協助大家 #用健康的動作,#建築美好的生活!
湯士萱物理治療師 Suzanne Tang Physiotherapist
About author
► 物理治療
► 英國 CMS – Kinetic Control, MSP, TPM 等專業課程
► 彼拉提斯Pilates
► 肌肉骨骼健康/動作健康
► 舞者/運動員肌肉骨骼健康與表現
►部落格: https://suzannettw.pixnet.net/blog
►IG: suzannetang.physio (https://www.instagram.com/suzannetang.physio/ )
►完整學經歷與介紹: https://optcontrol.wixsite.com/optcontrol/suzanne-tang
※授課、演講、合作邀約請 email 至 optcontrol.tw@gmail.com
是一名「動作健康顧問/ 動作指導員」,教授動作控制訓練、脊椎螺旋運動 (GYROKINESIS®) 以及彼拉提斯 (Pilates) 等;
同時,我也是英國 Kinetic Control 及 The Performance Matrix 等專業課程 國際認證講師。
希望幫助大家以更有效率的方法使用身體、動得更好、自在完成想做的事,並達到更好的運動、舞蹈表現!並透過教授 KC,TPM, MSP 等課程,提升動作專業人員能力,使大家能幫助更多的人!
我曾接觸的個案包括長期飽受肌肉骨骼疼痛的患者、希望能提升表現的舞者;從小孩到年長者皆有。這些個案都有同樣的目標──「動得輕鬆,過得舒適,活得愜意,表現得出色 (move better, feel better, live better and perform better.) 」!
從大學開始便深入鑽研動作科學,修習許多相關課程,包括:動作控制與動作學習、彼拉提斯復健等課程;畢業後仍持續精進,修習 Kinetic Control 課程、Pilates (彼拉提斯) 與 GYROKINESIS® 等國際認證課程,也曾赴澳洲修習舞者物理治療與訓練 (Dance Teacher & Health Professional Intensive Workshop-level 1) 課程。具有豐富的動作控制、彼拉提斯與GYROKINESIS®教學經驗;也曾擔任中正高中舞蹈班兼任教師,教授舞蹈運動傷害預防課程。
運用專業醫學知識,結合多年動作學習經驗 (舞蹈、彼拉提斯、GYROKINESIS® 等),幫助大家學習正確控制與使用身體,動得安全、健康、有效,以擁有更好的生活品質,或達到更傑出的運動表現。
我於 2019 年,成立了 「康卓健康 OPTimal COntrol Wellness Center」 ,致力於推廣「動作健康」,幫助客戶找回生活中最佳的身體控制與最佳的動作選擇能力,幫助客戶動得更順,感覺更好,表現更佳!
Empower clients, therapists and trainers with movement.」
"Move better, feel better, live better and perform better."
►英國 COMERA MOVEMENT SCIENCE(CMS) 專業教育機構 亞洲分部負責人 (Lead of CMS Asia Hub)
►東亞首位 英國 CMS - Kinetic Control 課程認證國際講師
►東亞首位 英國 CMS – The Performance Matrix動作健康與運動表現提升檢測系統 國際顧問 (Performance Matrix Consultant)
►康卓健康 Optimal Control Wellness Center 創辦人/動作健康顧問
【康卓健康OPTimal COntrol Wellness Center】
►官網: https://optcontrol.wixsite.com/optcontrol
►FB: https://www.facebook.com/OptimalControlWellnessCenter
►IG: https://www.instagram.com/optimalcontrol.wellness/
Hi ! I’m Suzanne.
I used to worked as a physiotherapist in private practice and now I’m working as a “movement trainer”, GYROKINESIS® and Pilates instructor in the studio.
My clients include people suffering from severe pain and trying to move easier, dancers/ athletes desiring to achieve better performance, from children to the elderly. And they all had one goal “move better, feel better and perform better.”
Been trained in ballet and Chinese folk dance for more than 15 years, I have a special sense of body movements. Prior to learning anything about physiotherapy, I knew the essentials of remarkable performance were to use the right muscles, which were correct movement patterns, and that was the key to avoiding injuries.
Graduated from National Yang-Ming University in Taiwan and became a physiotherapist, I realised not only the dance performance but the whole neuro-musculoskeletal health was highly related to how people used their body and moved. She also recognized to prevent injuries, optimise the training outcome and achieve better sport performance, clients/athletics must improve movement efficiency through correcting movement faults by movement control training and practicing. People have to learn how to control their own body.
I established OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre in 2019.
The center mainly focuses on promoting ‘the health of movement (Movement Health) for the general public, physiotherapists and all movement professions/practitioners.
“OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre is helping people regain optimal control and optimal choicesin their life, helping people move better, feel better and perform better. We empower clients, therapists and trainers with movement!”
【OPTimal COntrol Wellness Centre】
►FB: https://www.facebook.com/OptimalControlWellnessCenter
■英國 CMS 專業教育機構 亞洲分部負責人 | Lead of CMS Asia Hub ■英國 CMS-KC, TPM 認證講師 | CMS-KC, TPM Accredited Tutor ■康卓健康 Optimal Control Wellness Center 創辦人 | Founder of Optimal Control Wellness Center
■英國 CMS 專業教育機構 亞洲分部負責人 | Lead of CMS Asia Hub ■英國 CMS-KC, TPM 認證講師 | CMS-KC, TPM Accredited Tutor ■康卓健康 Optimal Control Wellness Center 創辦人 | Founder of Optimal Control Wellness Center
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