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3個 不繼續玩Pokemon Go 的原因|3 reasons why I stop playing Pokemon Go
最近很多人都问我为什么不玩Pokemon Go|宝可梦|神奇宝贝|口袋妖怪。
所以就决定做这个影片跟大家分享我对Pokemon Go的一些个人看法。
刚开始的几天,我也跟大家一样很喜欢玩pokemon go |神奇宝贝|宝可梦。
再加上我其实只喜欢pikachu 皮卡丘 比卡丘,所以玩了两天就放弃了。
做这个影片的目的不是让大家都不玩pokemon go|皮卡丘|比卡丘,可是想跟大家分享我的个人经验。
对Pokemon Go|宝可梦|神奇宝贝 有什么看法的话可以留言告诉我哦!
Hey guys, I am cha cha and welcome to my channel!
Recently, many friends of mine have asked me why I stopped playing pokemon go.
Therefore, I decided to make this video to clarify and share with people that want to know as well.
When Pokemon Go was first released in Singapore, I was very excited like all of my friends. Of course, I did play it for a few days.
However, I got tired of it when the problem of GPS Signal cannot be found cannot be solved, especially when you went out with friends just to catch Pokemon.
Another problem is that I only like Pikachu. The moment that I caught it, it's like the end of mission.
I don't mean to ask you guys to stop playing it after watching this video.
This video is just to share with you my experience and opinions.
Please feel free to share what think below. :)
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keywords: pokemon go, 寶可夢,口袋妖怪,意外,遊戲,神奇寶貝,精靈寶可夢,皮卡丘,比卡丘,中國女孩,pikachu,gameplay

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