

black fire的相關標籤

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今天要來老Q賣瓜一下。就是之前DDC的英文老師(公司幫他請的)看過Q姐的英文作文後,建議我們可以幫Q報名一些區域性的寫作/創作比賽,因為她覺得Q很有潛力,透過這些比賽,可以累積經驗並且增加更多自信心。 正好,上個月我們住的這一區舉辦了Young People’s Poetry Competition,對象是8-12歲的孩子,大家都可以投稿自己所創作的「詩」,內容/題目不限,長度不超過25行。 於是,我們請Q姐自行天馬行空發揮創意,創作一首詩,在期限內投稿過去。 結果昨天,我們同步收到了學校和主辦單位的通知,表示Q姐從數百篇詩詞中脫穎而出入圍,9月份還要參加頒獎典禮, Q姐聽到後真的是開心到不行! 雖然這只是區域性比賽,有點類似台北市士林區、中山區、松山區等的概念,但第一次投稿就獲得肯定,我們也很替她開心。 現在的Q,更加深了未來想當作家的想法(#雖然小時候的夢想總是和現實不符哈哈哈)。如果未來我真能夠在英國書店買到女兒寫的書,應該會感動落淚吧(其實我更希望她能夠創作童書呢) 以下分享給大家Q姐的詩詞創作,沒想到她的小腦袋瓜裡,居然會想寫一篇「歷史」相關的詩,從羅馬時代、維京時期、安格魯薩克遜時期、黑死病蔓延歐洲、倫敦大火、世界大戰、火星探測、到這次的新冠病毒疫情,全部變成她的創作元素,真的還蠻讓人驚訝的。 (之前有姨姨們想聽Q自己念自己的創作,這就來分享她念詩的音檔囉) /Journey Through History/ I saw huge pyramids, With jewels and mummies inside, I hopped onto Caesar’s horse, To enjoy a little ride Splash! Across the stormy sea, On a boat so thin and long, Vikings and Anglo-Saxons, All so unbelievably strong The poor people of europe died, From the black death disease, And pow! The Great Fire of London came until it finally ceased Whoosh! Whizzing bullets arrived and up the bombs flew, First it was World War One And then it’s World War Two ExoMars explores that planet, To see how safe it’ll be, The coronavirus outbreak, Will be the future's history . 以下我的不負責任翻譯 & 強大網友的潤飾 我看見巨大的金字塔, 裡頭藏著珠寶和木乃伊; 我跳上凱薩大帝的駿馬, 享受騎乘的快意。 海浪濺起,穿越暴風, 細長的船在海上航行; 維京人和安格魯薩克遜人, 強壯地難以置信。 無數的可憐歐洲人民, 死於肆虐的黑死病; 碰 (爆炸聲)!倫敦大火蔓延, 最後終於平息。 咻!子彈呼嘯而過, 炸彈此起彼落, 第一次世界大戰來到, 第二次世界大戰緊接而後。 火星探險號探索這星球, 看看這裡是否安全; 新冠肺炎病毒席捲, 將成未來歷史的一節。


All-Day Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs on top of Toasted Brioche and the side of Salad Greens. มารื้อฟื้นภาษากันซักโพสต์นะคะ ง่ายๆ โพสต์หน้ากลับภาษาไทยค่ะ😉 I intentionally made this clip without any background music just to prove my point that when making breakfast eggs, you don't need any sizzling sound. Low heat is definitely the key here. I started off with just a simple salad for the side. Mixing your greens to make your salad interesting. The vinaigrette couldn't be any simpler: a spring of fresh thyme, lemon zest, pinch of salt, couple cracks of black pepper, juice of half a lemon and half a tablespoon of EVOO. I use 2 eggs and when it comes to breakfast eggs, I prefer half and half, which is no avail in Thailand. So I put equal part of whipping cream and milk to make my own halves. About half a tablespoon of each. Pinch of salt and that's it. I will only put the heat on for the bread and absolutely no heat for scrambled eggs. So Medium-Low heat and melt some butter, then toast the bread directly in the pan. Grill to perfection and put it on the plate. Now, put off the fire. I will only use the carryover heat to scramble the eggs. Seriously, that's all the heat you need to cook the breakfast eggs. Cool down the pan a little bit by melting a little butter, then pour in the beaten egg. Fluffing the egg with a spatular or a whisk or chopsticks, whatever turns you on. Don't cook through, you need the egg to be fluffy and a little liquidy. I now sprinkle some cayenne pepper onto it. No black pepper cause I prefer the red dust to the black dots on my eggs. Put everything together. Make it pretty. Breakfast is cute and yummy. And you can enjoy it any time of the day. I used to drive to the diner at 2am to enjoy a piece of toast and omelette. Well, it's my thing. Breakfast is my fuel😘😋 #WhatIEatToday

All-Day Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs on top of Toaste...