】put sth. into perspective通常是"正确看待、理解某事物"的意思,宾语sth. 应是"被看 ...
#41. "put something into perspective"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國 ...
put something into perspective的意思it means to see things from a different angle or view It can be used literally by changing the angle or ...