Underon 做了一系列我們的訪問,我們終於有帥氣的團照了!
Underon did a series interview of us, we FINALLY had a formal band photo! English after the click
【Scattered Purgatory】別以為農曆七月三十過,就可以鬆一口氣喔!救老木的「破地獄」可是讓鬼門怎麼關也關不住,法力強大到讓什麼天上飛的、地下走的聲音都遊盪人間,真是恐怖鵝~相信許多混地下樂團圈,一定都知道什麼是「 破地獄 Scattered Purgatory」,他們是三個看似宅男孩兒味濃郁的公ㄟ--盧家齊、呂立揚、羅皓博所組成的樂團,T恤、牛仔褲、大鬍子,外表看似學生氣質般的稚嫩平凡,其實內心各有古怪奇異的世界,因過度熱衷都市怪譚、民間宗教怪力亂神的傳說,故取了這個響亮奇特的團名。加上三人的觸碰音樂已有時日,以致從身體裡分娩出來的曲風多變,囊括Psychedelic / Drone / Doom / Free Folk / Ambient / Noise / Experimental等等,最後融合出炸爆強且獨特的Eastern Cult Drone Trio風格,若對他們還不認識,這期專題就帶你震一下,保證目睭金細細、左耳暢通到右耳喔!
Although the gate of hell has closed a few days ago according to the traditional lunar calendar, you can’t drop your guard yet, because the music of Scattered Purgatory will unlock the gate again, and the power of their music will keep every existed note and sound hovering in this world! The name of this band originated from the folk legend of Mulian saving his mother, and “scattered purgatory” is originally a Taoist rite that means to open the gate of hell. For those who are familiar with the underground music in Taiwan, Scattered Purgatory shouldn’t be a new name. The members of this band include Chia-Chi Lu, Li-Yang Lu and Hao-Po Lo, and these three otaku-like boys with beard on their faces always wear T-shirts and jeans. They might seem to be a group of normal and innocent students, but there are actually three weird and mysterious worlds insides their minds. Since all of them are obsessed with urban legends, folktales and superstitions, they decided to give their band this noticeable name. Also, because they have played music for a long time, so the music styles they create are diverse and rich, which include psychedelic, drone, doom, free folk, ambient, noise, experimental, etc, and all these elements are mixed together and resulted in their unique style: the Eastern Cult Drone Trio. If you haven’t heard of Scattered Purgatory yet, our project this week should be a perfect start! Your mind will definitely be blowed by their performance!