Unsure why in the a5100 higher ISO it begins to wave, I think it got to do with the noise reduction doing that or the OSS of the 35mm f1.8 lens doing this, but unsure if OSS as the higher the iso the more visible it is.
A5100 with 35mm f1.8 vs Sony RX100 M3. Even though the shot of the RX100 is darker because F-stop does not equal as the amount of light entering the lens, and even though both cams showed a +0,3 EV and I thought I could trust that metering. So from the test I learned I can trust the screen of the RX100 to see the brightness as I saw it was darker but didn't knew if this was a screen brightness difference, while the exposure value was the same..
Sony A5100 - http://amzn.to/2gXbc18
Sony 35mm f1.8 - http://amzn.to/2gmPO4q
Sony RX100 III - http://amzn.to/2gmVHhV
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