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1. 動物
一群人 a crowd of people
一群鳥 a flock of birds
一群魚 a school of fish
一群狼 a pack of wolves
一群牛 a herd of cattle
2. 食物
一球冰淇淋 a scoop of ice cream
一片披薩 a slice of pizza
一條麵包 a loaf of bread
巧克力 a square / bar / box of chocolate
3. 飲料
一瓶水 a bottle of water
一罐可樂 a can of coke
一杯酒 a glass of wine
一手啤酒 a pack of beer
一盒果汁/牛奶 a carton of juice / milk
4. 生活用品
一件家具 a piece of furniture
一條牙膏 a tube of toothpaste
一點鹽巴 a dash/pinch of salt
一塊黃金 a nugget of gold

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