#1. 顴骨(zygomatic bone) - 小小整理網站Smallcollation
zygomatic bone *2(顴骨). zygomaticalfacial foramen(顴顏面孔):在zygomatic bone(顴骨)的三個突(process)交接處的小孔. 資料來源:medical-dictionary
#2. 顴骨Zygomatic Bone - 高醫解剖科骨學影片教學網
顴骨Zygomatic Bone:位於眼眶外下方,構成臉部最寬闊部為的骨骼。 顴骨顳突temporal process of zygomatic bone:顳骨顴突zygomatic process of temporal bone共同 ...
zygomatic 翻譯:顴骨的,顴弓的。了解更多。
#4. 顴骨 - A+醫學百科
顴骨(Zygomatic bone)是人體頭顱骨的一部份,指位於眼眶外下方,為面部之間最寬闊部份之骨骼。骨呈菱形狀。向後延伸與顳骨顴突結合共同組成顴弓,對人體面部側方起到保護 ...
以Zygomatic bone進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域. 英文詞彙. 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 比較解剖學 · Zygomatic bone · 顴骨. 學術名詞 兩岸對照名詞-醫學.
#6. ZYGOMATIC BONE - 汉语翻译- bab.la英语-汉语词典
After exposing, part of the zygomatic bone is trimmed away, or the front part of the zygomatic arch is moved inword by osteotomy of the zygoma and the ...
使用Reverso Context: [Next]Zygomatic Bone and Zygomatic Ar... [Previous]Photos After 10 Year of Zygoma...,在英语-中文情境中翻译"zygomatic bone"
#8. 國家教育研究院-比較解剖學學術名詞 -
英文名稱 中文名稱 57715376 Yellow spot 黃斑 57715377 Ypsiloid cartilage Y字形軟骨 57715378 Zeugopodium 肢桿
zygomatic bone中文 意思:顴骨…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋zygomatic bone的中文翻譯,zygomatic bone的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#10. 【寒假#2】Facial bone 顏面骨( ) Diagram - Quizlet
p24 . zygomatic bone 顴(ㄑㄩㄢˊ)骨Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.
#11. Introduction to Zygomatic Buttress (顴骨支撐) | 學術寫作例句辭典
To overcome these disadvantages, the zygomatic buttress (ZB) was suggested as an alternative maxillary source of autogenous bone. 為了克服這些缺點,建議使用 ...
#12. zygomatic bone 中文意思是什麼
zygomatic bone 中文 意思是什麼 · zygomatic: 頰的 · bone: n 1 骨(頭);骨狀物〈象牙等〉;骨製品;(食用的)肉骨頭。2 〈pl 〉 遺骸,屍體;骨骼;身體。3 〈p...
#13. 顴骨骨折(Zygoma fracture) - 小逸文筆記
4. Five places to align the zygoma. 1) zygomatico‐maxillary buttress 2) lateral wall of the orbit 3) infraorbital rim 4) zygomatic arch
#14. zygoma 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
[zai'gәumә] n. 頰骨, 顴骨, 顳骨突起【醫】 顴骨; 顴弓.
#15. zygomatic bone 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释zygomatic bone这个英文词呢? zygomatic bone这个英文词,中文意思如下:颧骨颧骨顴骨(Zygomatic bone)是人体头颅骨的一部份,指位於眼眶外 ...
#16. zygomatic bone的中文意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选zygomatic bone是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、zygomatic bone的用法、zygomatic bone的中文意思、翻译zygomatic bone是什么意思.
#17. zygomatic bone翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
zygomatic bone中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:[解剖] 顴骨。英漢詞典提供【zygomatic bone】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#18. 顏面骨(Facial bones)
顏面骨. (Facial bone). 顴突(zygomatic process)與顴骨相. 連. PDF 檔案使用"pdfFactory Pro" 試用版本建立 ...
#19. 以內視鏡輔助方式植入四支顴骨植體完成全口重建-病例報告
繁體中文. 顴骨植體 ; 內視鏡輔助 ; 顴骨 ; Zygomatic implants ; Endoscopically Assisted ; Zygoma. 分享到. 摘要 │ 文章國際計量.
#20. Zygomatic arch 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Zygomatic arch 释义: the slender arch of bone that forms a bridge between the cheekbone and the temporal bone... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#21. zygomatic bone - 颧骨,颧骨…《抓鸟》英语词典
zygomatic bone 的解释是:颧骨,颧骨… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:zygomatic bone的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#22. zygomatic bone - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
zygomatic bone. 语言; 监视本页 · 编辑. 颧骨. 最后编辑于2017年4月28日(星期五) 16:16. 语言. 不转换 · 简体 · 繁體 · Català · English · Eesti · Magyar · Polski ...
#23. 神之支柱-論All-on-4 之zygoma implant
聽到zygoma implant 一頭霧水,沒有關係,代表可能block bone augmentation做的很棒或sinus lift或GBR成功率百分之百。因為All-on-4的zygoma implant ...
#24. zygomatic bone的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
1.Objective To explore a new method and the feature of traumatism in sheep for zygomatic bone comminuted fracture by Bio impact device. 探讨羊颧骨粉碎性骨折 ...
#25. Zygomatic bone - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The zygomatic bone is small and quadrangular, and is situated at the upper and lateral part of the face: it forms the prominence of the cheek, ...
#26. 颧- 中英– Linguee词典
中文 -英语正在建设中. 颧 ()—. cheek bones. 例子: 颧骨—. zygomatic bone (cheek bone) ... a skull with sunken cheek bone.
#27. 顏面外傷(二)顏面骨折(FACIAL BONE FRACTURE)
中三分之一:從眼窩以下至上顎部分。包含顴骨(zygoma)、上頷骨(maxilla)、鼻骨(nasal bone)、蝶骨(sphenoid)、淚骨(lacrimal ...
#28. 顴骨英文,動物學名詞 - 三度漢語網
malar bone ; zygomatic bone的英文翻譯. ... 中文詞彙, 英文翻譯, 出處/學術領域 ... 顴骨骨折, Zygoma fracture; Malar bone fracture, 【病理學名詞】.
#29. zygomatic arch - DICT.TW Dictionary Taiwan
zygomatic arch 的中文翻譯。英漢字典、漢英字典、和英辭書、英英字典、英漢醫學字典、注音查詢、中文輸入法字典。 Chinese-English / English-Chinese ...
#30. 解剖學-眼外肌 - 高點醫護網
眼眶內側壁與頭部矢狀面平行,兩外側壁互為垂直,內位側夾角約45度,眼眶軸與頭部矢狀面成25度夾角。眼眶骨組成包括蝶骨(Sphenoid bone)、顴骨(zygomatic bone)、 ...
#31. 中文意思| 颧骨英文怎么说| 医学| 人体解剖学 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 ... 中英对照. 颧骨. zygomatic bone. 学科分类.
#32. 在"英语"词典里zygomatic bone}的意思
该章节所呈现的将zygomatic bone由英语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在英语中基本的翻译单位是单词«zygomatic bone»。 zh. 翻译者英语- 中文. 颧骨. 1,325 ...
#33. 顴骨英文
中文 颧骨英文cheekbone; malar; yoke bone; zygoma 【医】 cheek bone; cheek-bone; jugal bone; mala; malar bone; ossa malare ossa zygomaticum; ...
#34. 287
診斷中文名稱, 診斷英文名稱, 縮寫. 骨質疏鬆症. Osteoporosis ... Metacarpals/Phalanges/Hip Bones/Femur ... Maxilla/Zygomatic Bone/Orbital Bone. 胸骨/肋骨.
#35. Zygomatic bone - wikidoc
Overview. The zygomatic bone (malar bone) is a paired bone of the human skull. It articulates with the maxilla, the temporal bone, ...
#36. zygoma的意思在线翻译,解释zygoma中文英文含义,短语词组 ...
共找到1项关于zygoma意思的翻译解释和用法说明. 相关词• zygoma • zygomatic 单词意思查询Top5 • outlet的意思 • logo的意思 • menu的意思 • combo的意思
#37. zygoma是什么意思 - 英语词典
#38. Zygomatic Bone Name Description All Sites 库存矢量图(免 ...
在Shutterstock 收藏中查找Zygomatic Bone Name Description All Sites 张高清库存图片和其余几百万张免版税库存照片、插图和矢量图。 每天添加几千张全新的高品质 ...
#39. 搜索
Statement of problem Stresses applied to zygomatic implants have been determined to be transferred mainly to the zygomatic bone; however, ...
#40. 第七單元
bone ) (B)篩骨(ethmoid bone (C)枕骨 ... 16(#C、D均給分)蝶骨(sphenoid bone). 屬於下列何種骨骼? (A)長骨(B)短骨(C) ... (B)顴骨(Zygomatic bone) (C)顳骨.
#41. 微创治疗颧弓颧骨骨折80例临床观察与分析
Patients of zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch in 80 cases of the implementation of minimally invasive treatment. Methods In our hospital from 2007 January ...
#42. zygomatic bone - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典
zygomatic bone, Chinese Translation of zygomatic bone, Chinese Definition of zygomatic bone, zygomatic bone in Chinese, zygomatic bone中文翻译.
#43. 具有復位與固定功能之新式面中部骨板系統設計開發
... Novel Thin Titanium Mesh Plate System with Reduction Guidance and Fixation Function for Zygomatic-Orbitomaxillary Complex Bone fracture ... 語文別: 中文.
#44. Human anatomy scientific illustrations: Zygomatic bone — 插圖
立即下載此Human Anatomy Scientific Illustrations Zygomatic Bone 向量插圖。在iStock 的免版稅向量圖庫中搜尋更多19世紀風格圖像,輕鬆下載快捷 ...
#45. 聲帶以上發聲腔道構造Configurations of Supraglottal Vocal ...
Thus, bones are considered as basic components of immobile articulators. The teeth are also important members. ... 顴骨Zygomatic Bone 6 ... 發聲腔道中文圖解.
#46. All on 6/4 - 新當代牙醫 高壓氧植牙
He offered a technique to fix implants teeth by coming through zygoma/zygomatic bone (cheek bone). This skill called is called “Mount Everest in the dental ...
#47. Treatment of Facial Fractures Using poly-5d/95l-lactide ...
Four patients had solitary zygomatic fractures, 3 patients had isolated maxillary fractures, 6 had mandibular fractures, 14 had zygomatic-maxillary ...
#48. 骨骼構造&活動百科| 誠品線上
誠品線上 · 中文出版 · 醫學保健 · 醫學總論 · 骨骼構造&活動百科 ... 蝶骨sphenoid bone上頜骨maxilla鼻骨nasal bone犁骨vomer顴骨zygomatic bone淚骨lacrimal bone下 ...
#49. Zygomatic Implants Treatment
Zygomatic implants are longer than conventional dental implants. They connect higher up in the facial bones for people who have been losing bone ...
#50. Isolated Zygomatic Arch Fracture: A Case Report/Izole ... - Gale
Zygomatic bone is situated at the lateral part of the facial triangle, and is frequently exposed to maxillofacial traumas, since it forms the most prominent ...
#51. Zygomatic Dental Implant St. George, UT
Zygoma bone is located above the upper jaw, so zygomatic implants are typically placed where the posterior or back upper teeth are located. One to two zygomatic ...
#52. Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Taipei ...
... syndrome、craniofacial clefts、plagiocephaly、telecanthus、enophthalmos、square face、prominent zygomatic bone、prominent mandible ...
#53. Zygomatic Dental Implants Charleston, WV
Zygomatic dental implants are a great choice for those with severe bone loss in the upper jaw. Call Mountain State Oral & Facial Surgery today to schedule a ...
#54. Zygomatic Bone #Anatomy #mbbs #bds #education - YouTube
Zygomatic Bone It is paired bone.It forms the prominence of the cheek.It has 3 surfaces - Lateral, Temporal & Orbital2 Processes - Frontal ...
#55. temporal process of zygomatic bone - 在线词典 - 独特工具箱
在线词典,支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、常用短语、英英释义、同义词、同根词、词语辨析等,是外语学习者必备的在线查词 ...
#56. 全民健康保險牙科門診常見疾病分類表
中文 疾病名稱. 國際分. 類代碼. ICD-10. 中文疾病名稱 ... Benign neoplasm of lower jaw bone. 230.1 食道原位癌 ... Zygomatic fracture, unspecified, initial.
#57. 各式顳顎關節脫臼復位術介紹王家鼎許金旺 - 台灣急診醫學會
... 處(malar eminence of zygomatic bone),其餘四指扣住同側下頷角往前拉,此復位法提供下頷骨往脫位側旋轉以達到復位;雙側前脫位時,口腔外復位 ...
#58. Zygomatic | Systems - Aula de Anatomia
It is an even and irregular bone. It presents the following structures: malar, orbital, temporal faces; frontal, temporal and maxillary processes and four edges ...
#59. What Are Zygomatic Implants? - New Teeth Now
Video illustration of zygomatic implant-supported, upper teeth prosthesis. Zygomatic implants make it possible to sidestep bone loss issues. The extended length ...
#60. 颧骨复合体高突畸形整复手术探讨及相关解剖学研究
国内一些文献亦称之为颧骨降低术、颧骨缩小术、颧骨颧弓降低术等,外文规范用语为“reduction malarplasty”和“zygomatic complexreduction”,我们认为中文翻译手术简称为“颧 ...
#61. 外傷性顴骨(Zygomatic fracture)骨折手術與否的選擇
從側面看,顱骨附著在顳骨(Temporal bone)上,形成顴弓。顴骨是形成. 面部外觀的骨骼之一,是中臉的主要結構及支撐。 ✧ 適用對象/ 適用狀況. 成人外傷性顏面骨骨折.
#62. Hemifacial spasm - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Learn about diagnosis and treatment of this nervous system disorder that causes muscles to twitch on one side of the face.
#63. 네이버 영어사전
미국/영국식 발음, 여러 종류의 출판사 사전 뜻풀이, 풍부한 유의어/반의어, 대표사전 설정 기능, 상세검색 기능, 영어 단어장 제공.
#64. 人圖片- 2023 -
往期目錄視訊人臉檢測——Dlib版(六)OpenCV新增中文(五)圖片人臉 ... 顴骨(zygomatic bone, 2): 顴骨位於面部兩側,呈四邊形,厚而堅硬。
#65. 鼻甲英文- 2023 -
C. zygomatic processs of maxilla. 2. 3. Piriform aperture (梨狀開口):由nasal bone (鼻骨) 與maxillary bone (上頷骨) 構成. 4. Anterior nasal spine (前鼻棘): ...
#66. 人圖片2023
往期目錄視訊人臉檢測——Dlib版(六)OpenCV新增中文(五)圖片人臉檢測——Dlib版(四)視訊 ... 顴骨(zygomatic bone, 2): 顴骨位於面部兩側,呈四邊形,厚而堅硬。
#67. 鼻甲英文- 2023
C. zygomatic processs of maxilla. 2. 3. Piriform aperture (梨狀開口):由nasal bone (鼻骨) 與maxillary bone (上頷骨) 構成. 4. Anterior nasal spine (前鼻棘): ...
#68. 人圖片2023
往期目錄視訊人臉檢測——Dlib版(六)OpenCV新增中文(五)圖片人臉 ... 顴骨(zygomatic bone, 2): 顴骨位於面部兩側,呈四邊形,厚而堅硬。
#69. 人圖片2023 -
往期目錄視訊人臉檢測——Dlib版(六)OpenCV新增中文(五)圖片人臉 ... 顴骨(zygomatic bone, 2): 顴骨位於面部兩側,呈四邊形,厚而堅硬。
#70. 人圖片2023 -
往期目錄視訊人臉檢測——Dlib版(六)OpenCV新增中文(五)圖片人臉 ... 顴骨(zygomatic bone, 2): 顴骨位於面部兩側,呈四邊形,厚而堅硬。
#71. 圖解:骨骼單字大全 - 第 105 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... 英語的 join 「加入」為同源詞;再繼續回溯,顴骨 zygomatic bone 也是相同語源。 ... X 广トランスヴァースターサルジョインツ P.肱骨 Q 0 肩胛骨鎖骨英語索引中文 ...
#72. 2023 人圖片 -
往期目錄視訊人臉檢測——Dlib版(六)OpenCV新增中文(五)圖片人臉檢測——Dlib版(四)視訊 ... 顴骨(zygomatic bone, 2): 顴骨位於面部兩側,呈四邊形,厚而堅硬。
#73. 人圖片2023 - Acul
往期目錄視訊人臉檢測——Dlib版(六)OpenCV新增中文(五)圖片人臉檢測——Dlib版(四)視訊 ... 顴骨(zygomatic bone, 2): 顴骨位於面部兩側,呈四邊形,厚而堅硬。
#74. 顴骨
顴 ( quán ) 骨(zygomatic bone)是人體頭顱骨的一部份,位於眼眶外下方,為面部之間最寬闊部份之骨骼。骨呈菱形狀。向後延伸與顳骨顴突結合共同組成顴弓,對人體面部 ...
#75. 鼻甲英文2023 -
C. zygomatic processs of maxilla. 2. 3. Piriform aperture (梨狀開口):由nasal bone (鼻骨) 與maxillary bone (上頷骨) 構成. 4. Anterior nasal spine (前鼻棘): ...
#76. 鼻甲英文2023 - -
C. zygomatic processs of maxilla. 2. 3. Piriform aperture (梨狀開口):由nasal bone (鼻骨) 與maxillary bone (上頷骨) 構成. 4.
#77. Brow Ridge Definition
Therefore, there is not enough bone to be reshaped. definition of Brow ridge ... Squamous part, nasal part, two orbital parts (plates) and two zygomatic .
#78. Facial feminization surgery Mayo Clinic - 2023
Then the scalp is raised, placed back and fixed to the bone. ... Simultaneous zygomatic osteotomies with reduction mandibuloplasty - An ...
#79. Facial feminization surgery Mayo Clinic 2023 -
Then the scalp is raised, placed back and fixed to the bone. ... Simultaneous zygomatic osteotomies with reduction mandibuloplasty - An ...
#80. 소뼈해부도 - 2023 -
광대뼈 ( 관골 (顴骨) [3], 협골 (頰骨), zygomatic bone) 2개. 입천장뼈 ( 구개골, palatine bone) 2개. 보습뼈 ( 서골, vomer) 1개. 아래코선반 ( 하비갑개, …
#81. Facial feminization surgery Mayo Clinic 2023 -
To make the forehead appear more feminine, part of the forehead bone is cut, ... Simultaneous zygomatic osteotomies with reduction mandibuloplasty - An ...
#82. 나무 부위 이름 2023 -
광대뼈 ( 관골 (顴骨) [3], 협골 (頰骨), zygomatic bone) 2개. 눈물뼈 ( 누골, lacrimal bone) 2개. 입천장뼈 ( 구개골, palatine bone) 2개.
#83. Facial feminization surgery Mayo Clinic -
To make the forehead appear more feminine, part of the forehead bone is cut, ... Simultaneous zygomatic osteotomies with reduction mandibuloplasty - An ...
#84. 2023 Love in paris -
Zygomatic kemik. Jessica campbell. Hometech kimin markası. Hotel çanakkale. Theartporno. Ega sport. Konya da günlük kiralık ev. Lezbiyenpornoindir.
#85. Skull Cranial skeleton
Skull -. Viscerocranium: inferior view. ○ Palatine. ○ Maxilla. ○ Zygoma ... Zygomatic bone. ○ Frontal proc. of maxilla. ○ Frontal proc. of zygoma ...
zygomatic bone中文 在 Zygomatic Bone #Anatomy #mbbs #bds #education - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Zygomatic Bone It is paired bone.It forms the prominence of the cheek.It has 3 surfaces - Lateral, Temporal & Orbital2 Processes - Frontal ... ... <看更多>