[158071] 24871. 航海王:開始行動 執著的新元帥盃"One Piece" Going into Action! The Implacable New Admiral of the Fleet - Sakazuki! (2019)★
[158072] 24872. 航海王:頂點戰爭 海賊王被繼承的意志"One Piece" The Paramount War! The Inherited Will of the King of the Pirates! (2019)★★
[158073] 24873. 航海王:夢想的一步 白星來到太陽下"One Piece" One Step Forward for Her Dream! Shirahoshi Goes Out in the Sun! (2019)★
[158074] 24874. 航海王:好想見面 薇薇與蕾貝卡的思念"One Piece" I Miss Him! Vivi and Rebecca's Sentiments! (2019)★
[158075] 24875. 航海王:聖地的暗影 神秘的巨大草帽"One Piece" In the Dark Recesses of the Holyland! A Mysterious Giant Straw Hat! (2019)★
[158076] 24876. 航海王:聖地騷然 被盯上的白星公主"One Piece" The Holyland in Tumult! The Targeted Princess Shirahoshi! (2019)★
[158077] 24877. 航海王:一觸即發 盯上魯夫的兩位四皇"One Piece" An Explosive Situation! Two Emperors of the Sea Going After Luffy! (2019)★
[158078] 24878. 航海王:薩波震怒 革命軍幹部大熊的悲劇"One Piece" Sabo Enraged! The Tragedy of the Revolutionary Army Officer Kuma! (2019)★
[158079] 24879. 航海王:終於開幕 陰謀湧動的世界會議"One Piece" Finally, It Starts! The Conspiracy-filled Reverie! (2019)★
[158080] 24880. 航海王:馬可 白鬍子遺物的守護者"One Piece" Marco! The Keeper of Whitebeard's Last Memento! (2019)★
[158081] 24881. 航海王:登上瀑布 和之國海域大航海"One Piece" Climbing Up a Waterfall! A Great Journey Through the Land of Wano's Sea Zone! (2019)★★‒
[158082] 24882. 航海王:和之國 前往櫻花飛舞的武士之國"One Piece" The Land of Wano! To the Samurai Country where Cherry Blossoms Flutter! (2019)★★
[158083] 24883. 航海王:玉兒登場 魯夫VS海道軍"One Piece" Otama Appears! Luffy vs. Kaido's Army! (2019)★★
[158084] 24884. 航海王:一定會來 和之國的艾斯傳說"One Piece" He'll Come! The Legend of Ace in the Land of Wano! (2019)★★
[158085] 24885. 航海王:特別篇——最強的賞金獵人希多爾"One Piece" Side Story! The World's Greatest Bounty Hunter, Cidre! (2019)★★
[158086] 24886. 航海王:特別篇——決戰 魯夫VS碳酸王"One Piece" Side Story! Clash! Luffy vs. the King of Carbonation! (2019)★★
[158087] 24887. 航海王:拯救玉兒 草帽小子馳騁荒野"One Piece" Save Otama! Straw Hat, Bounding through the Wasteland! (2019)★★
[158088] 24888. 航海王:首席戰士 魔術師霍金斯登場"One Piece" The Headliner! Hawkins the Magician Appears! (2019)★★
[158089] 24889. 航海王:確定敗北 稻草人的猛攻"One Piece" Defeat is Inevitable! The Strawman's Fierce Attack! (2019)★★
[158090] 24890. 航海王:最棒的一天 玉兒的第一碗紅豆湯"One Piece" The Greatest Day of My Life! Otama and Her Sweet Red-bean Soup! (2019)★★
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