飯 1人份,罐頭吞拿魚 2 tbsp,泡菜 2 tbsp,辣椒醬 1/2 tbsp,麻油,紫菜
香腸 2,雞尾腸 5,雞蛋 6,紫菜,蛋白,紫菜,雞蛋卷,紫菜,紫菜,飯糰,蛋白,紫菜
1. 將飯,罐頭吞拿魚,泡菜,辣椒醬,麻油拌勻
2. 搓成圓狀,外面沾上紫菜
3. 將香腸,雞尾腸?花,煎熟
4. 保留部分蛋白,煎成薄片
5. 打發雞蛋後,做雞蛋卷
6. 將紫菜和蛋白剪成圓狀,組成眼睛
7. 在雞蛋卷和飯糰上加上紫菜,眼睛,嘴巴
- rice balls: 1 serving cooked rice, 2 Tbsp canned tuna, 2 Tbsp kimchi, 1/2 Tbsp red pepper paste, bit of sesame oil
- rolled omelette: 6 eggs
- side dishes: 2 long sausages, 5 mini sausages
* faces: seaweed paper, egg white
1. Mix 1 serving of rice with 2 Tbsp canned tuna, 2 Tbsp Kimchi, 1/2 Tbsp red pepper paste and a bit of sesame oil. Roll it over to make a rice ball.
2. Roll the shaped rice ball on seaweed paper.
3. Add 6 eggs on a pan to make rolled omelette.
4. Cook 2 long sausages, 5 mini sausages.
5. With seaweed paper and egg whites, make the eyes of Minions. Roll a strip of seaweed paper on top of rolled omelette.
6. Using seaweed paper, make the eyes and the facial expressions of minions.
7. Add egg whites and seaweed paper on top of rice balls to add the eyes.
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