#hkyogachallenge Day 9 - #sarvangasana or #shoulderstand. Did you know that the Sanskrit name doesn't actually mean shoulderstand but "all parts pose"? That is because this pose benefits all parts of the body. It massages the thyroid glands so it regulates the endocrine system - good for hormonal imbalance. It is also an entry level inversion in #yogapractice. And here's how:
1️⃣ Lie down on your back with your head absolutely centred. Arms by the sides and with one big inhale, lift the legs up send the hips over the shoulders, legs over the head. And at the same time bending the elbows to bring hands on the lower back. This is actually called #ploughpose.
2️⃣ Gently roll the body side to side and walk the elbows closer to each other. At the next inhale lift the legs up so that they are vertical (see photo). If you're a beginner and your shoulders are tight, it's ok to keep the legs about 45 degrees against the floor.
3️⃣ The head must be centre at all times to protect the neck. Breathe deeply. Stay for about 10-15 deep breaths. Sometimes you might feel claustrophobic in shoulderstand or plough pose, if that's the case, take it easy.
4️⃣ To exit the pose, you may bring your legs about 45 degrees against the ground first, lower your arms down to the grounds and push them down firmly. Lower your body down slowly by using your core and arms as a brake so you won't fall down. Then turn your head side to side.
The shoulderstand, sometimes also known as the "Queen of all Asanas," is best followed by #fishpose. Check in with @guleta tomorrow for it.
Have fun practicing! And by the way, do you know which pose is the "King of all Asanas"? Extra points for the correct answer 🤓🤓🤓
To enter the challenge and win a chance to great prizes, post the picture of yourself in this #yin inversion and make sure to tag and follow ALL hosts & sponsors.
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