ublock origin youtube 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

現在我還是改用uBlock Origin了,畢竟Youtube比較常在用。 PS:Adblock Plus的粉絲團上小編有回說正在改進中,不過不知道何時才能解決就是。 ... <看更多>
... 廣告自從用了uBlock Origin後就沒看過任何影片廣告或嵌入式廣告了難道連. ... 推RealGeforce: adblock for youtube 檔得妥妥的啊26F 07/11 11:34. ... <看更多>
#1. Chrome 線上應用程式商店 - YouTube Channel Whitelist for ...
This extension allows you to whitelist specific channels from uBlock Origin, while also allowing you to blacklist, mute specific advertisers ...
#2. 【心得】YouTube會出現白色的廣告畫面(改用uBlock Origin即 ...
現在我還是改用uBlock Origin了,畢竟Youtube比較常在用。 PS:Adblock Plus的粉絲團上小編有回說正在改進中,不過不知道何時才能解決就是。
#3. [問卦] 連uBlockOrigin都擋不住Youtube廣告了? - Gossiping板
... 廣告自從用了uBlock Origin後就沒看過任何影片廣告或嵌入式廣告了難道連. ... 推RealGeforce: adblock for youtube 檔得妥妥的啊26F 07/11 11:34.
#4. uBlock Origin doesn't block Youtube adds anymore - Reddit
uBlock Origin doesn't block Youtube adds anymore. I get ads on each video now. Am I the only one ?
#5. How to Fix "Ublock Origin Not Blocking Youtube Ads"?
How to Fix “Ublock Origin Not Blocking Youtube Ads”? · 1. Update all Filters. If you are using Unblock Origin. · 2. Unpause Ublock. Many times, by ...
#6. Ublock Origin過濾器可阻止YouTube主頁上的推薦視頻? | 2021
Microsoft Edge-如何安裝Adblock Plus擴展 ... 我正在尋找可以添加的Ublock Origin自定義過濾器,該過濾器將永久阻止推薦的視頻部分顯示在我的YouTube主頁上嗎? 我嘗試使用“ ...
#7. x0a/uBO-YouTube: Easier way to exempt your ... - GitHub
YouTube Channel Whitelist for uBlock Origin. Installation. Chrome Web Store · Firefox Addons. Usage. For uBlock Origin, add the following ...
#8. YouTube Channel Whitelist – Get this Extension for Firefox (en ...
Download YouTube Channel Whitelist for Firefox. Exempt specific YouTube channels from uBlock Origin, block or mute specific advertisers, and force skip ...
#9. Youtube forcing ads on uBlock | MacRumors Forums
YouTube and websites like this forum survive by having adverts that ... I'm using UBlock-Origin with Firefox and do not see any YouTube ads ...
#10. 找uBlock Origin Youtube 廣告相關社群貼文資訊
另外手機的Firefox 也可以使用附加元件uBlock Origin 檔廣告喔不需要再另外. ... Google › gl=TW .youtube廣告ptt-2021-02-24 | 星星公主5 天前· Adblock youtube .。
#11. How to Block Ads on YouTube: uBlock to The Rescue
If you're using the standalone app, go into the settings of your uBlock settings and select the Whitelisting tab. Here, you can enter the ...
#12. Why You Should Switch Your Ad Blocker to U Block Origin
More videos on YouTube. Switch camera. Share. Include playlist. An error occurred while retrieving sharing information. Please try again later. Watch later.
#13. Ublock Origin Not Blocking Youtube Ads: Find Out Why ...
Ublock is a free to use, cross-platform browser extension that enables content filtering. It is popularly used to block ads on various websites, ...
#14. uBlock Origin VS AdBlock for YouTube - SaaSHub
Verdict: uBlock Origin is the best option for those who don't want to slow down their computers while using an ad blocker. It is lightweight but still is ...
#15. Ublock Origin过滤器可阻止YouTube首页上的推荐视频?
我正在寻找一个我可以添加的Ublock Origin自定义过滤器,它会永久阻止推荐的视频部分显示在我的YouTube主页上? 我尝试使用“块元素”选择器阻止推荐的视频部分,但它不 ...
#16. Safari extension adblock. The 4. Untick AdBlock Icon and ...
0 - removed some unused files and youtube AdBlock's permissions in the Chrome browser. ... Switched to Chrome (+ uBlock Origin) because of that.
#17. Make any YouTube embedded videos click-to-load using ...
In ublock origin, my filters, add these. ||youtube.com^$3p,frame,redirect=click2load.html ||youtube-nocookie.com^$3p,frame ...
#18. I'm seeing ads in YouTube videos with AdBlock installed
YouTube is using a technology that prevents ad blocking in videos on mobile devices only. It's currently not possible to block these ads.
#19. 使用uBlock Origin 使任何YouTube 嵌入点击加载- 互联网
了解如何使用uBlock Origin 将任何YouTube 嵌入任何第三方网站点击播放,以提高加载性能和隐私。
#20. YouTube Channel Whitelist for uBlock Origin - Crowdin
YouTube Channel Whitelist for uBlock Origin Italian translation. ... YouTube Channel Whitelist for uBlock Origin. Italian translation. Translate All.
#21. How To Block YouTube Recommendations - Daves Computer ...
uBlock Origin Filters. I will presume you have uBlock installed in your browser. To add the YouTube filters, do the following: Click the uBlock ...
#22. How to Block YouTube Video "End Screens" Overlays and ...
An easy way to remove YouTube end screen thumbnail annotations by using a ... More Tools > Extensions > uBlock Origin Options > My filters
#23. Suddenly getting YouTube ads? - Desktop Support
I strongly recommend trying Ublock origin. chrome.google.com · uBlock Origin. Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.
#24. uBlock Origin - Free, open-source ad content blocker.
uBlock Origin is not just an “ad blocker“, it's a wide-spectrum content blocker with CPU and memory efficiency as a primary feature.
#25. Ublock Origin filter to block recommended videos on ... - iTecTec
I'm looking for a Ublock Origin custom filter that I can add that will permanently block the recommended videos section from showing on my YouTube homepage?
#26. If you use Firefox on your phone, you can install uBlock Origin ...
If you use Firefox on your phone, you can install uBlock Origin (blocks youtube ads without fail) and the "Video Background Play Fix" addon which allows you ...
#27. Ublock Origin filter to block recommended videos ... - Super User
Try youtube.com##.section-list > li:has(.shelf-title-cell > a[href="/feed/recommended"]).
#28. Microsoft Edge does Google a favour by nixing AdBlock on ...
Edge users have been running into problems on YouTube when they try and use the ... People still uses Adblock and not Ublock origin !!
#29. uBlock Origin vs Enhancer for YouTube™ detailed ... - Slant.Co
When comparing uBlock Origin vs Enhancer for YouTube™, the Slant community recommends uBlock Origin for most people. In the question "What are the best ...
#30. uBlock Origin 1.40 Update introduces a ... - Tech News
uBlock Origin 1.40 Update introduces a workaround to block YouTube ads in Chrome ... Could uBlock devs not simply create a localhost MITM ...
#31. 本地YouTube 下載器- 反饋 - Greasy Fork
@name Local YouTube Downloader // @name:zh-TW 本地YouTube 下載器// @name:zh-HK 本地YouTube ... S.: 如規則被拒絕加入,請將它移除並改為使用「uBlock Origin」。
#32. 找uBlock Origin YouTube相關社群貼文資訊
關於「uBlock Origin YouTube」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. YouTube Channel Whitelist for uBlock Origin - Chrome 線上應用程式.
#33. How to block YouTube ads and get to your videos faster
Here's how to block YouTube ads and get on with your cat video. Yet, should you really do this considering those ads bankroll creators?
#34. How to hide youtube comments with uBlock-Origin (and much ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeIZqOc35vc chrome.google.com/webstore github.com/gorhill/uBlock TA SALÜDE.
#35. টুইটারে R. Hill: "Issues with uBlock Origin on Youtube? Read ...
Anyone else who uses ublock origin getting this weird blank youtube ad? (and any recommendations if ublock origin sucks now?)
#36. ublock origin youtube ads Code Example
“ublock origin youtube ads” Code Answer. ublock origin block youtube ads. whatever by Lazy Llama on Aug 12 2020 Comment. -1. youtube.com##.ytp-ad-module, ...
#37. Ublock origin not working on youtube anymore - r/uBlockOrigin
A couple days ago I started getting intro ads again. I haven't noticed any midrolls or outro ads, only intro ads, but still. Is this just me, and if so, ...
#38. How to Block Ads on YouTube App or Browser - FamiSafe
1. Adblock software ad blocker app · 2. AdLock blocker for ads app · 3. AdGuard blocker app · 4. NoScript ad blocker extension · 5. UBlock Origin Blocker extension.
#39. Featuring YouTube Ad Blocker - eBlockerOS 2.8
We have adapted this technology from the ad blocker plugin “uBlock Origin“. We are using this great work to now bring it to more devices ...
#40. [résolu] Pubs Youtube et Ublock Origin - Geckozone
pour une raison ou une autre, Ublock Origin n'arrive plus à me bloquer les messages pubs avant les vidéos de YouTube.
#41. How to watch YouTube without ads? - imd.agency
Get an Android device, no joy on iOS; Install Firefox; Install AdBlocker for YouTube Add-on; Add uBlock Origin Add-on; Share to Firefox from ...
#42. Removing youtube ad screen white out | Opera forums
Recently ive noticed that when i click on a youtube video before the ... is still a problem, but you don't need to install uBlock Origin.
#43. Youtube AD uBlock Origin 問題 | LIHKG 討論區
本身chrome用開uBlock Origin, 睇youtube都可以做到無廣告. 但琴日開始就唔work, 播片前點都會有段白色畫面連埋倒數計時既廣告. 有無人知道可以點攪?
#44. 【Firefox Plug/APP】uBlock Origin 瀏覽器廣告攔截封鎖工具
主要特色:. 可攔截影片插播廣告、YouTube 影片廣告。 支援攔截屏蔽指定的網頁元素 ...
#45. helpful UBlock Origin element blocking for youtube - the EVGA ...
If you want to block Annotations on youtube videos or the annoying ... Just add the following lines to UBlock Origin "My filters" tab and ...
#46. ublock origin not working on youtube - Acclaim
Ublock origin is an efficient ad blocker that is easy on memory and CPU ... Ublock Origin not blocking YouTube ads is a problem that many are experiencing.
#47. How to view videos on Youtube and not count as a view.
How to use uBlock Origin to block Youtube views in Firefox. This works very well indeed. This is very helpful when watching Youtube in 2021.
#48. 【瀏覽輔助】高效能擋廣告擴充套件uBlock Origin - 詩娟花園
2.廣告過濾規則完美相容於《Adblock》。 3.廣告攔截效果強悍,影片插播廣告、YouTube影片廣告都可以自動攔截。 4.除了廣告還可以攔截屏蔽指定 ...
#49. Opera GX adblock not working on YouTube? Try uBlock Origin
Opera GX browser has its own adblock that has stopped restricting ads on YouTube recently, uBlock Origin is the best alternative right now.
#50. Why can browser extensions (Ublock) block YouTube ads but ...
Why can browser extensions (Ublock) block YouTube ads but a dedicated ad block ... Mozilla Firefox and uBlock Origin, which in my opinion is a killer combo.
#51. Hate Annoying YouTube Ads? Here's How Much They Cost ...
uBlock Origin (Chrome, Firefox). Alternatively, you can opt for uBlock Origin (not to be confused with uBlock), a resource-light ad blocker with ...
#52. uBlock: YouTube - "An error occured. Please try again later ...
If you use uBlock (or uBlock origin) and get an error playing videos on YouTube, you might have a filter enabled that causes an interference ...
#53. How to block YouTube videos or channels - Computer Hope
uBlock Origin comes with a list of blocked websites and domains, and you can add to that list as desired. The add-on also provides the ability ...
#54. Google und YouTube werden von uBlock Origin gesperrt.
Wenn uBlock Origin weiterhin auf die Google Suchmaschine und YouTube mit Sperren reagiert, sind beide Dienste für mich erledigt.
#55. uBlock Origin 1.40 Update introduces a ... - Daily Advent
uBlock Origin 1.40 Update introduces a workaround to block YouTube ads in Chrome. Dec 24, 2021 | Recently, some users chimed in about a similar problem with ...
#56. How To Fix Ublock Origin Not Blocking Youtube Ads - Games ...
Ublock is the most famous adblocker for all browsers but sometimes it doesn't block all Youtube ads. Here's how to fix this Ublock issue.
#57. ublock origin not blocking youtube ads code example
Example: ublock origin block youtube ads youtube.com##.ytp-ad-module, .video-ads.
#58. Chrome插件英雄榜069 《ublock origin》免除优酷,腾讯
title: Chrome插件英雄榜069 《ublock origin》免除优酷,腾讯,爱奇艺,YouTube视频广告. 由于bilibili的视频是没广告的, 如果bilibili和「某插播 ...
#59. Blocking Youtube Adverts - EduGeek.net
uBlock Origin extension deployed for both Chrome and MS Edge. Avoid Adblock plus as this now adds "acceptable ads" into your browsing.
#60. The Top 4 Youtube Ublock Origin Open Source Projects on ...
The Top 4 Youtube Ublock Origin Open Source Projects on Github. Categories > Advertising > Ublock Origin. Categories > Social Media > Youtube.
#61. Does uBlock origin work on YouTube? - SidmartinBio
Does uBlock origin work on YouTube? Ublock is a free to use, cross-platform browser extension that enables content filtering.
#62. ublock origin|去除除优酷,腾讯,爱奇艺,YouTube视频广告
ublock origin 是一款非常优秀的广告清理工具,自带了大量实用过滤规则,实现了开箱即用,ublock origin 不仅可以过滤视频广告,还会默认过滤网页广告.
#63. chromium: block ads when watching youtube videos - Unix ...
What you want is uBlock Origin. It is available on chrome and firefox and it's open source. If you're on chrome you might also want to install the WebSocket ...
#64. Redditor discovers insanely simple URL trick to remove ads ...
It turns out, getting rid of ads on YouTube videos is as simple as placing an extra period after the .com part of the YouTube URL. So instead of ...
#65. Ublock origin not working in youtube on chromebook running ...
This is fresh HP Chromebook running Chrome OS version 94. Ublock origin works on every other site bar youtube. On youtube page it shows 0 ads blocked and ...
#66. uBlock Origin slowed YouTube down on Edge!!! - Adblock Plus
I have uBlock Origin on my Dell Laptop. I use if for Edge, and it works fine. Blocks just about every ad on every website, including YouTube ...
#67. Howto wanted - block advertisement like Youtube - MikroTik ...
For the PC I am using uBlock Origin. Adguard-DNS was not successful. I need this solution for the appliances like Smart TV.
#68. Chrome插件英雄榜069 《ublock origin》免除优酷 - 华为云社区
title: 069 《ublock origin》免除优酷,腾讯,爱奇艺,YouTube视频广告由于bilibili的视频是没广告的, 如果bilib...
#69. 低負荷!能取代Adblock的瀏覽器廣告攔截外掛《uBlock Origin》
《uBlock Origin》是一款自由、開源、跨平台的內容過濾瀏覽器附加元件, ... 廣告攔截效果強悍,影片插播廣告、YouTube影片廣告都可以自動攔截。
#70. uBlock Origin - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
此擴充套件可在多款瀏覽器上使用,包括Chrome、Edge、Firefox、Opera和Safari 13版本之前。 uBlock Origin已獲得多家技術網站的讚譽,其記憶體占用比其他同樣功能的擴充 ...
#71. 【youtube广告过滤】使用uBlock Origin过滤 ... - 荟聚资源
最近刷铁子看到有大神分享uBlock Origin插件,想起来我的youtube广告过滤规则分享一下,帮各位解决看youtube广告的痛苦!!! (顺便说一下youtube广告真的不如国产 ...
#72. [問卦] 連uBlockOrigin都擋不住Youtube廣告了? - 理財寶
#73. The best ad blockers in 2022 | Tom's Guide
Ublock Origin is a browser-based ad blocker that focuses on simple, ... Adblocker for YouTube is a Chrome extension that promises to ...
#74. 教你過濾兒童不宜的Youtube頻道 - 雲爸的私處
這套Chrome 的外掛套件《uBlock Origin》是免費的,他跟Adblock 一樣可以阻擋內容,但他又更客製化,可以直接擋掉畫面中特定板塊,可以把Youtube 封鎖 ...
#75. uBlock Origin - Chrome 高效能擋廣告擴充套件 - 婉麗河畔旁
uBlock Origin 是用來取代的AdBlock Plus 的擋廣告、防止隱私洩漏的擴充套件,訂閱第三方過濾規則就可以開始使用,能選擇擋住網頁元素、script。更有比adBlock 高的 ...
#76. Q&A - Youtube up next autoplay and ublock origin
Is it possible to disable Youtube's up next autoplay using filters on ublock origin? If so, then can someone share? Thanks.
#77. Opera and Opera GX aren't blocking Youtube ads anymore
uBlock Origin is a fast ad-blocker that can load and enforce thousands more filters than other popular blockers out there.
#78. hide "more videos" within youtube iframe when stop video
If you have uBlock Origin ad-blocker installed, here's the static filter to remove that: !YouTube embed pause overlay ...
#79. AdBlock doesn't work anymore on youtube? - Overclockers ...
Location: Nuneaton, UK. I stopped using AdBlock ages ago, didn't they sell out or something? uBlock Origin is working for me.
#80. AdGuard — adblock&privacy on the App Store
AdGuard is an ultra-efficient ad blocker for Safari. It will not only remove annoying ads but also secure your privacy with advanced ...
#81. uBlock Origin beißt sich mit youtube - Nickles.de
Neuerdings muss ich uBlockOrigin deaktivieren, wenn ich youtube Filme sehen will, oder mich einloggen will. Mit aktiviertem uBlockOrigin ...
#82. 教你過濾兒童不宜的Youtube頻道| 雲爸的私處 - LINE TODAY
這套Chrome 的外掛套件《uBlock Origin》是免費的,他跟Adblock 一樣可以阻擋內容,但他又更客製化,可以直接擋掉畫面中特定板塊,可以把Youtube 封鎖 ...
#83. Edge and uBlock Origin - Microsoft Community
One reason for the delay was how effective uBlock Origin has been with YouTube and the existing version of Edge.
#84. [指南] 取代AdBlock – uBlock 瀏覽器各式廣告阻擋神器
最近Youtube 的廣告量實在是越來越多,置入量已經多到形成一種干擾。固然你可以選擇成為Youtube Premium 會員就可以免除以上限制,但若你是選擇 ...
#85. How to block youtube? (And how is my computer getting ...
I've got a Safe Access web filter set to block youtube.com. ... Dan's file can also be loaded in UBlock Origin as a 3rd party filter - it's ...
#86. Adblockers installed 300,000 times are malicious and should ...
Four days ago, Raymond Hill, maker of the uBlock Origin extension upon which Nano Adblocker is based, revealed that the new developers had ...
#87. Is there a real way to block these injected youtube ads?
Can you link to a video with such adverts? I want to test it. I haven't seen ads in youtube for ages since I use Ublock Origin.
#88. uBlock Origin (filtry) - problem z paskiem postępu w serwisie ...
Witam. Chciałbym zapytać czy osoby używające tego dodatku do przeglądarki mają problem z paskiem postępu w serwisie Youtube który jest ...
#89. Ublock Origin blockiert auf einmal nicht mehr automatisch ...
#90. Block comments on the web - Alexandru Nedelcu
Screenshot of uBlock Origin's My Filters section. These rules block comments from: Hacker News; Reddit; YouTube; Disqus (on all websites).
#91. uBlock Origin - URL: Ein Zeichen mehr und Youtube ist ...
#92. adblock chrome uBlock Origin | 藥師家
uBlock Origin. adblock chrome ... adblock for youtube教學 · adblock youtube失效 · ublock origin · 樂來-AD-B 50050A. uBlock Origin.
#93. Seeing ads on YouTube with AdBlock :: Off Topic - Steam ...
What if I don't feel like supporting content creators? I use Ublock Origin all the time. I hate ads. These Youtubers get enough in the way ...
#94. 找uBlock Origin相關社群貼文資訊
uBlock Origin : Easy Guide to Unblocking YouTube/Twitch Channels。 2018年7月6日· This tutorial video explains how to whitelist individual .
ublock origin youtube 在 Chrome 線上應用程式商店 - YouTube Channel Whitelist for ... 的推薦與評價
This extension allows you to whitelist specific channels from uBlock Origin, while also allowing you to blacklist, mute specific advertisers ... ... <看更多>