subsequently例句 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

#1. 用"subsequently"造句 - 查查在線詞典
造句與例句 手機版 · Subsequently she looked at decraye vacantly . · This will be discussed subsequently . · The latter is subsequently confirmed .
#2. SUBSEQUENTLY在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
subsequently 的例句 ... The collected goods are subsequently returned to the base camp or stored elsewhereforfuture use. 來自Cambridge English ...
#3. subsequently 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典
subsequently 造句/ 例句 · 1. The original interview notes were subsequently lost. · 2. Subsequently, new guidelines were issued to all employees.
#4. 在中文中翻译"subsequently" - 例句英语
使用Reverso Context: subsequently joined the sponsors, subsequently adopted, subsequently endorsed, subsequently released, subsequently approved, ...
#5. subsequently (【副詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"subsequently" 例句. A body was subsequently found a few hundred meters from the crime scene. ... The prey is subsequently attacked by the predator.
#6. 如何在學術寫作中使用therefore、consequently、subsequently
第一個例句沒有使用therefore,讀者較不易察覺兩個句子的因果關係,而 ... Consequently、subsequently、thus 這幾個轉折詞的用法跟therefore 相似。
#7. subsequently在线翻译_英语_读音 - 海词词典
subsequently 的用法和样例:. 例句. 用作副词 (adv.) They subsequently heard he had left the country. 他们后来 ...
#8. 關於Subsequently的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
Q: 請提供關於subsequently 的例句給我。 A: "Subsequently" is generally used as a synonym for "later". Ex:"Dave's positive comments subsequently caused an ...
#9. subsequently - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"subsequently" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#10. subsequently的例句(subsequently在句子中的用法)_VC英语
subsequently 的例句(subsequently在句子中的用法) ... Brooke was arrested and subsequently sentenced to five years' imprisonment. 布鲁克被逮捕,其后被判五年监禁。
#11. 醫學英文寫作中容易混淆的英文單字:consequently - 關鍵評論網
醫學英文寫作中容易混淆的英文單字:consequently、subsequently哪裡不 ... 以頻繁的間隔重複發生,continuous代表持續不間斷,請看下面兩個例句:.
#12. Subsequent 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Subsequent 释义: You use subsequent to describe something that happened or existed ... 英语: subsequent美式: subsequentsubsequent例句相关词汇伙伴趋势翻译 ...
#13. 實用的過渡詞| EF English Live 部落格
next 接著、下一個; subsequently 後來; thereafter 其後 ... 用猜的,猜錯也沒關係,反而更容易幫助記憶喔~ 請先將下面的例句讀完,判斷下底線部分的字詞的意義,然後 ...
#14. subsequently的中文翻譯_例句 - 英漢科技詞典
subsequently 的中文是什麼意思,subsequently的中文翻譯_例句 ... mocvd layer growth method with subsequent multi-stage cleaning step.
#15. subsequently的中文意思- 释义、真人发音、例句 - 轻松背单词
subsequently. 级别, 附加级. 音标, [ 'sʌbsikwəntli ]. 解释, ad.后来,接着. 英英释义. 发音, play.gif. 例句, 1. The original interview notes were subsequently ...
#16. 英文單字必勝秘笈-英文單字S-[ subsequent ]英文單字 - 英文995
LINE it! ... 例句與用法:. He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery. 他供認搶劫銀行案後,又坦白了其他罪行。 Subsequent events ...
#17. subsequently_百度百科
subsequently ,英文單詞,副詞,作副詞時意為“隨後,其後;後來”。 ... 雙語例句. It is about how you operationalize and subsequently capitalize on market ...
#18. subsequently翻译为:其后,随后,接着
subsequently 的中文意思:其后,随后,接着;“,点击查看详细解释:subsequently的中文翻译、subsequently的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握subsequently ...
#19. subsequently的用法- 例句_2022最新英文解释词典 - 英语单词
subsequently 网络解释. 1. 1. 后来, 随后:decimal numbers 十进数| subsequently 后来, 随后| no. 号码, 编号. 2. subsequently. 2. 后来:subsequent 后来的| ...
#20. 语料库例句 - 批改网
But a funding measure subsequently was soundly defeated. 7. Greene subsequently was involved in theater productions in Toronto, working often in productions of ...
#21. decide subsequently'的解释、双语例句、在线造句 - 句酷
The program may subsequently reject it, of course, but users can still enter it. 当然,程序在后面可以删除它,但用户仍可以输入。
#22. house subsequently | 英文示例 - Ludwig.guru
house subsequently的例句,都来自富于启发性的资源. 精确( 4 ). The land opposite Mr Blyth's house subsequently subsided from the force of water coming down ...
#23. 英语-汉语subsequently翻译
'subsequently'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。 ... "subsequently" 汉语翻译. volume_up. subsequently {形} ... 翻译; 单语例句; 同义词 ...
#24. subsequently的用法 - 搜狗搜索
[例句]. He left behind him a manuscript which was subsequently published. 他身后留下一部手稿,后来这手稿出版了。 搜狗翻译 查看更多翻译 ...
#25. subsequently - 从英语翻译成法语 | PONS - 词典
在PONS在线词典中查找subsequently的英语法语对照翻译。 ... subsequently 在《牛津英法词典》中的词汇 ... subsequently PONS词典中的例句(已经编辑处理).
#26. 單字subsequent to的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
subsequent to中文意思: subsequent to [] prep (fml 文) following (sth); ..., 學習subsequent to發音, subsequent to例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#27. subsequently 六级考研 - 欧路词典
subsequent. 英语例句库. 1.Blood culture subsequently returned positive for Clostridium Septicum. 随后 血培养败血梭状芽孢杆菌阳性。
#28. subsequently是什么意思 - 组词成语翻译查询
subsequently 的例句:. And his subsequent burning of her church. 还有后来他焚烧教堂的所作所为. And subsequently for the estate prior to ...
#29. 不好意思,想請問一下, subsequently thereafter - Clearnote
不好意思,想請問一下, subsequently thereafter. Moreover Secondly ... 這個例句的alone為什麼不是副詞. 這個例句的alone為什麼不是副詞- 1 · 英文 高中 4天 ...
#30. 「afterwards」正確用法是?跟afterward 有什麼差別? - 英文庫
afterwards 的用法和例句. Afterwards 的意思是「之後,後來」,是一個副詞,通常是指一個事件或時間點結束了之後,其實用法很直觀,可以置於句首、句中或句尾,放在句 ...
#31. 病歷書寫常用字彙與句型範例
3) subsequently. 4) as a result. 5) later on. 6) state. 描述,清楚:. 1) describe. 2) elaborate. 3) delineate. 4) clarify. 5) elucidate. 可想像的,推理:.
#32. subsequently的发音- 参考例句-可可查词 - 查单词
参考例句. 1. Subsequently, the fine particles are widely dispersed in the atmosphere and descend to earth very slowly. 随后,细小的颗粒在大气中广泛散布并以 ...
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subsequently 双语例句 ... 1. He subsequently joined Toro Rosso partway through last year and is currently competing in his first full F1 season. 他随后加入红牛 ...
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#35. 90%的考生作文都会用错的一个词_文章精选 - 医学博士英语
第一个例句没有使用therefore,读者较不易察觉两个句子的因果关系,而第二个句子隐含的 ... consequently、subsequently、thus 这几个转折词的用法跟therefore 相似。
#36. 单词subsequent的音标_词典解释_翻译_相关例句 - 查汉字
subsequent 相关例句. 形容词. 1. His negligence of duty and subsequent dismissal from his job brought on a crisis in his life. 他玩忽职守,随之遭到解雇,这在 ...
#37. 随后_接着-新东方在线英语词典- subsequently
subsequently 是什么意思?subsequently怎么读?新东方在线字典为用户提供单词subsequently的释义、subsequently的音标和发音、subsequently的用法、例句、词组、词汇 ...
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查看subsequent在世界上多种语言下的意思。并介绍subsequent的词源,词性,字谜,参考例句,翻译等。其中词源包括subsequent的多种原始来源, ...
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#41. subsequent例句 - 河智科学网
subsequent 的用法和样例: 例句用作形容词(adj.) Subsequent events proved me wrong. 後来发生的事证明我错了。 He confessed to other crimes ...
#42. 雅思词汇subsequently用法例句_读音音标- 释义 - 小站备考
【Official例句】. 1. Subsequently, she persuaded her husband to allow her to rear silkworms on a grove of mulberry trees.(剑雅11-TEST3).
#43. subsequently - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
KK[ˋsʌbsɪ͵kwɛntlɪ]; DJ[ˋsʌbsikwəntli]. 美式. adv. 其後,隨後,接著. Dr.eye 譯典通. subsequently. IPA[ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli]. 美式. 英式. adv. 隨後. 牛津中文字典.
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常見轉折語: first/firstly, second/secondly, third/thirdly, next, initially, last, previously, afterwards, subsequently, eventually 例句: There are two ...
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Intoduction to 12 O | 学术写作例句辞典 ... If neces-sary, it may be subsequently continued with therapeutic hysteroscopy, e.
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1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 - subsequently とは【意味】その後,後に... 【例文】Subsequently, he became famous.... 「subsequently」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio ...
#47. Subsequently - 沪江小D - 沪江英语
#48. The best 414 subsequently sentence examples
How to use subsequently in a sentence. Example sentences with the word subsequently. The most voted sentence example for subsequently is He subsequently ...
#49. Subsequently in a sentence
260+3 sentence examples: 1. The book was subsequently translated into 15 languages. 2. The monk was subsequently venerated as a saint. 3.
#50. Subsequently - WORDS IN A SENTENCE
The victim's brother was charged with murder and subsequently arrested the next day. 5. Last June, Olive met the man she subsequently married in a shotgun ...
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常用句型 S + demolish + O ❖例句 The old houses are being demolished to make way for ... quickly, deliberately, partly, hastily, subsequently. dismantle(vt.) ...
#52. 英語形式句法分析導論 上冊 - 第 329 頁 - Google 圖書結果
例如,在例句(110a)裡,說話者知道美國的洛磯山脈(the Rocies)位於懷我明洲(Wyoming) ... 更指出:如果「主要子句」裡面出現'them, also, subsequently, still, thereby, ...
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我还未在英英辞典上看见过类似的例句。”不知他们这些说法是否符合英语的 ... ( ie ' I met her , but the meeting subsequently escaped my memory . ' ) ( CGEL , p .
#54. How to Pronounce Subsequently - YouTube
subsequently例句 在 How to Pronounce Subsequently - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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