surprising 造句 / 例句. 1. It's not surprising (that) they lost. 他们吃了败仗,不奇怪。 《牛津词典》. 2. She'd mentioned it casually once, surprising him by ...
He gave a quite surprising answer. 他的回答非常出人意料。 It's hardly/scarcely/not surprising (that) ...
例句 · His silence about my contribution was surprising. 他對我的捐助的沉默令人驚訝。 · It is surprising that a man like that was elected. 那樣的人竟當選真是令人 ...
#4. surprising造句_surprising例句_surprising用法_优词词典
surprising 造句 / 例句. 1. But that is not surprising, either. 但这一结果也不令人惊讶。 2. Not surprising, since no open source framework ...
用surprising造句,surprising例句 · Sometimes a day is full of surprise . · He was surprised and blasted by a thought . · He spoke with surprising ...
surprising 是什么意思- surprising在线翻译- 读音- 用法- 例句... 1. . 惊人的...令我惊讶的是,她是两个孩子的 ... 用surprising 和surprised在同一句子中造句还有.
#7. surprising造句_用surprising造句大全_快好知 -
surprising造句. 1 We had a surprising amount in common. 2 It's surprising how many people applied for the job. 3 She told me a surprising thing.
#8. surprising造句_用surprising造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的
surprising造句. 1、The attrition among undergraduates is particularly surprising because college standards have apparently fallen.(由于大学教育水平明显 ...
#9. surprise造句_用surprising造句 - 芭蕉百科网
surprise造句1、Oh, what asurprise! 2、It mightsurpriseyou. 3、It expressessurpriseor shock. 4、But,surprisesurprise, gridlock could doom its effort.
#10. surprising造句- 罗辞问答网
surprising surprising造句Sometimes a day is full ofsurprise. 有时候,一天里会出现许多奇迹。 He wassurprisedand blasted by a thought . 有一个念头使他大为诧异 ...
#11. 用surprising造句
surprisingly 造句 / 例句1. She lookedsurprisinglywell. 她看上去身体出奇地好。《牛津词典》2. Her voice wassurprisinglycalm. 她的声音出人意料地平静。
#12. I'm not surprised that - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"I'm not surprised that" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#13. surprising造句英文 - 翻译知识网
It's surprising how much in vogue cosmetic surgery is these days. 令人惊讶的是,如今整容手术如此流行. 2.Most people... 用精彩造句用英语怎么说例句: 1.
#14. surprises的发音- 头条搜索
surprises - 翻译 ... surprises是什么意思、发音和在线翻译- 英语单词大全- 911查询 ... pleasantly surprised 造句: 他的来访使我感到惊喜。
#15. 用“surprising ending”造句大全
用“surprising ending”造句大全,surprising ending造句 ... She is well known for her excellent plots and surprising endings. The writer showed ingenuity in creating ...
#16. 用surprising造句- 车阵百科网
surprising造句 1、He spoke with surprising softness. 2、He reacted with surprising speed. 3、His silence about my contribution was surprising. 4、A.
#17. surprised是什麼意思-相關短語及造句範文精選
surprised 是什麼意思-相關短語及造句說明:導語:不只是要說中文,還要貫通英文,那麼關於驚奇的英語如何用英語表達?以下內容是本站小編為您精心整理 ...
#18. 用surprised和surprising造两个句子 - 天天知识网
I was surprised to see him there.He gave me some surprising news.他给我带来一些令人惊讶的消息. 用surprising 和surprised在同一句子中造句还有moved和m.
#19. “surprising ending”可以造什么句,surprising ending造句- 造句- 语文 ...
“surprising ending”可以造什么句,surprising ending造句. 2018-08-30 2.7W. It would be an ironic though not entirely surprising ending if - its back against ...
#20. 我的第一堂英文寫作課: 只要從造句開始! 單字、句子 - 誠品
我的第一堂英文寫作課: 只要從造句開始! ... Good Friend Chapter 9 令人驚喜的生日派對What a Surprising Birthday Party Topic 4 如何描寫時間Chapter 10 中秋節The ...
#21. 用surprising造句 - 搜狗搜索引擎
用户您好,我们的系统检测到您网络中存在异常访问请求。 此验证码用于确认这些请求是您的正常行为而不是自动程序发出的,需要您协助验证。
#22. surprising造句带翻译_用surprising造句子简单- 智能资讯站
surprising造句 1、He spoke with surprising softness. 2、He reacted with surprising speed. 3、His silence about my contribution was surprising. 4、A.
#23. 該用Interested還是Interesting呢? - Funday
... 小編還找了更多進階單字列於下表。花些時間練習造句,以後再遇到這些字就會很有把握囉! ... surprising 令人感到驚訝的 touching 令人感到感動的
#24. 表示理所當然造句
本資訊是關於用理所當然造句,理所當然怎麼造句相關的內容, ... 表示理所當然造句 ... surprising造句 發布:2022-04-13 10:33:57 瀏覽:936.
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西瓜视频搜索为您提供又新又全的unexpected造句相关视频内容,支持在线观看。更有海量高清视频、相关直播、用户,满足您的在线观看需求,看unexpected造句就上西瓜 ...
#26. VoiceTube 看影片學英語is on Facebook. To connect with ...
【造句練功房】 這句英文怎麼說? ... 《造句練功房練功重點提示》 1. ... 不過shocking 比較接近收驚嚇、震驚,提供給您我們的參考答案: You are beyond my ...
#27. surprising (【形容詞】令人驚異的, 驚人的, 出人意外的)意思
"surprising" 相關課程教材. That is surprising. 這個結果還蠻出乎意料的。
#28. 被動語態| EF | 香港
You have to be tested on your English grammar. John might be promoted next year. She wants to be invited to the party. I expect to be surprised on my birthday.
#29. I'm shock! 表示震驚居然是錯的?Shocked、shocking 傻傻分不 ...
要表達震驚用I'm shock 哪裡錯了?複雜的英文分詞用法,VoiceTube 一次幫你釐清。完美搞定分詞使用-ed 與-ing 的時機!
#30. 分詞構句的用法 游月琴
b) We are surprised at….. c) He was satisfied with the result…. 這些句子若改成分詞構句,則為. a) Interested in… (or Being interested in…..) b) Surprised at…
#31. surprise用动词造句-六车网
他们突然来访使我们大感意外。 We surprised the burglars opening the safe. 窃贼在开保险箱时被我们撞上了。 ▻用surprise动词造句:.
#32. 但造句
用but 造句挺难的. I have seen him but never spoken to him . 我见过他,但没跟他说过话。. I do not doubt but that you are surprised .
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而考點一般都落在由 not only 和 but also 所引導的結構【必須完全對等】。 請看例句:. ① Not only you but also I was surprised to see him there ...
#34. 驚喜英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
驚喜英文翻譯是pleasantly surprised(聽發音),大概許多人從好萊塢電影 ... 還是直接使用surprise 就夠了,以下我們就來看幾個驚喜英文翻譯的造句。
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#36. 用surprising造句子简单- 布格伦科技网
surprising 造句 / 例句1. It's notsurprising(that) they lost. 他们吃了败仗,不奇怪。 《牛津词典》 2. She'd mentioned it casually once,surprisinghim by ...
#37. 文法句型篇
remember、forget、stop、regret 等。 1 remember 的用法比較. ‧Megan is surprised to know that her children made a birthday cake ...
#38. 用动词surprise造句子
We'll solve the case ourselves and surprise everyone. 我们要自己解决这件事,然后让所有人感到吃惊。 surprise,surprising和surprised都作为动词时的区别和都 ...
#39. 文9 第三節should 的用法
三、should 表示「竟然」. 例句⇨ The artist should die so young.(這位藝術家竟然這麼年輕就死了。) ⇨ It's surprising that Tom should win.(湯姆竟然贏了,真令人 ...
#40. surprised和surprising造句- 汇安网 - HOMEPAGE - 汇安网
surprised和surprising造句. by surprise和surprize at 2022-03-07 13:31:16. I was surprised to see him there.He gave me some surprising news.
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surprised和surprising造句. by surprised可以修饰物吗 at 2022-05-06 21:32:51. surprised和surprising是形容词,主语是人时用surprised, ...
#42. surprised和surprising造句- 欧创网 - DEFAULT - 欧创网
surprised和surprising造句. by surprised修饰人 at 2022-04-21 04:36:45. surprised 和surprising 意思是不同的。区别如下: 一、surprised是过去分词作形容词用, ...
#43. surprised和surprising造句- 帮博知识网
surprised和surprising造句. by flabbergasted和surprised at 2022-03-27 13:51:57. 三\surprising也是形容词,使人吃惊的(与surprised的区别是surprising对象是物体 ...
#44. bored VS boring? 來搞懂「情緒動詞」ed 尾與ing 尾! - 英文庫
That is such a surprising news. 那真是令人驚訝的新聞。 We were surprised at his behavior. 我們對他的行為感到驚訝。 ④ confusing 令人困惑的/ confused 感到 ...
#45. surprising造句- 大华资讯网
surprising surprising造句Sometimes a day is full ofsurprise. 有时候,一天里会出现许多奇迹。 He wassurprisedand blasted by a thought . 有一个念头使他大为诧异 ...
#46. 用be surprised造句_作业帮
答案是: 1.we are surprised to hear that our teacher is ill 2.we are surprised at the bad news. 视频讲解. 专业解析,一看就会. 为你推荐. 查看更多. 英文造句.
#47. unexpected英语 - 翻译知识网
unexpected 英[ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd] 美[ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd] adj: 意外的; 想不到的,料不到的; 忽然的; 突然的; 网络:意外的;纯属意外;意外;想不到的双语例句: ...
#48. 用surprising造句 - 愿景知识站
更多造句: 123 如何用surprising造句,用surprising造句,surprising in a sentence,用surprising造. "the report shows a surprising lack of ...
#49. surprising造句 - 紫竹知识网
I was surprised to see him there.He gave me some surprising news. 他给我带来一些令人惊讶的消息。 surprised和surprising的例句. surprise造句1、Oh ...
#50. 用surprised造句并翻译 - 望花路东里
surprised 造句 / 例句1. I'm really not a bitsurprised. 我确实毫不吃惊。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 2. I'm not reallysurprised. 我并不真地惊讶。
#51. 用be intested 造句用be surprised造句 - 英语学习
本文主要为您讲述“用be quiet造句”和“用be surprised造句”和“用be interested in造句”和“用“be surprised to do sth.”造句”
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surprised at造句1、Is that anything to besurprised at? 2、 I wassurprised atseeing him there. 3、He stoodsurprised atJosephine's sudden cry. 4、I'ms.
#53. 用surprising 和surprised在同一句子中造句还有 ... - 考试作业题
用surprising 和surprised在同一句子中造句还有moved和moving各造两个. It's surprising that nobody was surprised when they saw the uninvited guest.
#54. surprising造句简单带翻译 - 错不了知识分享
surprising造句 1、He spoke with surprising softness. ... 以下词书收录了surprising: 偏锋雅思听力词汇雅思阅读高频词汇简单释义: adj. 令人吃惊的; ...
#55. 一个句子关于surprised - 心和情感心理网
关于surprise的句型如上最好分surprised surprising - 雨... surprising和surprised都是由surprise变换而来的,前者有主动含义,后者有被动含义,surprising的主语通常是 ...
#56. surprised造句 - 乐活网
surprised 造句 / 例句1. I'm really not a bitsurprised. 我确实毫不吃惊。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 2. I'm not reallysurprised. 我并不真地惊讶。
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#58. surprised的例句_surprising的例句- 优全网
用surprising造句. surprised 双语例句1. Bex: I wouldn't be surprised. 贝克丝:我不会感到意外。 2. I am surprised by the speed of his ...
#59. “unexpected”寫句子,用unexpected造句精選 - 國文幫
unexpected”寫句子,用unexpected造句簡 ... But when you execute the script, some unexpected errors are displayed. Now what?
#60. surprise动词词性造句 - 735宝藏网
i am surprised with this thing,我对这个事情很惊讶,求采纳。 happy词性转换? happy: 形容词,愉快的,高兴的;幸福的,美满的;转换为 ...
#61. excited造句简单带翻译 - home - 当个人
by surprising造句简单带翻译 at 2022-05-12 17:53:51. 沪江词库精选excited是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析英音[ik' ...
#62. bored造句简单并翻译 - 基尼分享网
by surprising造句简单带翻译 at 2022-05-11 07:01:03. bored bored 英[bɔːd] 美[bɔːrd] adj.无聊的,无趣的,烦人的; v.令人厌烦[bore的过去式和过去分词];挖;掘;钻; ...
#63. extended造句简单 - 雪儿豹
extended造句1、Theyextendedthe Queen a warm welcome. 2、Do you have anextendedwarranty? 3、The hot weatherextendedinto October.
#64. surprised造句简单 - 补档加油站
surprised造句 1、The news greatlysurprisedthem. 2、I wassurprisedat his candor. 3、So he is now pleasantlysurprised. 4、I wassurprisedat his boldnes.
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英文例句大全为您提供surprised英文例句大全,surprised英文造句,关于surprised的英语句子,单词surprised怎么造句,surprised英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是 ...
#66. surprise的用法和短语例句_surprise的动词造句 - 绵绵大知识
我们要自己解决这件事,然后让所有人感到吃惊。They surprised us with a visit.他们突然来访使我们大感意. 用surprise的动词词性造句,越多越好.
#67. annoying造句 - 天狼问答网
Surprising造句. 形容词annoying: causing irritation or annoyance 同义词:bothersome, galling, irritating, nettlesome, pesky, pestering, ...
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... he felt quite sure that he would never die. q 請練習用以下單字造句: kettle reminiscently exalted peroxide exhilaration ... Surprised to see a kettle of 244.
#69. Fun新教對話: 119 chao qiang mi ji da gong kai
對學生說 If you are going to tell others something surprising , you can say " Guess what ? ... 如抽到 Andy 和 dance ,兩人合力造句句 Guess what ?
#70. 就是有辦"法": - 第 105 頁 - Google 圖書結果
He is surprised ... Father bought him a new bike . She lost her cat . ... 讓學生依黑板上的例子,自行造句。例如: Its great that my mom made a pie .
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by embarrassing造句简单带翻译 at 2022-05-11 16:37:43 ... 造句简单并翻译 bored造句并翻译 moved造句简单带翻译 surprising造句简单带翻译 muchness造句简单并翻译.
#72. surprised造句简单翻译- 对称答疑网
surprised 造句 / 例句1. I'm really not a bitsurprised. 我确实毫不吃惊。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》 2. I'm not reallysurprised. 我并不真地惊讶。
#73. surprised与surprising_surprised修饰人还是修饰物 - 威能网
surprised和surprising造句. 3.surprised和surprising的例句:a.I'm really not a bit surprised.我确实耄不吃惊。b.
#74. When A, it is not surprising that B. 当A发生时 - 朗播
模仿造句. 句型结构. 其他When A, it is not surprising that B. 问题. 1. 这个句型结构是什么意思? 2. 用这个句型结构将中文句子翻译成英文
#75. 我很滿意英文
舉例: 滿意英文造句練習Mary was very satisfied about today's dishes. ... 如果遇到不好的事情,你卻說自己感到驚訝(surprised),很如果他們很滿意她的工作成果, ...
#76. Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| surprising 例句
The candidate made surprising inroads in the South. 那位候選人在南方出人意料地大為得手。 Over a short span of three years a surprising amount has been achieved.
#77. 誠實兒造句「通行無阻」洩密女星一看愣:確定要這樣?
擁有「美女記者」之稱的藝人楊皓如,個性直率、發言嗆辣,深受粉絲喜愛,近日受疫情影響,手上工作幾乎停擺,乖乖待在家中防疫的她仍透過網路分享生活 ...
#78. 8 Best RC Trainer Planes for Beginners. - Florian Buchwitz
A non-conformance is an unexpected event or deviation from specified ... word non conformance used in a sentence and examples? non conformance造句, .
#79. IG整理一次看|2022年05月|追蹤網紅動態,熱門網紅排名,社群 ...
Surprisingly after applying it for the first time, my pimple did not erupt. The texture felt light yet nourishing and it absorbs immediately ...
#80. surprising - 方法吧
surprising. surprising,surprising造句,puzzled. 福利活动. [05-10]微信小程序红包活动汇总,长期有效持续更新! [05-10]每天领取饿了么优惠卷满20减19 ...
#81. surprising-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: hardly surprising, surprising if, it's surprising, surprising given, surprising number,在英语-中文情境中翻译"surprising"
#82. It is not surprising翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
英漢例句. It is not surprising that the 「Barnabas story」 is placed at the end of the book. 所以作者把「巴納·巴斯的故事」置於了書的最后,這一點毫不奇怪。
#83. 「我很震驚」說I'm shock居然是錯的?「分詞」用法總整理
The scandal is very surprising. I'm much surprised at the scandal. 這個影片中的surprised 是在修飾後面的you,此外,有發現以上兩句例句中有有 ...
surprising造句 在 VoiceTube 看影片學英語is on Facebook. To connect with ... 的推薦與評價
【造句練功房】 這句英文怎麼說? ... 《造句練功房練功重點提示》 1. ... 不過shocking 比較接近收驚嚇、震驚,提供給您我們的參考答案: You are beyond my ... ... <看更多>