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單純性腎囊腫(Simple kidney cysts)和多囊性腎病(Polycystic kidney disease)是常見的兩種腎囊腫類型;單純性腎囊腫通常無害且沒有症狀,不會轉換成惡性腫瘤、導致 ...
#2. 淺談腎囊腫
2 林口長庚醫院家庭醫學部部主任. 3 長庚醫院家庭醫學科副教授. 關鍵詞:simple renal cyst, bosniak classification system, renal cystic masses. 通訊作者:陳昭源.
#3. 腎囊腫 - 元氣網
英文名稱:. renal cyst,cyst of kidney · 就診科別:. 腎臟科 · 身體部位:. 腎.
#4. 腎囊腫- 明醫網
腎囊腫(kidney cysts) 是生長在腎臟的水泡,雖然有些腎囊腫可能會嚴重損害腎功能,但大多數都屬單純性腎囊腫(simple kidney cysts):即非癌性囊腫, ...
良性小於4cm 毋須跟進. 根據Bosniak分類系統(Bosniak classification system of renal cystic masses),腎臟囊腫可分為5類。「Type 1和Type ...
孫子傑,吳晉祥,盧豐華,楊宜青,張智仁,simple renal cysts,glomerular ... 中文摘要. 目的:本研究的目是探究某台灣族群單純腎囊腫及其特徵與腎功能不良的相關性。
#7. 腎臟水泡怎麼辦?醫師來解答- 照護線上 - 診所藥局
腎水泡,又稱腎囊泡或腎囊腫,是指腎臟產生一個由包膜包覆的水球,成因不明,超音波看到的水是囊泡內的水。 至於腎積水,又稱腎水腫或水腎,通常是尿液由 ...
#8. renal cyst - 腎囊腫 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
以renal cyst 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 醫學名詞, renal cyst, 腎囊腫 ... 腎囊腫, cyst, kidney. 學術名詞 獸醫學
#9. 腎臟囊腫Renal cyst, Cyst of kidney|疾病症狀與相關新聞
腎臟囊腫Renal cyst, Cyst of kidney|疾病症狀與相關新聞,腎臟囊腫性疾病包括一組可在腎臟不同部位出現的單個或多個囊腫性...|KingNet國家網路醫藥|Second Opinion.
#10. Retroperitoneoscopic+Unroofing+of+Renal+Cyst:+Clinical+ ...
Retroperitoneoscopic Unroofing of Renal Cyst: Clinical Experience ... Simple or retention cysts represent the most common cystic abnormality of the kidney.
#11. 腎臟惡性腫瘤| 醫學影像學習園地 - 中國醫藥大學
Von Hippel-Lindau(VHL)syndrome:2/3的VHL患者會產生renal cyst 和bilateral,常是 multifocal的renal cell carcinoma。研究顯示,VHL gene對clear cell tumor的 ...
#12. 腎臟有水泡,該怎麼辦? - 桃安診所
俗稱的「腎臟長水泡」,又叫「腎囊腫」或「腎水囊」 (renal cyst)。如圖右所示,形狀是圓形或橢圓型,由上皮包圍,內含的液體通常是清澈的血漿濾液。
#13. 多囊性腎病變- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
多囊性腎病變(英语:polycystic kidney disease),又稱多囊腎、泡泡腎,多囊性腎病變是一種遺傳病的腎病變,人、貓、狗等多種動物都可能發病,其中貓的發病率高達6% ...
#14. 腎臟專科-孫樹俊醫師- 腎囊腫(Renal cyst)... - Facebook - 登录 ...
腎囊腫(Renal cyst) 分類採用Bosniak系統,以波士尼亞博士的名字命名,他是設計它的放射科醫師:. Category I 簡單的良性囊腫:髮絲薄而光滑的壁, ...
#15. 【疾病名】单纯性肾囊肿【英文名】simple renal cyst 【缩写 ...
【别名】simple cyst of kidney;simple cystic kidney. 【ICD 号】N28.8. 【概述】. 单纯性肾囊肿(simple renal cyst)是肾囊性疾病中最多见、症状最轻的一.
#16. bilateral renal cysts中文,大家都在找解答 旅遊日本住宿評價
bilateral renal cysts中文,大家都在找解答第1頁。Simple Renal Cysts Associated with Increased Risk of Renal Dysfunction ... with bilateral cysts, ...
#17. 後天性囊性腎病(Acquired cystic kidney disease)_腎臟內科
後天性的腎臟囊腫常在病人不斷的發生腎臟疾病過後,腎臟有可能長出許多的囊泡,而且囊泡必須大於5個以上。單純後天的囊泡,往往是單一個(單側),外壁平滑,比較沒有 ...
#18. 體染色體顯性多囊性腎臟病之簡介與治療新進展 - 內科醫學會
體染色體顯性多囊性腎臟病(Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease; ADPKD)是. 最常見的腎臟遺傳性疾病,根據流行病學的研究, ... ≧4 cysts in each kidney.
#19. 腎水囊會爆的嗎?會變癌的嗎?
腎囊腫(Renal Cyst ) 俗稱為水泡或水囊,也就是腎臟出現內含液體的囊泡。
#20. 以複雜性腎囊腫為表現之腎被膜去分化型脂肉瘤-病例報告
#21. 泌尿外科-多囊腎,臨床醫學教室 - 高點醫護網
多囊腎(polycystic kidney)是一種體染色體遺傳性腎病,患者腎臟出現大小不等的水泡。90% ... 電腦斷層檢查可見到右腎部位有多個大小不均的囊泡(cysts);左腎無異常之 ...
#22. renal cyst翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
renal cyst中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:腎囊腫。英漢詞典提供【renal cyst】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#23. renal cyst 中文- 腎囊腫… - 查查在線詞典
renal cyst中文 ::腎囊腫…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋renal cyst的中文翻譯,renal cyst的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#24. 泌尿科
英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD‑9‑CM 2001年版 A Code Benign prostate hypertrophy 良性攝護腺肥大 600.0 A360 Renal stone 腎結石 592.0 A352 Ureteral stone 輸尿管結石 592.1 A352
#25. 壹、 泌尿外科之常規作業及特殊檢查
middle calyx – 結石在middle calyx,renal pelvis,U-P-J 與upper ureter。 ... lesion due to cancer, BPH, cyst or inflammatory lesion ② prostate calcification ...
#26. Milk of Calcium Renal stone病例報告兼文獻回顧.pdf
HENKEN, E.M. "Milk of Calcium" in renal cyst. 時却找不到結石的病灶所在,又重做一次IVP 檢查,才Radiology ...
#27. 腹部超音波之基本操作– An Introduction to Abdominal ...
判斷hydronephrosis最重要的不是用抽血判斷有沒有post-renal type AKI,而是看膀胱漲不漲或是影像判讀有無obstruction ... Renal cyst常見,通常無害.
#28. 腎臟疾病——腎囊腫(renal cyst)聲像圖 - 雪花新闻
(一) 腎囊腫聲像圖腎囊腫種類頗多,在聲像圖中形態各異,容易鑑別。 1. 單純性腎囊腫(simple renal cyst) 呈圓形的無回聲區,囊壁薄而光滑, ...
#29. 腹腔鏡與開放手術行腎囊腫去頂減壓術的對比研究
【Abstract】 Objective:To compare the effect of open and laparoscopic renal cyst unroofing.Methods: The clinical data of 37 cases performed laparoscopic ...
#30. 腎臟的囊性病變cystic disease - Tiny Notes
simple renal cyst 老年人常見,大部分沒有症狀,也不需要治療如果太大顆、出現鈣化、變很多顆:要小心、考慮治療ADPKD(體染色體顯性多囊性腎病變) ...
#31. kidney cyst - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"kidney cyst" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#32. Kidney cyst - Mayo Clinic
A kidney cyst is a round or oval fluid-filled pouch with a well-defined outline. Kidney cysts typically grow on the surface of a kidney, although some may ...
#33. Complex renal cysts (Bosniak ≥IIF) - X-MOL
METHODS A regional database identified 452 complex renal cysts in 415 patients between 2009 and 2019. ... 中文翻译: ...
#34. HTML - 中国全科医学杂志社
以“肾脏囊性病变、Bosniak分级、诊断、临床干预”为中文关键词检索中国知网、万方 ... Simple and complex renal cysts in adults:classification system for renal ...
#35. 發現腎囊腫應如果處理? - 每日頭條
昨天一個孩子做腎B超,偶爾發現腎囊腫。 需要擔心嗎?這裏重點討論單純腎囊腫, simple cyst 或simple renal cyst。單純腎囊腫是最常見的腎囊腫。
#36. Renal ultrasound
Renal hilum: renal vein, artery, ureter, lymphatics. ▷ 一對腎約有200萬個腎元組成 ... Bosniak renal cyst classification system ...
#37. Hyperdense renal cyst | Radiology Reference Article
Benign hyperattenuating renal cysts are also known as hyperdense renal cysts. Epidemiology They are frequently found in patients with either ...
#38. 腎及尿道系統/女性生殖系統常見編碼原則及案例分享
Kidney. Renal calyx / Renal capsule. Renal cortex / Renal segment ... 2:Abdominal right ovarian cyst drainage and wedge biopsy.
#39. 台北市醫師公會網站
自體顯性多囊性腎臟病會出現漸進性的腎臟囊泡(renal cyst)發展, 因而導致腎臟疼痛、高血壓,最終出現腎臟衰竭,嚴重者可能需要洗腎或是進行腎臟移植。
#40. 【108 年泌尿科筆試考古題】-1 結石
(B) 對於type 1 RTA(renal tubule acidosis)的病人,鹼化尿液的藥物 ... 下列有關於腎臟囊腫(Renal cyst)的敘述,請選擇最正. 確的答案?
#41. Kidney Cancer Diagnosis | Johns Hopkins Medicine
It is important not to confuse a potential kidney cancer with a kidney cyst or other benign lesion. Cysts are fluid filled structures that range from being ...
#42. 血管肌肉脂肪瘤引起自發性腎臟出血-病例報告 - 光田綜合醫院
自發性腎臟出血(spontaneous peri-renal hemorrhage, SPH)在臨床上十分罕見。診斷的前提. 是必須排除外傷以及手術等外力 ... 腫瘤(如:angiomyolipoma、renal cyst、.
#43. 多囊性腎病合併感染抗生素選擇antibiotics in infected cysts in ...
They found that microbiologic diagnosis from urine or even blood is far from universal, particularly in cases of renal cyst infections.
#44. Acquired Kidney Cysts - Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders
Acquired cysts usually do not cause symptoms or affect kidney function. People may develop a single cyst or many cysts in one or both kidneys. The cause of ...
#45. bil renal cysts中文 - Cnap
中文 詞彙學術名詞病理學名詞Renal cyst; Cyst of kidney 腎臟囊腫. renal calculus “cyst” 中文翻譯: n. 1.【生物學】胞,囊;包囊;膀胱。. 2.【醫學】囊“renal cyst ...
#46. 腎囊腫 - A+醫學百科
腎囊腫(renal cyst,cyst of kidney)是腎臟內出現大小不等的與外界不相通的囊性腫塊的總稱,也叫做腎囊性疾病(cystic diseases of the kidney)。常見的腎囊腫可分 ...
#47. 醫學教育- “Tolvaptan”一種專一性vasopressin-2 受體拮抗劑
此外,在ADPKD 的病人身上,腎臟中. 因AVP 刺激使cAMP 增加,造成多囊性腎病. 變惡化,而tolvaptan 的作用可以減緩腎功能的. 惡化、減少腎囊腫(renal cyst) 的增生和腎囊腫.
#48. Kidney Cyst Removal | Cedars-Sinai
Removal of Kidney Cysts. A kidney cyst is a pocket of fluid pouching out of the kidney. Cystic enlargement of the kidney can cause ...
#49. 泌尿外科住院醫師訓練計劃 - 奇美醫院
腎外傷手術, Operation of Traumatic Kidney. 23.腎水囊除頂術, Unroofing of Renal Cyst. 24.腎切除術, Nephrectomy. 25.腎臟輸尿管切除術
#50. 肾囊肿- renal cyst是什么意思
英文: Here is a much larger simple renal cyst of the upper pole. 中文: 肾脏上极更大的单纯性肾囊肿,还有一些小囊肿散布于肾脏。
#51. Regression of Peritubular Capillaries Coincides with ...
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that angiogenesis is coupled with kidney cyst expansion, and the loss of peritubular capillary ...
#52. renal cyst 中文renal - Lousi Imagine
Illustration of kidney cysts . Illustration of a healthy kidney In Renal Sac Disease,英文: Multilocular renal cyst (cystic nephroma) tends to occur ...
#53. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español ... 中英对照. 孤立性肾囊肿. solitary renal cyst ...
#54. 實習單位資料
Renal stone腎臟結石. L't Staghorn stone左側鹿角石結石 ... renal cell carcinoma(RCC)腎細胞癌 ... Renal cyst腎囊腫. Polycystic kidney多囊腎. Azotemia氮血症 ...
#55. 腎囊腫英文- 醫學名詞- 雙語詞彙 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 腎囊腫 renal cyst 【醫學名詞】 腎囊腫 cyst,kidney 【獸醫學】 腎囊腫 nephrocystosis 【獸醫學】
#56. Incidental Renal Mass or Cyst - Approach to the Patient
renal mass or cyst found incidentally, usually on abdominal ultrasound or cross-sectional imaging studies as a small, localized mass ...
#57. renal cyst是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选renal cyst是什么意思、英语单词推荐、renal cyst的用法、renal cyst的中文解释、翻译renal cyst是什么意思.
#58. 泌尿科
英文疾病名稱, 中文疾病名稱, ICD-9-CM 1992年版, ICD-9-CM 2001年版, A Code ... Renal stone, 腎結石, 592.0, 592.0, A352 ... Renal cyst, 腎囊腫, 593.2, 593.2 ...
#59. bilateral renal cysts中文中文題目:在一個洗腎的多囊腎患者 ...
bilateral renal cysts中文中文題目:在一個洗腎的多囊腎患者發現多顆腎臟腫瘤 ... Extra renal rupture of a cortical cyst with subsequent perinephric ...
#60. 什麼是肝囊腫? - 康健知識庫
... dominant polycystic kidney disease ,簡稱為ADPKD),對腎臟功能的影響遠比肝臟更大。 ... Healthline:Liver cyst · Inner body:Liver Cysts - Simple Cysts, ...
#61. 多囊肾-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
Polycystic Kidney Diseases/ Hereditary diseases that are characterized by the progressive expansion of a large number of tightly packed CYSTS within the ...
#62. cortical cysts 中文 - Ecofuel
cortical cysts 中文 · Google · Bone island (enostosis): current concept · Kidney Cyst · Renal Cortical Cyst 2.0*1.9 cm With Thin Internal.
#63. 認識尿路結石(一)--結石介紹及評估-泌尿外科 - 三軍總醫院
... 急性腎動脈栓塞(acute renal artery embolism),,,,,,副主動脈剝離(abdomen aortic aneurysm),,,,,,,,,,B.,,,,詳細病史, ... 卵巢囊腫(ovary cyst) 扭轉(twist).
#64. 商業保險商品病名對應國際疾病分類代碼
依中文保險病名編. 碼. 633.0-633.9. 48 子宮外孕 ... 277 先天性總膽管囊腫Choledochal cyst ... 787 高血壓性腎臟疾病Hypertensive renal disease. 403.00-403.91.
#65. 第十四章:泌尿系統
蹄形腎(horse shoe kidney)。 2. 腎囊腫(Renal cysts):這不包括因慢. 性腎炎引發的後天性的囊腫。這種囊腫可. 為單一或多發,單一的常見於豬的腎臟,.
#66. Kidney Cyst Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find kidney cyst stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#67. 胰脾腎主動脈超音波掃描簡介
Ectopia kidney. Renal cyst. Free echo well-defined posterior enhancement. 後方回音增強. 需與血管(動脈瘤)做鑑. 別診斷—on color. Renal stone.
#68. 行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫期中進度報告 - 國立成功 ...
中文 摘要: ... development of gradually enlarging renal cysts and a ... pathogenesis of the renal cyst formation and progression is.
#69. ~彰化基督教醫院罕見疾病電子報~ 第三十八期
體染色體隱性多囊性腎臟疾病( Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease ) ... facilitates cyst formation in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.
#70. 醫療服務給付項目
診療項目代碼 健保支付點數 價格參考起日 價格參考迄日 59976266 76011B 8964 2004/7/1 2910/12/31 59976267 76012B 12550 1996/7/1 2910/12/31 59976268 76013B 12150 2001/6/1 2910/12/31
#71. 肾囊肿尿毒症_百度百科
中文 名: 肾囊肿尿毒症; 外文名: Renal cyst uremia. 遗传方式: 常染色体显性遗传; 病 因: 集合管与远曲小管的连接失误; 症 状: 腰、腹部不适或疼痛、血尿 ...
#72. Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney - Children's Hospital of ...
A multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) is the result of abnormal fetal development of the kidney. The kidney consists of irregular cysts of varying sizes that ...
#73. Kidney Cancer Types
There are two main types of primary kidney cancer: renal cortical tumors and ... But other types — such as renal cysts, oncocytomas, and angiomyolipomas ...
#74. 檔案下載 - 衛生福利部
Among adults with simple renal cyst, does sclerotherapy with ethanl compared with aspiration or other regimen lead to cyst disappearance and/or cyst size ...
#75. right renal cyst 中文腎臟超音波英文描述不懂請翻譯 - Lvai
17/8/2008 · A liver cyst (10mm) is found over left lobe of liver. Both kidneys: Small renal size with heterogenous echo of both sides are found. A renal cyst ( ...
#76. 肾囊肿(renal cyst)声像图-肾脏疾病-超声诊断学 - 影像园
肾囊肿声像图1. 单纯性肾囊肿(simple renal cyst) 呈圆形的无回声区,囊壁薄而光滑,后方回声增强为其特征,囊肿常向肾表面凸出,其大小不一, ...
#77. Renal cysts - VisualDx
Simple renal cysts are common renal lesions (70%); the majority are benign, and further imaging is not required. The most common form of cystic ...
#78. Role of 18 F-FDG PET/CT in Renal Cyst Infection
Purpose of Review Cyst infection (CI) is a severe complication of cystic renal disorders, notably in autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), ...
#79. Fetal Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney (MCDK): What You Need to ...
One or both kidneys grow cysts (fluid-filled sacs) that look like a bunch of grapes. The cysts cause the unhealthy kidney to not work.
#80. I have a septated cyst in my left kidney that is about 1.4cm. I ...
Can you tell me if I need to worry about kidney disease? My right kidney was 10cm last year and is still 10cm with no evidence of cysts.
#81. Liver cyst: Causes, symptoms, and treatments - Medical News ...
This condition can also cause cysts in the lungs, kidneys, brain, and other organs around the body. Polycystic liver disease (PLD) is ...
#82. 曾志仁醫師的網頁 - 中山醫學大學附設醫院
189.1 Renal pelvis cancer 腎盂惡性腫瘤189.1 ... 593.2 Renal cyst; Cyst of kidney, acquired 後天性腎囊腫 593.2 ... ICD-9 (2001) English 中文ICD-9 (1992).
#83. renal cyst aspiration — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“renal cyst aspiration” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
... Fenestration for arachnoid cyst; Hemispherectomy; Lobectomy of brain ... Venous catheterisation; Venous catheterisation for renal dialysis.
#85. Laparoscopic Renal Cyst Decortication - UW Health
Laparoscopic renal cyst decortication removes the cover of a large renal cyst so the fluid can drain. This method uses 3 to 5 small incisions.
#86. Caroline (Carli) R. Sussman, Ph.D. - Mayo Clinic Faculty Profiles
Among the shared genes are two genes responsible for most cases of PKD, which also cause kidney cysts in zebrafish when mutated.
#87. Video Gallery : Anesthesia & Analgesia - Lippincott
Play Video | + Favorites. Renal Cyst. Creator ...
#88. Simple Kidney Cysts - Fairview
Front view of kidney with simple cyst. Simple kidney cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form in your kidneys. These cysts often don't affect how the kidneys ...
#89. 夏銀教授
Gentamicin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury in an Animal Model Involves ... Repulsive guidance molecule b inhibits renal cyst development through the bone ...
#90. right renal cyst 中文renal - Dlouz
Lymph Nodes At Bilateral Inguinal Regions,renal cyst的中文, jaundice 及right upper abdominal pain。 What Is Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney ?
#91. polycystic kidney disease | translate to Mandarin Chinese
a genetic disorder in which a lot of cysts (= small growths filled with liquid) form on the kidneys often causing kidney failure. (遗传性疾病)多囊性肾病.
#92. 尿液常規檢查腎小管上皮細胞(Renal tubular epithelial cell ...
腎元是腎功能的基本單位,位於泌尿系統的最上游,它包含了腎絲球(微細血管團)、鮑氏囊、腎小管三種主要結構。鮑氏囊就像是ㄧ個具有過濾功能的棒球 ...
#93. Retroperitoneal space and Retroperitoneal organs - YouTube
#94. Laparoscopic marsupialization of a simple renal cyst - PubMed
An 8 cm. symptomatic simple renal cyst, recurrent despite previous aspiration and injection of sclerosing agents, was marsupialized using laparoscopic ...
#95. 台灣腎細胞癌(Renal Cell Carcinoma, RCC)的概況、成因
台灣腎細胞癌(Renal Cell Carcinoma,. RCC)的概況、成因、及危險因子. 雙和醫院. 泌尿科. 吳佳璋醫師. 107/11/03 ...
#96. Laparoscopic Renal Cyst Decortication | BIDMC of Boston
Simple kidney cysts are common and usually do not cause symptoms. Occasionally, however, they become large and can cause pain or infection.
renal cyst中文 在 腎臟專科-孫樹俊醫師- 腎囊腫(Renal cyst)... - Facebook - 登录 ... 的推薦與評價
腎囊腫(Renal cyst) 分類採用Bosniak系統,以波士尼亞博士的名字命名,他是設計它的放射科醫師:. Category I 簡單的良性囊腫:髮絲薄而光滑的壁, ... ... <看更多>