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Hello 大家~
這算是我第一次做日常的Weekend Vlog,希望大家會喜歡~有甚麼想看的歡迎告訴我和給我意見歐!
這個周末為了去參加朋友的house warming party,整個行程排超滿!
週五下班回家瞎忙一整晚做酥皮泡芙 (想知道怎麼做連結在這https://youtu.be/YdoNIjltMR0)
這次影片用了我買的新相機Canon EOS M50 夾雜著用Samsung S20+拍的影片,最近還在測試新相機當中,下支Baking影片我會全用相機拍,好期待!快來猜猜我下次要烤什麼!!
Hello everyone!! Welcome to my channel!
I am so excited to share my first weekend vlog with you guys and I hope you guys will like it!
I had a busy weekend starting from Friday night since I had to prepare the choux au craquelin (you can also call it cream puff) for my friend's house warming. On Saturday, I went to the house warming and had lots of chit chat and silly time with my friends. And of course, yummy food!!
On Sunday, I finally got to go to Xing Fu Tang to try the Taiwan #1 brown sugar milk tea and Mama Chu for lunch.
In addition, I bought a new baking tray and guess what I am making next!! I will leave it to you guys! See you in the next video!! ♡♡♡♡♡
**In case you want to know (Link from Amazon)**
• Oven: Breville The Smart Oven Pro Counter top Oven, Brushed Stainless Steel
• Camera: Samsung S20+
• Camera: Canon EOS M50
• Protection filter: Hoya 49mm HMC UV Standard Filter
• Tripod: Joby handypod
• Microphone: Rode videomic
• Mother Chu's Taiwanese Gourmet (I call it Mama Chu 朱媽媽haha)
想吃清粥小菜早點可來這試試∣ Taiwanese style breakfast
1/84-88 Dixon St, Sydney NSW 2000
• Xing Fu Tang 幸福堂
號稱台灣第一的黑糖珍奶∣ Taiwan No.1 Brown Sugar Boba Tea
181/569 George St, Sydney NSW 2000
♥Music by MYSM - Soft Cream - https://thmatc.co/?l=5803A5C6
♥Music by Terry Saige - Far Away - https://thmatc.co/?l=9CC9ADA4
♥Music by Singto Conley - Iced Coffee - https://thmatc.co/?l=7CC00010
♥Music by Mark Generous - Meganne - https://thmatc.co/?l=E19F50B3
♥Music by Dylan Rockoff - Killing Time (feat. OSTON) - https://thmatc.co/?l=216603D3
#Vlog #xingfutangsydney #gym #weekend #mamachu #creampuff #chouxaucraquelin #sydney
*Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored by anyone.