邀集技術人員、開發人員和程式設計員! 科技能為拯救我們的漁業鋪路。想利用你們的技術和知識對海洋的未來產生影響嗎?邀請程式開發者與海洋愛好者組隊參加台灣區第一次的魚客松 (Fishackathon) – 以海洋漁業為主題的黑客松!各隊將在活動的最後一天向評審簡報他們的解決方案,獲勝者將進入全球決賽,有機會獲得美金ㄧ萬元獎金!
感謝已經報名參加的團隊,我們期待看到你在地球日周末的參與。歡迎更多熱血團隊加入 #codeforfish!
台北場: http://www.accupass.com/go/fishackathontpe2016 ;
高雄場: http://www.accupass.com/go/fishackathonks2016
Calling all techies, developers, and coders! Technology can pave the way to saving our fisheries. Do you want to use your tech skills and knowledge to impact the future of our oceans? Teams of developers and ocean-lovers are invited to collaborate in Taiwan’s first Fishackathon. Groups will be competing to build the most innovative product as judged by a panel of experts in the field, for a chance to win $10,000 in the final international competition.
Thank you to the teams that have already registered, we’re looking forward to seeing what you develop on April 22. There is still plenty of room for more coders to join the #codeforfish fun at Fishackathon 2016! Fackathon Taipei: http://www.accupass.com/go/fishackathontpe2016; Fishackathon Kaohsiung: http://www.accupass.com/go/fishackathonks2016
teams團隊加入 在 Microsoft 365 使用者交流中心| 如果要讓公司的Teams 可以開放 ... 的推薦與評價
如果要讓公司的Teams 可以開放**來賓存取** (Guest Access),也就是讓其他公司的人可以加入到公司內的某些**團隊**中,必須先用系統管理員的身分進入以下網址, ... ... <看更多>