Learn the rules like a pro, so that you can break them like an artist.
Written by:
Thomas K @HeyThomasK
Nicholas Teo @HargaoHunk
Lev Panfilov @Levpanfilov
Filmed and Edited by:
Jason Hau @jasonkokotan
Justin Siu @JBSIU
Produced by:
Jeanette Yeap @Jeanettoes
Thomas K @HeyThomasK
Nicholas Teo @HargaoHunk
Lingyi Xiong @Blingyi
Chrysan Lee @ChrysanLee
Lev Panfilov @Levpanfilov
Kelly Wong @Kellykanez
Keiji Umehara @Umeandhara
Tengku Nasir
Outro Song by MMXJ - www.youtube.com/mmxjofficial
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