【創業大冒險】 2021年高雄亞灣新創園進駐申請辦法公告啦
👉收件時間:即日起至8月20日(五) 17:30止
🎯新創進駐享有 #一免兩減半 租金優惠🎯
►洽詢電話:(07)338-3827 Jenny Ciou邱小姐
【Startup Adventure】Application for Residency in Yawan Startup Terrace, 2021
👉 Application Period: From now until 17:00 on August 20, 2021(Friday).
👉Application Form: https://pse.is/3kvdcw
Welcome all the Domestic and foreign Startups, International Accelerators, and Co-creation Partners march into Yawan Startup Terrace!
Moving towrds the best cluster for starups
Access to international marketing, professional training, capital and other resources needed to start a business from international accelerator.
Entering the supply chain
Linking traditional industries and Kaohsiung’s special industries to assist digital transformation with innovative tech.
POC @ Asia New Bay Area
Innovative Tech and service in Kaohsiung Software Park, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Kaohsiung Esports Arena, Kaohsiung Port Cruise Terminal, and Kaohsiung Music Center
🎯Apply now and access the rent discount(1st year free and 2nd year half price) for startups🎯
For more info:
► Tel: +886-7-338-3827(07) Ms. Jenny Ciou
► E-mail: hello@yawan-startup.tw
► Address: Rm. 1, 3F., No. 25, Chenggong 2nd Rd., Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung City 806614, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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