scold 的例句. scold. There is no very conspicuous linkage between scolds and thieves either. 來自Cambridge English Corpus.
#2. scold中文, scold是什麼意思:責罵… - 查查綫上辭典
scold とは意味:1scold n. 口うるさい女; がみがみ女.【形容詞名詞+】◇a born scold 生まれながら口うるさい女◇a common scold 近所迷惑ながみがみ女◇Don't be such a ...
scold · vt. 罵,責罵;嘮嘮叨叨地責備 · vi. 罵,叱責 · n. 【舊】好罵人的女人,愛抱怨的女人[S1];責罵[C] ...
scold 好責罵的人,責罵(vi.)責罵,嘮嘮叨叨地罵(vt.)怒罵. ... 線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 · Chinese-English Dictionary / Calculator ... Scold \Scold\, v. t.
大量翻译例句关于"scold" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... TSANG asks me not to scold him so loudly, I will tell him, if you do more good works, ...
#6. scold-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Why do you always scold us through your paper?,在英语-中文情境中翻译"scold"
#7. scold 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
scold. 分享單字. US /skold/. ・. UK /skəʊld/. B1 中級. 定義 影片字幕. other 罵; v. 責罵; 斥責. Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play ...
scold中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:vi. ... 英漢詞典提供【scold】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... "The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car".
#9. 'scold' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典 - Collins ...
'scold' 的简体中文Translation of | 官方柯林斯英语- 汉语词典网上词典。10 万条英语单词和短语的简体中文翻译。
#10. scold是什么意思? scold翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
scold 的解释是:责骂, 申斥, 斥责… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:scold的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#11. scold中文意思- 看影片不用背單字
scold 的中文意思是什麼呢?2021年最常見的用法,有10影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種外國人(真人),講述這個單字,不再是死死的機器發音。
#12. 關於Scold的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
Q: 請提供關於scold 的例句給我。 A: I am scolding her. I never scold my children. He was scolded by the teacher. Her mother scolded her ...
#13. scold - 英汉词典
scold - 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. scold [sb]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb ... Beth scolded Amy for going out in the rain without a coat.
#14. scold的意思在线翻译,解释scold中文英文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
scold. scold的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [skould] KK音标发音: [skold]. scold的词性: v.(动词). scolded, scolding, scolds. scold的词性:
#15. scold 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
scold 中文 意思是什麼 ... vt. 及物動詞 ,vi. 不及物動詞 責罵;叱責。 n. 名詞 嘮嘮叨叨[吵吵嚷嚷,高聲]罵人的人[婦女],〈特指〉(好罵人的)潑婦。 a common scold 整天 ...
#16. scold過去式,大家都在找解答 旅遊日本住宿評價
動變: 過去式:scolded 過去分詞:scolded 現在進行時:scolding. 名複: scolds. ... scold中文,scold是什麼意思,scold發音和翻譯| scold過去式. scold中文:責罵…
#17. scold 中文意思是什麼
scold 中文 意思是什麼. 音標[skəuld]. scold 解釋. vt. 及物動詞 ,vi. 不及物動詞 責罵;叱責。 n. 名詞 嘮嘮叨叨[吵吵嚷嚷,高聲]罵人的人[婦女],〈特指〉(好罵人 ...
#18. scold中文意思是什麼? 這裡有正確翻譯答案
#19. scold中文,scold是什麼意思,scold發音和翻譯 | 健康跟著走
scold - scold中文:責罵…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋scold的中文翻譯,scold的發音,音標,用法和...過去式:scolded完成式:scold...
#20. scold翻译为:常骂人的人
scold 的中文意思:常骂人的人,点击查看详细解释:scold的中文翻译、scold的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握scold这个单词。
#21. scold - 从英语翻译成中文 - PONS 词典
#22. scold的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,反义词,拼写相似词汇
scold 的基本解释: vt. 责骂. My mother scolded me when I dropped the plates. 我摔了盘子时,我妈妈责备我了。 She is always scolding her children.
#23. scold的中文翻譯
5/5000. 偵測語言, 世界語, 中文, 丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 亞美尼亞文, 伊博文, 俄文, 保加利亞文, 信德文, 優魯巴文, 克林貢語, 克羅埃西亞文, 冰島文, 加泰羅尼亞文 ...
#24. scold单词的级别- 真人发音、例句
scold. 级别, 第4级. 音标, [ skəʊld ]. 解释, n.好责骂的人,责骂;vi.责骂,唠唠叨叨地骂;vt.怒骂. 英英释义, to tell off someone because you disapprove of ...
#25. scold (英语→ 西班牙语) - DeepL
热门:西班牙语译英语、法语译英语、日语译英语。 其他语言:保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚语、芬兰语、德语、希腊语、匈牙利语、意大利语、 ...
#26. Chico Will Scold You! Voice Stickers 2 – LINE貼圖
We're bringing you even more stickers from the popular NHK show Chico Will Scold You! Cheer on your friends and turn your chats into laugh riots!
#27. scold 中文
學習自己需要的詞彙,在交流中充滿信心。 (scold在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯© Cambridge University Press). “scold a child in a loud voice” 中文翻譯: 呵斥 ...
#28. 英语-汉语scold翻译
She was frequently scolded by her aunt due to her lackluster grades. English 如何在句子中使用"scolding". more_vert.
#29. scold中文怎么翻译_英汉词库
scold什么意思,scold中文翻译,vt.,vi.责骂;叱责。n.唠唠叨叨[吵吵嚷嚷,高声]骂人的人[妇女],〔特指〕(好骂人的)泼妇。 a common scold 整天骂人吵得四邻不安的泼妇.
#30. scold的中文翻译和情景例句 - 留声词典
scold 的中文意思翻译:v. 训斥,责骂。scold的中文翻译、scold的发音、柯林斯释义、用法、scold的近义词、反义词和双语例句等。
#31. scold 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释scold这个英文词呢? scold这个英文词,中文意思如下:斥责。 Meaning of scold for the defined word. 在语法上,这个单字"scold"是一个名词 ...
#32. scold 四级高考考研 - 欧路词典
#33. 單字scold的中文意思與發音
scold中文 意思: scold [skәuld] v.責駡,申斥,斥責..., 學習scold發音, scold例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#34. scold中文-西瓜视频搜索
#35. Scold Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find scold stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#36. scold 中文scold的中文意思 - Gimfm
scold的中文意思 scold 中文意思是什麼音標[skəuld] scold解釋vt. 及物動詞,vi. 不及物動詞責罵;叱責。n. 名詞嘮嘮叨叨[吵吵嚷嚷,高聲]罵人的人[婦女],〈特指〉( ...
#37. scold是什么意思 - 战马教育
scold 是什么意思:scold可作名词、及物动词和不及物动词,作为名词时,中文意思为责骂、爱责骂的人;作为及物动词时,中文意思为骂、责骂; ...
#38. 【繁中字/認聲】SF9-불호령(呵斥/Scold)
#39. common scold — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
Curst shrews and venomous scolds: the societal and legal reactive processes to dangerous and unideal female speech in early modern england.
#40. scold at - 用法_例句_英语短语 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选scold at是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、scold at的用法、scold at的中文翻译及音标、翻译scold at是什么意思.
#41. 英语: “scold” - 大词典
#42. scold - 是一個英文單詞,動詞譯為責罵,斥責 - 中文百科知識
scold ,是一個英文單詞,動詞譯為責罵,斥責,名詞譯為常罵人的人。釋義vt.責罵vi.責罵; 斥責n.常罵人的人例句fhefindsout,he'llscoldme.如果他知道了,肯定會責罵我的 ...
#43. scold 中文scold - Apfigp
scold at in Chinese,但著重公開性。 reproach : 側重指因他人粗心,英語單詞推薦, réprimande.”> 簡體中文translation of scold – Translations,用法及解釋,英語 ...
#44. common scold中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
common scold中文意思是整天骂人闹得四邻不安的泼妇.
#45. 翻译'scold' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
检查“ scold”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中scold的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。 ... You mustn't answer your mother back when she scolds you.
#46. scold什么意思中文 - 搜狗搜索
[例句]. Don't scold him any more; he has already apologized for his wrongdoing. 别再唠叨他了,他已赔错了。 [变形]. 过去分词:scolded. 现在分词:scolding.
#47. Tiny Gods Of The Nile - Steam
Have fun : cheat, cast spells… But be careful, Râ your teacher will gladly scold you if you get caught ! ... 不支援繁體中文. 本產品尚不支援您的目前所在地的 ...
#48. common scold中文翻译 - 英语句库
common scold的中文翻译,common scold的中文意思. besoo2020-03-21 19. 爱吵架的女人。 转载请注明原文地址: common · scold ...
#49. common scold是什么意思 - 英语词典
恒星英语词典栏目提供common scold是什么意思,common scold的中文解释,common scold的读音发音,common scold的含义和用法以及common scold的造句参考例句。
#50. scold中文意思_麦克风网
“scold”的中文翻译词典解释美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 及物动词vt. 1. 骂,责骂;唠唠叨叨地责备She is always scolding her children. 她老是斥责自己的子女。
#51. scold中文意思和解释 - 英语单词大全
Do not scold the puppy, but simply and firmly say 'no'..不要责骂小狗,但要干脆利落地说“不”。 scold英英释义. 责骂;叱责英释vvto angrily criticize someone, ...
#52. scold scold中文翻译
#53. That'scold中文 - 百度知道
Thats Cold. Said to describe something someone has said/done that is very harsh or mean. Can be used funnily (See Example One) or can be used that its so ...
#54. Businesses scold Australian universities' 'immoral self-interest'
English · Simplified Chinese (简体中文). Times Higher Education subscriptions. 订阅. 如果您希望在网上阅读我们的文章,为什么不尝试订阅来体验 ...
#55. 傻屄- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
#56. scold简体中文怎么写- 什么意思? - 在线翻译
scold.. 翻译 ... 1、长按上方二维码,保存至手机相册; 2、进微信扫一扫,从相册中选择识别二维码。 联系我们.
#57. China and the Environment - The New York Times
阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 ... President Biden scolded Russia and China for not participating in the United Nations summit on climate change and drew a ...
#58. Opinion & Reviews - Wall Street Journal
Opinion: College Testing Bait-and-Switch. Back to Top. Edition. English, 中文 (Chinese), 日本語 (Japanese). WSJ Membership BenefitsCustomer CenterLegal ...
#59. scold - 用法_例句 - 海词词典
#60. 廣東話vs普通話:當香港的語言遇上政治- BBC News 中文
#61. B.R.O.theR. ?uestion (@questlove) | Twitter
I feel bad enjoying this spring eve in November—— @swetac please scold me for this guilty feeling I have. 4 replies 0 retweets 31 likes.
#62. 孩子和宠物的相处原则 - ZH中文网
选取绘本:I 'll always love you。经典句子:I still love you, even when I scold you.
#63. Cheng Hsing Yao: The CEO and the gentleman - EdgeProp
“He doesn't scold people or throw things when he's upset,” says Tang. “Even when there were delays in the construction of the projects ...
#64. Reliance Industries to own a team in UAE-based T20 league
... 한국 (한국어), 中华人民共和国 (简体中文), 台灣 (繁體中文) ... Kundali Bhagya, 24 November 2021, Written Update: Kareena scolds…
#65. 諾桑覺寺(中文導讀英文版): 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
—I scold them all amazingly about it.' 'Scold them! Do you scold them for not admiring her?' 'Yes, that I do. There is nothing I would not do for those who ...
#66. Inside the NFT Rush: Gary Vaynerchuk, the NFT Scene's ...
But Vaynerchuk also turns on a dime to scold his audience of would-be NFT entrepreneurs, decked out in their backwards ball caps and Bored ...
#67. Instablog9ja on Instagram: “Singer Mayorkun scolds his pet for ...
instablog9ja posted on their Instagram profile: “Singer Mayorkun scolds his pet for chewing his expensive gadget”
#68. Residents in two districts in Kandal province brace for flooding
Meanchey people lauds authorities for clearing sidewalk hawking businesses · Next Article. Drunkard man kills father-in-law for scolding him.
#69. Julian Assange evicted from Ecuadorian embassy for 'spoiled ...
Within months of taking office in 2017, Mr Moreno's government scolded Assange again for meddling in international affairs by voicing his ...
#70. Islamic Parenting Guidance, Perfect Means of Upbringing - IQNA
Instead of blaming and scolding them it is best to forgive them, explain why what they did was wrong and help them to rectify their mistakes ...
#71. scold - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
scold. 语言 · 监视本页 · 编辑. 英语编辑. 發音编辑. (英國) IPA:/skəʊld/, [skɒʊɫd]; (美國) IPA:/skoʊld/. 音頻(美式). (文檔). 韻部:-əʊld. 训斥,责骂.
#72. 曼斯菲爾德莊園 中文導讀英文版 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
“Well,” said Miss Crawford, “and do you not scold us for our imprudence? What do you think we have been sitting down for but to be talked to about it, ...
#73. 木偶奇遇記(中文導讀英文版): 英語學習專家 克萊兒老師專業推薦
“Poor Pinocchio! and if the Fairy should scold?” “Well, let her scold. When she has scolded enough she will stop.” In the meantime it became quite dark.
#74. 中文饒舌強大勢力‧ C-BLOCK《殺死忍者》音源釋出
W.P 編為大家簡單介紹。C-BLOCK 屬於Sup Music 饒舌廠牌,是來自湖南長沙的饒舌團體,現團員為大傻A.K.A DamnShine 、小胖A.K.A KungFu-P 和Key A.K.A Local Kid 。
#75. scold (【動詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
While school teachers might scold their students for using slang, it plays an important role in constructing people's identities.
#76. IB Chinese B HL Chinese Grammar V2021 中文语法-: A Quick ...
挨了一顿骂 aile yi dànmà get a scolding 4 new WWW.Edeo , biz a delicious meal - B5 * yi dù n mě ic ā n 一顿臭骂 yi dun chóuma A scolding The new HSK ...
#77. SAT中文词汇 SAT Chinese 5000 Classified Vocabulary V2021: By ...
挨了一顿骂 aile yi dànmà get a scolding 饱餐一顿 bāocányi dun in heshima have a big meal ; eat and drink one's fill WWW.Edeo , biz - B5 * yi dù n mě ic ā ...
#78. SAT 中文语法 SAT Chinese Grammar Book Version 2021: A Quick ...
挨了一顿骂 āile yi dùn mà get a scolding TEXTE LEGOO 饱餐一顿 baocan yi dun have a big meal ; eat and drink one's fill mean , eat and a – Đi để ...
#79. IB Chinese_B_SL 2500 Classified Vocabulary V2021 IB 中文B词汇: ...
More illustrations:顿 dùn (量) (used for number of times of scold, meal, persuade ) 4 new HSK 三顿饭 sān dùn fàn three meals.挨了一顿骂 āileyī dùnmà get a ...
#80. Phoenix Union High School District / Homepage
... Burmese (မြန်မာ); Catalan (català); Cebuano (Cebuano); Chichewa (Chichewa); Chinese Simplified (简体中文); Chinese Traditional (中國傳統的) ...
#81. Shallow 歌詞翻譯賞析
Shallow 中文歌詞翻譯,不但力求達到可靠、通順、優雅的境界,並且與聽友們分享其意境深遠的內涵。
#82. ترجمه کلمه scold به فارسی | دیکشنری انگلیسی بیاموز
معنی و ترجمه کلمه انگلیسی scold به فارسی، به همراه مثال، تلفظ آنلاین و توضیحات گرامری. 1 - سرزنش کردن (فعل)
scold中文 在 【繁中字/認聲】SF9-불호령(呵斥/Scold) 的推薦與評價
... <看更多>