關於emotional的評價, Robert Downey Jr
Hello friends. Now that we're done with domestic press, and the critics have had their say, its fin...
Hello friends. Now that we're done with domestic press, and the critics have had their say, its fin...
Day 30 蓋·溫奇Guy Winch,Ph. D 從TED上看到他的演講,就去買了他的書,有興趣的朋友可以去看看他的演講 Why we all need to practice emo...
CÁC CHỈ SỐ THÔNG MINH CỦA CON NGƯỜI VÀ CÁCH ĐỂ NÂNG CAO 1. IQ (Intelligence Quotient) - Chỉ số thô...
「我把你養那麼大,竟然為了剛嫁進來的人跟我頂嘴,我真是會教,養出一個那麼孝順的兒子。」 「好啦,你就聽我媽的話一下,我這樣很為難,你不是愛我嗎,你這麼堅持你的做法,我真的很難相信你是為我著想的。」 ...
【關於情商,回答網友的七個問題】 Q1: 飯桌上沒話說,是不是情商低的表現? 開復: 溝通肯定是情商的重點之一,但說太多了、說錯話了還不如沈默。發言的時候你需要注意講的內容有沒有營養,還要注意...
Hello friends. Now that we're done with domestic press, and the critics have had their say, its fin...
[翻轉視界12] 外籍移工的悲歌 你能想像一周七天每天工作17個小時以上嗎? 音檔: https://www.instagram.com/p/CH85KwdF3GJ/ ★★★★★★★★★★★★ ...
Continuing my epic staredown with Jimmy. Watch Th...
My emotional baggage is custom-made, complete wit...
A single journey can change the course of a life. ...