1. 素熱狗:素料店
2. 起司、麵粉:烘焙店
3. 馬鈴薯:菜市場或超市
Most delicious things you can do to potatoes.
Such as cook curry, stew soy sauce, potato omelette.
In order to let the children feel the dishes have changed.
Daddy made a vegetarian "hot dog meet cheese potato" for children.
This dish can be a snack or main course.
Delicious taste will make you memorable.
Vegetarian "hot dog meet cheese potato" children eat as a snack.
To remind everyone eat vegetarian "hot dog meet cheese potato" must drink plenty of water.
When you make vegetarian "hot dog meet cheese potato" has a tip.
That is cooked potatoes must be shredded. Pleaase remind that do not crush the potatoes.
It is because the potatoes after fried. The potatoes will be a trace of taste.
Where to buy materials of vegetarian "hot dog meet cheese potato"?
1. Vegetarian hot dog:Vegetarian store
2. Cheese, flour: Baking shop
3. Potato: egetable market or supermarket
★Qistin 最愛關鍵字★
素食,Vegan,Vejetaryen beslenme,素食,vegetarmad,Begetarianoak janaria,ビーガン,Vegan,Vegano,Vegan,ಸಸ್ಯಾಹಾರಿ,शाकाहारी,vegetariese kos,Vegan,вегетарыянскае харчаванне,Veganai,Vegetáriánus étel,dahareun vegetarian,Sùshí,शाकाहारी भोजन,વેગન,Vegetarian тамак-аш,vegetarijanska hrana,טבעוני,Nkhumba,নিরামিষ খাদ্য,cibus,Vegans,وگان,Weganin,kasvisruokaa,ቪጋን,الغذاء النباتي,ushqim vegjetarian,Вегетарианское питание,Вегетарианската храна,سبس,I-Vegan,ʻO Vegan,vegetarmat,ਵੇਗਨ,เจ,சைவம் உணவு,శాఖాహారం ఆహార,Веган,ویگن,Вегански,zavamaniry sakafo,भेंडी,വേഗം,សាច់សត្វ,vegetarisch voedsel,vegetariánska strava,Ăn chay,Веган,וועגאַן,vegetarisk mat,vegetariano,သတ်သတ်လွတ်အစားအစာ,채식주의 자,mâncare vegetariană