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6 天前 — trustworthy的例句. trustworthy. Physicians have to be trustworthy, and they also have to promote trust through their words, deeds, interaction, ...
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使用Reverso Context: Women need long term support and trustful partners.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"trustful"
trustful. IPA[ˈtrʌstfl]. 美式. 英式. adj. trusting. 牛津中文字典. trustful. 相信的,信任的. PyDict. more trustful. ph. trustful的形容詞比較級 ...
Trustful Child可信孩子. trustful environment信任環境. trustful trusting unsuspecting信任的. a trustful friend信任別人的朋友. trustful benefit信賴利益.
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大量翻译例句关于"trustful" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... principles are the basis for commitment, reliability and a trustful work environment.
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trustful (a.)相信的,信任的.
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#10. trustful的中文意思 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
trustful 中文 意思是什麼 ... adj. 形容詞 信任的,深信不疑的。 adv. 動詞 副詞 -ly ,-ness n. 名詞.
#11. trustful是什么意思 - 英语词典
#12. TRUSTFUL 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
TRUSTFUL ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“TRUSTFUL” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
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trustful {形容词} · trusting {形容词} · trust {名词} · trusted {动词} · trust [trusted|trusted] {动词}.
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trustful - WordReference.com 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. trustful ... It's important not to be too trustful because you could get taken advantage of.
#16. Trust 同义词| 柯林斯英语词库 - Collins Dictionary
Trust 另一个词: confidence in the truth, worth, reliability, etc., of a person or thing | 柯林斯英语词库.
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trustful中文 翻译、例句和音频发音。 ... Her eyes now were imploring, soft, and at the same time trustful, caressing, timid.
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#19. The Secret of Peace and Happiness - 博客來
書名:Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness,語言:英文,ISBN:9781603868563,頁數:52,作者:Saint-Jure, Jean Baptiste ...
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在PONS在线词典中查找trustful的英语中文对照翻译。 ... Building a trustful relationship with the client can enhance his/her active involvement in the ...
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包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“trustful” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
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trustful 的中文翻译,trustful的中文意思 ... adj. 信任的,深信不疑的。adv. -ly ,-ness n.
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Q: what are suspicious. trustful eared for a person? ... The clock was running fast and days and nights were blending together 用中文(繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
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trustful中文 意思: trustful [trʌstful] adj.相信的,信任的..., 學習trustful發音, trustful例句盡在WebSaru字典。
股份於聯交所買賣所用英文股份簡稱將由「POWERWELL PAC」更改為「CHINA. TRUSTFUL」,而中文股份簡稱則由「宏峰太平洋」更改為「中國之信集團」,均自.
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沪江词库精选trustful是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析、英音发音音标、美音发音音标、trustful的用法、trustful的中文 ...
#29. Make domains safe with security settings - Google Help
Google Domains provides a safe and reliable infrastructure for your domain so you can scale your business like a pro. At no extra cost, you can access ...
#30. trusting的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典 - 留声词典
trusting 的中文意思翻譯:adj. 信任的,相信的; 輕易信賴別人的; 輕信的; v. 相信,信任( trust的現在分詞); 相信; 認為可靠。trusting的中文翻譯、trusting的發音、 ...
#31. Trustful Hands-歌詞 - KKBOX
Trustful Hands-歌詞- We are sentimental animals We are undercover criminals We were meant to make a thing or two Meant to break the laws of gr.
#32. Exyte | LinkedIn
Based on trustful, long-term relationships with our customers, we support them in overcoming complex challenges. Our ambition: Offering the full range of ...
#33. trustful - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典
trustful, Chinese Translation of trustful, Chinese Definition of trustful, trustful in Chinese, trustful中文翻译.
#34. 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer
The informed public—wealthier, more educated, and frequent consumers of news—remain far more trusting of every institution than the mass ...
#35. 校長的信任領導:一所都會地區學校之個案研究,ERICDATA ...
Principal's Trust-based Leadership: A Case Study of a Urban School. 作者, 賴志峰. 中文摘要. 信任是高表現組織不可或缺的要素, 信任領導對於成員及組織有正向 ...
#36. trustful在線翻譯 - 海词词典
trustful 的用法和樣例:. 例句. 用作形容詞 (adj.) Through trustful communication, find ways to leverage individual differences to create ...
#37. 隱私政策- hkpremiumhome.com - 主頁
如英文版本與中文版本有任何差異,概以英文版本為準。 Aware & Trustful (HK) Co Ltd. 關心我們客戶的隱私,如果您對我們的隱私政策有任何疑問,請聯繫我們。
#38. In The Business Of Trust - Airbnb Newsroom
Earlier today, Airbnb Co-Founder, CEO and Head of Community, Brian Chesky, shared the following email with global employees.
#39. Prospect
To let people know that we are a trustful and east-to-cooperate ... and trustful image of an Administrative Law Enforcement Service.
#40. "Trust" 和"Believe" 的意思有不同嗎?
有些人覺得“Trust” 和“Believe” 的意思很像,搞不懂甚麼時候要用“Trust”,甚麼時候要用“Believe”,你知道這兩個英文單字的用法嗎?
#41. trustful - 翻译为中文- translate100.com
She splashed in the tub, a trustful, clumsy seal and all the logic of passion screamed in my ear. 她躺在浴缸裏 就跟笨拙的海豹一樣我的耳邊不斷醒起這個聲音.
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English; عربى; 简体中文; 繁體中文 ... in children (MIS-C), keeping kids safe at school, and preparing children for COVID-19 vaccination.
#43. HR Representative, Senior _ RFFE/RF360 Engineering ...
Maintaining strong and trustful relationship with Works Council ... Good experience with German labor law, collective bargaining systems and works ...
#44. About Us | National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch
For becoming the most trustful and adorable university hospital, we strive to raise our quality of patient care and patient safety to the international ...
#45. 美國Zagat+Survey餐廳評鑑制度對台灣餐飲業發展之啟示
繁體中文DOI: 10.6158/JLTIR.200710_2(1).0010 DOI ... A trustful restaurant rating system is necessary to strongly urge foodservice industry to be improved ...
#46. Getting started with Trust Tokens - web.dev
Trust Tokens is a new API to enable a website to convey a limited amount of ... Available in: 日本語, 한국어, Русский, 中文, English.
#47. Intergenerational Transmission of Trust in Families with ...
Some researchers concluded that the level of parent' s trust correlated to ... The possibility of adolescent whose mother was trustful in the bargaining ...
#48. Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccine Safety in the US | CDC
To make sure that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, CDC expanded and strengthened the country's ability to monitor vaccine safety. CDC created new ways to gather ...
#49. Brand Introduction | JPE - Turn pressure into power - 沅亨 ...
Besides, we also obtained several patents in recent years, allowing us to earn the trust and loyalty of JPE products from customers.
#50. 最新消息- 永傳能源(TGC) & 台灣離岸風場服務公司(TOWSC)
We searched very carefully for a trustful Taiwanese partner and take our time to join forces with TOWSC to approach the promising Taiwanese market.”
#51. It's a fact, scientists are the most trusted people in world | Ipsos
New Ipsos Global Trustworthiness Index shows that 6 in 10 globally rate scientists as trustworthy followed by doctors and then teachers.
#52. Trust & wealth planning - Citi Private Bank
Trust & wealth planning. We help you create a thoughtful wealth plan that seeks to preserve your legacy, protect your life's achievements, and ease the ...
#53. Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI)™ | Deloitte US
Trustworthy AI™. Bridging the ethics gap surrounding AI. As more companies adopt AI, leaders grapple with ethical decisions about its design and use.
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trustworthy 的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,反义词,拼写相似词汇. ... A trustworthy person is sb. that you can trust. 可靠的人是可以信任的。
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俄文, 德語, 日語, 法文, 簡體中文, 義大利文, 英語, 西班牙文, 韓語. 年齡分級: 4+. Copyright: © Windy Weather World Inc.
#56. Trust Tokens - Chrome Developers
The Trust Tokens API enables trust of a user in one context to be ... Translated to: Español, Português, 한국어, 中文, Pусский, 日本語, ...
#57. Social Media and Trust in News - Digital Journalism - X-MOL
However, the results also suggest that social media news sharing can contribute to the long-term decrease in trust in news. 中文翻译: ...
#58. 2.1 billion people lack safe drinking water at home, more than ...
“Safe water, sanitation and hygiene at home should not be a privilege of only those who are rich or live in urban centres,” says Dr Tedros ...
#59. 那些關於SSL/TLS的二三事(十二) — Chain of Trust
這篇要介紹的是信任鍊(chain of trust), 在實務上, SSL 憑證通常不是直接由Root CA 進行簽核的, 在這個過程中可能會有多個受信任的CA 參與.
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Trust, but verify is a rhyming Russian proverb. The phrase became internationally known in ... Bahasa Indonesia · Português · Simple English · 中文.
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you have a very good command of spoken and written English and German, the latter being our internal language of communication,; your comprehension and ...
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#65. Creating the list of trusted web addresses
You can create a list of URLs whose content you trust. The Web Threat Protection component does not analyze information from trusted web addresses to check ...
#66. 現有放債人牌照持牌人名單(截至2022年2月28日) (依英文名稱 ...
中文 名稱. Chinese Name. 牌照屆滿日 ... All Good Finance Limited. 萬事佳財務有限公司 ... Good Fortune Credit Limited. 好運來財務有限公司.
#67. Comparative Perspectives - Trust - Brill
Trust, as Simmel noted, is a hypothesis regarding future behavior that is certain enough to serve as a basis for practical conduct. To trust another person ...
#68. Your trustful trip adviser the "Tourist Information Center" - Live ...
We will introduce four facilities certified by the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) which we carefully selected among many tourist ...
#69. Realll: Build A Real And Trustful Web应用排名和商店数据
关于. 中文(简体).
#70. What does trustful mean? - Definitions.net
Trustful adjective. full of trust; trusting · Trustfuladjective. worthy of trust; faithful; trusty; trustworthy ...
#71. Building Trustworthy, High-Quality Products and Solutions
We are committed to building trust and high quality into every ICT infrastructure ... trustworthy software implementation, trustworthy delivery and O&M, ...
#72. 3 ways to build trust in your business - The World Economic ...
I don't think any CEO (or, for that matter, any layperson) would disagree with me if I said that being trusted is a powerful asset for a ...
#73. Trusted Sites - IN.gov
The State of Indiana websites often end in in.gov, but there are .com or .org websites that also exist. To prevent phishing and other security scams an official ...
#74. Trust fall 中文是..信任的往後倒嗎? - Diana Wang 王詩安
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Good analytical skills. Confident and compelling ... Safe and trustful employment. Collaborative team with flat hierarchies and short communication channels.
#76. Smart Searching: The Accurate and Trustful Information for Your ...
Smart Searching: The Accurate and Trustful Information for Your Assignment ... Help you find the trustful information ... 信息检索:中文全文资源.
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香港中文大學碧秋樓地下裝修工程. 最新文章. 查看全部 · 香港科學園大埔口罩廠改建工程 · 香港機場空運貨站玻璃牆加建工程 · 香港國際機場多功能大樓 ...
#78. trustful 的中文意思
trustful 中文 意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. trustful 解釋 ... Series products, they are favored and trustful by customers with novel and luxury design.
#79. Indonesians' trust in Australia falls as China seen as main ...
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Indonesian President Joko Widodo arrive for high tea. A survey found only 38 per cent of people in ...
#80. Malaysia "A trustful and time-tested partner of ... - BERNAMA
Our news is published at www.bernama.com ; BERNAMA TV on: Astro Channel 502, unifi TV Channel 631, MYTV Channel 121 IFLIX; and Bernama Radio broadcasting ...
#81. Secure email: ProtonMail is free encrypted email.
ProtonMail is the world's largest secure email service, developed by CERN and MIT scientists. We are open source and protected by Swiss privacy law.
#82. breach of trust 中文 - TRSL
“while this breach of trust” 中文翻譯: 指受托人的違背義務“be in breach of” 中文翻譯: 違反“breach” 中文翻譯: n. 1.(對法律、義務等的)破壞,違犯,違背, ...
#83. declaration of trust 中文樣本 - Ruralred
(2)指藉以創設信托的法律文書,又可稱作「trust instrument」、「trust deed」或「trust agreement」。. declaration of trust 中文樣本稅務局. 但是他們沒有證明文件可以 ...
#84. Technology | Insights, case studies & services - EY
Blockchain is a decentralized ledger of each transaction that occurs across a network, enabling the decentralized exchange of trusted data.
#85. Trustpilot Reviews: Experience the power of customer reviews
Behind every review is an experience that matters · Explore categories · Recent reviews · We protect and promote trust · Be heard · Each review has a personal story.
#86. Untitled - 信义光能
若兩種版本出現差異,請按中文版 ... culture, rules and regulations, safe production, system ... Trustful Product for Consumer under National Supervision.
#87. Trustful smiling people standing together Stock Photo by ©Dmyrto_Z ...
Stock photography ▻ Smiling colleagues. Friendly pleasant trustful colleagues standing together and smiling ◅ 176583834 ⬇ Download pictures from the ...
#88. Macrotrends | The Long Term Perspective on Markets
High quality interactive historical charts covering global stock, bond, commodity and real estate markets as well as key economic and demographic ...
#89. 产品新闻- Krämer AG
我们推出了新的中文网站,将Krämer 介绍给中国. 阅读更多. 为了与您分享Krämer 作为全球片剂除尘领导者的持续创新技术,我们推出了中文网页。
#90. Increased Sino-Pak cooperation on science & technology to further ...
CEO Huawei August Ye assured the Prime Minster that Huawei being a reliable and trustful partner of the Government of Pakistan and its telecom companies ...
#91. honesty 中文
“exemplary honesty” 中文翻譯: 廉潔可風“honesty and credibility” 中文 ... in that honest statements can be trusted at point blank with little or no doubt.
#92. insecure 中文– 繁體中文英文
將SSL Insecure Content Fixer 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版對開發相關資訊感興趣? ... Insecurity is a feeling of inadequacy not being good enough and ...
#93. Vietnam, Thailand should work together closely in post ...
5 天前 — ... PM Chinh said that the two countries should further promote trustful cooperation by increasing meetings at all levels and upholding the ...
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safe.' So saying, having given her word like a man, she and Ursula entered the frail craft, and pushed gently off. The two men stood watching them.
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... and the poor, dear trustful engine rushing on towards it—just thinking that it was doing its swift duty, and that everything was clear and safe.
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