In this episode we will discuss our formula on how to think outside the box which you can apply on various situations. ... <看更多>
In this episode we will discuss our formula on how to think outside the box which you can apply on various situations. ... <看更多>
#1. 11. 英文片語- think outside the boxs - Will的部落格- 痞客邦
中文解釋: 跳脫思想框架, 嘗試些新想法或新事物之意思。 已下為例句: 1. You won't come up with good ideas until you think outside the box.
#2. think out of the box造句 - 查查在線詞典
用think out of the box造句和"think out of the box"的例句: 1. Please think loud; think out of the box 請廣開思路,不要太受限制。 2. think out of the box, ...
#3. think outside the box-翻译为中文-例句英语
Think outside the box. He's ready to rock. ... Think Outside The Box. Feel Inside The Box. 跳出框框去思考,钻入匣匣来感受! You make me think outside the box, ...
#4. Think outside the box 打破常規地思考 - 與BBC一起學英語
例句. Our boss wants us to think outside the box for ideas on how to launch our new product. 上司希望我們跳出固有的思維模式去考慮如何推出新 ...
#5. 腦洞大開think outside the box! - 人人焦點
1. To boost innovation we need to think outside the box. 促進創新我們需要打破常規。 ... 有些衣服穿不下了,她沒有把它們淘汰,而是腦洞大開(創新)把長 ...
#6. think outside the box中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
think outside the box 翻譯:跳出傳統的思維框框,以新的眼光看問題,獨闢蹊徑。了解更多。
#7. Think outside the box...15句老外最討厭聽到的辦公室英文
我們學英文總想學得道地,常常會把老外整天掛在嘴邊的工作術語,像Think outside the box、Win-win 掛在口邊。這類的話聽在老外耳裡,其實是陳腔濫調 ...
#8. think outside the box在線翻譯- 用法_例句 - 海词词典
think outside the box 的用法和樣例:. 例句. I pride myself on always thinking outside the box. 我常能想出別出心裁的點子 ...
think outside the box 是什麼意思呢? ... 或想出新點子【C】在家思考某事【D】集思廣益正確答案: #BusinessIdiom #小編常常作#看例句有幫助.
#10. To think outside the box: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
查看«To think outside the box»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句,学习«To think outside the box»的同义词、反义词和发音。
#11. outside the box thinking - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"outside the box thinking" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#12. Think out of the box 原來暗含深刻哲理 - 每日頭條
Think out of the box (也可說Think outside the box )這句話含有深刻哲理,它從詞面意思上看,就是「到盒子外面來想問題。 ... 我們通過例句學習:.
#13. Think Outside the Box with Situation Puzzles (2) (流行最前線:跳脫 ...
ABC互動英語(ABC Interactive English Magazine)的歌曲「Think Outside the Box with Situation Puzzles (2) (流行最前線:跳脫思考框架情境猜謎(2) 單字例句)」在這裡 ...
#14. 請提供關於"To think outside the box" 的例句給我。 | HiNative
Person A: I have trouble thinking of what to draw. Person B: Think outside the box! "Think outside the box" is normally not said in a ...
#15. Think outside the box 打破常规地思考 - 英语点津
这可能涉及打破常规,发挥想象力和创造力去思考,类似于汉语里的“独辟蹊径”。 例句. Our boss wants us to think outside the box for ideas on how ...
#16. 在"英语"词典里think outside the box}的意思 - Educalingo
在英语词典里带使用范例的think outside the box含义think outside the box的近义词以及think outside the box的25种语言翻译。
#17. Think outside the box不是在“在箱子外邊想”,理解錯誤太尷尬
一起來看兩個例句:. You won't come up with good ideas until you think outside the box. 除非你跳出思維定勢,否則你是不會想出好主意的。
#18. Think outside the box 打破常规地思考- - 英语点津
例句. Our boss wants us to think outside the box for ideas on how to launch our new product. 上司希望我们跳出固有的思维模式 ...
#19. 俚语Think outside the box 意思翻译用法 - 爱英语吧
例句 :A lot of everyday things we take for granted. Take windshield wipers on cars for example. The earliest autos didn't have wipers cleaning ...
#20. Think Outside The Box的意思 - 希平方
You have to think outside the box. 你必須要跳脫框架思考。 觀賞完整影片 分享至FB. 造句練習 ...
#21. 【每日一词】Think Outside The Box 在盒子外面思考? - 知乎
Think Outside The Box 字面理解是:要跳出盒子思考实际上:跳出固有的思维模式,创造性思考,打破常规例句: 1. OK, team, we really need to think ...
#22. Think outside the box不是在“在箱子外边想”,理解错误太尴尬(英语 ...
我们可以翻译成:“跳出固有思维”、“打破常规思考”、“不按套路出牌”。 一起来看两个例句:. You won't come up ...
#23. OUTSIDE THE BOX 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“OUTSIDE THE BOX” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。 ... They think outside the box and they're not afraid to try new things.
#24. 9個常見商務英語表達|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格
to think outside the box. 這個慣用語的意思是想出一個和通常的做法不同的、不尋常的、有創意的解決方法。 例句:. We don't have a lot of money to spend on our ...
#25. think outside the box 打破常规地思考_口语学习技巧 - 英文阅读网
这可能涉及打破常规,发挥想象力和创造力去思考,类似于汉语里的独辟蹊径。 例句Our boss wants us to think outside the box.
#26. 今日短语/ Think outside the box 打破常规地思考 - BBC
例句. Our boss wants us to think outside the box for ideas on how to launch our new product. 上司希望我们跳出固有的思维模式去考虑如何推出新 ...
#27. think outside the box - 读音、用法- DictABC.COM
❷⓿❷❶ 】think-outside-the-box是什么意思、think-outside-the-box发音和在线翻译 ... 怎么读,think-outside-the-box中文意思、读音、用法、例句、含义...
#28. think out of the box例子 - Tringt
習語think outside the box意即以創意和想像力思考,不墨守成規。 我們的高官,例如財政司司長曾俊華,就不 ... I'm down 例句:I told you I'm down with the kids.
#29. 谁知道think outside the box 是什么意思啊?要标准解释!谢谢了
答:[美][θɪŋk aʊtˈsaɪd ði bɑks]vi.创造性思考,打破常规;双语例句:1.To solve this tough problem,we're going to have to think outside the box.要 ...
#30. think outside the box什么意思中文?可不是“在箱子外边想”
我们可以翻译成:“跳出固有思维”、“打破常规思考”、“不按套路出牌”。 一起来看think outside the box什么意思中文两个例句:.
#31. 流行最前線:跳脫思考框架情境猜謎(2) 單字例句(Think Outside The ...
流行最前線:跳脫思考框架情境猜謎(2) 單字例句(Think Outside The Box With Situation Puzzles (2))-歌詞-無歌詞-MyMusic懂你想聽的,打開APP立即開始聽歌.
#32. out of the box 意思
Out-of-box Thinking,或者think outside the box 這意思就是創新思維了,不墨守成規的意思。 例句:We need to think outside the box if we are going to come up ...
#33. out-of-the-box 中文 - Yhkt
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供think out of the box的中文意思,think out of the ... out of box audit in Chinese,oba out of box audit怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和 ...
#34. Graffiti 【英語對話框】塗鴉
歡迎訂閱【空中英語教室Studio Classroom】YouTube頻道. 往←滑,看例句! ... think outside the box · 創意地想像,或想出新點子 ...
#35. Outside the box 还是outside of the box?_think out of什么意思
Think out of the box 设计思维的历练问题: ? ... think out的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译: 参考翻译想出英英释义think out的用法和样例: 例句We've ...
#36. Think out 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
horse or mule? Drag the correct answer into the box. horse. mule. stubborn as a.
#37. 破产姐妹》口语养成之“”打破思维” - 沪江英语
think outside the box :vi.创造性思考,打破常规。 另外,超出某个部分,可以用think outside...表示“超出……”。 【例句】. We cannot think outside ...
#38. 小強英語第187期:如何"跳出思維定勢"?
跳出思維定勢----think outside the box/think out of the box. 大家好,歡迎來到小強英語。 ... 我們來看一下例句:. 小強英語第187期:如何"跳出思維 ...
#39. out-of-the-box 中文開箱即用
Think out of the box 設計思維的歷練問題: ? 在一個房間內,例句,即可使用的功能或特性。 也指默認即對所有用戶可用,out of the box的中文意思,不確定性的2,out-of- ...
#40. think outside the box例子 - Fkics
4/3/2007 · 最佳解答: Thinking outside the box 跳出傳統思維Thinking outside the ... 下面就是一个例子: 例句-3:A lot of everyday things we take for granted.
#41. outsider (【名詞】局外人, 圈外人)意思、用法及發音 - Engoo
"outsider" 例句 ... Have you ever solved a problem by "thinking outside the box"? 你曾經藉由「think outside the box」來解決問題嗎?
#42. think out of the box的意思 - 搜狗搜索
例句. Nassim Nicholas Taleb: I don't like scenario planning, because people don't think out of the box. 塔勒布:我不喜欢情况规划,因为人们没办法跳出去思考。
#43. out-of-the-box 中文
out-of-the-box中文:拆盒即可使用的,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋out-of-the-box的中文翻譯,out-of-the-box的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 ... think out of the box的中文 ...
#44. outer box中文
使用Reverso Context: to think outside the box,在英語-中文情境中翻譯”think outside the box” 例句僅用于幫助你翻譯不同情境中的單詞或表達式,我們并沒有對例句 ...
#45. out-of-the-box 意思think - YBLDOE
徹底思考,設計出,解決,發現think outside the box 創造性思考,鐵皮等制成供裝東西 ... building a bed out of a cardboard box的中文意思,在線發音,用法和例句等。
#46. think outside the box!那些神反转的实用表达学起来 - 豆瓣
例句 :I told you I'm down with the kids. 早说过,我很乐意哄小孩. I'm down 我很乐意 之前我们形容一个人闷闷不乐我们可以用"down";但这里是相当于Be happy to, ...
#47. 「think outside of the box」? - MK 反轉外語 -
猜猜例句中的「think outside of the box」是什麼意思呢? A.躲在房間思考B.跳脫框架[…]
#48. "跳出盒子思考",英文如何翻译? - Will的美语课
英文里,“跳出盒子思考”的常见说法有:think outside the box,think out ... 参考英文例句:The project team has been stuck on this problem for ...
#49. out of the box 意思俚語out - XXjexy
out of the box 用作形容詞的意思: 1.(美國俚語)競爭失利的,完全失敗的用法及例句: The first reviews were so had I thought we were out of the box.
#50. 跳出框框的英文單字 - 漢語網
【跳出框框】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:think out of the box跳出框框。漢英詞典提供【跳出框框】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#51. 工作時要「on the ball」?九個常見商務英文片語 - 關鍵評論網
標籤: stay on top of, on the ball, think outside the box, ... 例句:I've got so much work on at the moment that it's difficult to stay on ...
#52. “think outside the box”别理解为“在盒子外思考”哦!| 美语笔记
表达例句:. -I hit the jackpot(我中大奖了). -Oh, you should keep it under your hat. A ...
#53. think outside the bull 打破思维 - 英语口语
think outside the box :vi.创造性思考,打破常规。 另外,超出某个部分,可以用think outside...表示“超出……”。 【例句】. We cannot think outside ...
#54. box的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典 - 留声词典
... 方框; 包廂; 電視機; 郵箱; v. (拳擊運動)擊打。box的中文翻譯、box的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、box的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句等。 ... think outside the box.
#55. out-of-the-box的中文翻譯及 - Uoffy
發散思維; take out box 外帶盒; cut out box 熔斷器匣,think out of the box的 ... 開箱檢驗,用法和解釋由查查在線詞典提供,think out of the box的例句等英…
#56. 想聽懂辦公室英文?從這裡開始| EF English Live | 遠見雜誌
我們來看看下面的例句: ... Think out of the box 創新思考 ... I want everyone to think outside the box and submit your creative concepts ...
#57. box out英汉例句- 英语字典 - 极简词典
权威例句. We do it every time we think outside the box, or turf the box out altogether. FORBES: You Lead By Virtue Of Who You Are; Half its clients need ...
#58. out of box 意思– of 中文
標籤: stay on top of, on the ball, think outside the box, ... 一、意思, 1、out of 释义,失业,失去工作例句,Mary was out of work at the summer, 翻译, ...
#59. 英语俚语天天说第338期:"think on your feet"是用脚思考?
I would like more time to think it over. ... 【例句】. We need to think outside the box for a minute and try to find a better solution.
#60. out-of-the-box是什么意思_out-of-the-box的中文翻譯… - Uystm
Creativity Boost – How to Really Think Out-of-the-Box ... 失利的,完全失敗的用法及例句: The first reviews were so had I thought we were out of the box.
#61. out of box thinking 中文think - Wknd
Ultimate Ears (Custom-Made),出眾的。; out of the box 1,創造性思維; think out loud vi.想到就說出,非傳統的,英語英文翻譯,think out of the box的例句等英…
#62. 英語關鍵力! 介系詞+動詞用法總整理| 誠品線上
每個介系詞均附有例句且不時地補充比較說明,有助讀者更準確的在句子裡使用介系詞。 ... of 23-6 think outside the box 23-7 think ahead 23-8 think back 23-9 think ...
#63. 這些辦公室英文術語讓人有聽沒有懂? - 今周刊
I want everyone to think outside the box and submit your creative concepts ... 如果你是從事金融業也會聽到這個詞,另有利潤的意思。例句:.
#64. 美国习惯用语:584 heads up... - VOA英语教学
例句 -1:I want to give you all a heads up that some big shots from New York ... Think outside the box作为一个习惯用语,它的意思是一个人富有想象力,他能超越 ...
#65. 辦公室英語系列:超實用詞彙讓你與同事的溝通更順暢! - 職涯
例句 :If you're asked whether it's a good time to talk, you can be honest and say ... 舉例:In order to think outside the box, we need to consider every ...
#66. think outside the boxの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 - think outside the box とは【意味】頭を柔らかくして考える...「think outside the box」の意味・例文・用法ならWeblio英和・和英辞書.
#67. think outside the box例子跳脫框架思考~這群學生被要求在2個 ...
1/22/2018 · think outside the box!那些神反轉的實用表達學起來來自: skytofly 2018-01-22 10:49:28. I'm down 例句:I told you I'm down with the kids.
#68. out-of-the-box是什么意思_out-of-the-box的中文翻譯及… - YHQ
out of the box thinking “跳出定2113 勢”的思維雙語例句5261 1 That might be the real “ out of the box ” thinking which could guide us in our work.
#69. out of box audit 中文 - Paxhg
oba out of box audit中文開箱檢查,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋oba out of box audit的中文翻譯,oba out of box audit的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#70. out of box 中文think - Pripdw
Inspire people to think out of the box and realize their own ability to be innovative. ... out of the box的中文翻譯,英英詳解,單詞音標,在線發音,例句等。
#71. think outside the box - 简单便签
美英英英例句释义: 全部您要找的是不是think outside the box 必应词典应用准确权威无广告去官网了解更多下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows Phone ...
#72. 臼窠怎么讀_詞語解釋_成語故事_近義詞 - Gxplu
窠臼的同義詞,窠臼的英語例句用法和解釋。 發音:bù luò kē jiù. 釋義:比喻有獨創風格,think outside the box的短句翻譯,希望對您有所幫助!
#73. out of box 中文
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供think out of the box的中文意思,think out of the ... out of box audit in Chinese,oba out of box audit怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和 ...
#74. think out thinkof和thinka
以下双语例句:. 1. Let's brainstorm some ideas here . Consentrate on some new and different solutions. We need to think out of the box. 大家来出 ...
#75. think outside the box 中文– Daoyu
think outside the box 中文:[網絡] 跳出思想框框;思考;框外思維,點擊查查權威綫 ... box” 例句僅用于幫助你翻譯不同情境中的單詞或表達式,我們并沒有對例句進行篩選 ...
#76. ABC互動英語 2020年 11月號 No.221 【有聲版】【基礎、活用】: Let’s Agree to ...
... 慢速 MP369-71 單字例句》 CD / MP3 18,20,22 課文講解》 MP3 94-96 Think Outside the Box with Situation Puzzles 跳脫思考框架情境猜謎畫中有話 24 課文朗讀》 ...
#77. outside of the box - 欧创网 - DEFAULT - 欧创网
You need to think outside(of)the box.拜托,查克。你得跳脱框架去思考。Think outside the box例句精选:Sometimes you have to think outside the box& and .
#78. 二有助跳脫僵固思考模式的困境think out of the box
Sort by 大量翻译例句关于"thinking out of the box" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 Common benzodiazepines include diazepam (Valium), ...
#79. 超好賣的文案銷售術:洞悉消費心理,業務行銷、社群小編、網路寫手必備的銷售寫作指南
以下例句中的引號都是多餘的: We will have to “think outside the box” if we want to achieve our targets this year.(若想達成今年的目標,我們就得「跳脫傳統框架來 ...
#80. out-of-the-box thinking是什么意思-头条考试网 - 中高考辅导作业
out-of-the-box thinking 是什么意思. out-of-the-box thinking 双语例句 1.He hit out at me without thinking.\x09 他不假思索地向我猛击过来.
#81. out of box thinking - Lnkr
Definition of think out of the box in the Idioms Dictionary. think out of the ... the box的同义词,think out of the box的反义词,think out of the box的例句等.
#82. out of the box - 望花路东里
by Think out of the box at 2022-04-05 13:34:48 ... 创造性地;打破传统地例句您要找的是不是out ofthe box out of the box out boxes out boxing 下载手机版必应 ...
#83. 第30回 仕事で壁にぶつかった時は、 “Think outside the box!”
頭を抱えていると、上司から“Try to think outside the box.”の一言。これ、一体どういう意味か分かりますか?「え? うーん、箱の外で……ハメを外して考えていい?
#84. Thinkoutofthebox——盒子的外面是什么? _think out什么意思
Think outside the box 在盒子外面想,怎样正确理解这个习语? ... 词典释义与在线翻译: 参考翻译想出英英释义think out的用法和样例: 例句We've got to think out a ...
#85. Think big中文& 修業證書英文
英漢詞典提供【Think Big】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供think out of the box的中文意思,think out of the box The magic of ...
#86. thinking outside the box - 松科分享网
飒读 Think Outside The Box 字面理解是:要跳出盒子思考实际上:跳出固有的思维模式,创造性思考,打破常规例句: 1. OK, team, we really need to think ...
#87. think什么about什么造句_thinkabout造句简单 - 绵绵大知识
To think outside the box 意味着用不同于平常的创造性思维方式思考。 “We need to come up with a really good advertising campaign. Let's try to think outside ...
#88. BBC新闻:午饭时间的“选择困难症”! - 英语家园
We are creatures of habit but philosopher Julian Baggini says "we're never going to break out of our midday malaise unless we think outside the box.
#89. “Think Outside The Box”の意味と使い方 Bizmates 初級 ...
Think outside the box ってどういう場面で使うの? たとえば、職場での会話で:. Justin: How can we solve the problem? You: We have to think outside ...
#90. thinkingoutsidethebox _thinkoutsidetheshoe寓意_集优教育网
例句 4:Thinking outside the box is at the forefront of every great success story.创新思考是每个伟大成功故事的前奏。例句...
#91. [图文]Think outside the box不是在箱子外边想_through a trick提问
我们可以翻译成:“跳出固有思维”、“打破常规思考”、“不按套路出牌”。 一起来看两个例句:. You won't come up with good ideas until you think outside the box.
#92. How To Think Outside The Box? - YouTube
In this episode we will discuss our formula on how to think outside the box which you can apply on various situations.
#93. In my view or on my view. Select Type “Custom Camera”, then ...
Try a change of scenery — without going outside. ... Not to be confused with the tone or sound of your writing (think of that Voice as your writing ...
#94. vyxmh - Wellness - Massagen
I don`t think I`ve ever been sent one because if I did it would`ve been in ... to success was paved with roadblocks both inside and outside of the family.
#95. Idiom: Think outside the box (meaning & examples) - Oyster ...
think outside the box : to think creatively to find new ways of doing things or solving problems. Example sentences. — Advertising agencies must think outside ...
#96. think outside the box - The Idioms
Think outside the box, out of the box thinking idiom: Read meaning, example sentences, synonym words and origin of the phrase.
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包;裹 I wrapped the glasses in newspaper before I put them in the box. ... 以過去分詞修飾前面的名詞 a young mongoose;下面例句為不及物的用法。
think outside the box例句 在 More content - Facebook 的推薦與評價
think outside the box 是什麼意思呢? ... 或想出新點子【C】在家思考某事【D】集思廣益正確答案: #BusinessIdiom #小編常常作#看例句有幫助. ... <看更多>