關於mlg的評價, Mushi
Hello everyone, we have just arrived in Austin, Texas for MLG. As you may have found out, yes we ar...
Hello everyone, we have just arrived in Austin, Texas for MLG. As you may have found out, yes we ar...
【🔥灰狼狂炸26外線142-115虐快艇!🔥新成員齊爆、D-Lo場邊觀戰笑呵呵~】 #木柵丁尺史密斯 🔥全場精華連結在一樓留言處🔥 【🔥灰狼新成員齊爆發!全場狂炸26外線142-115虐快艇!...
微星盃幕後花絮! 順便公告一下第二周的排陣有異動: 由於剛剛Dus教練緊急連絡我說FLY要參加巴哈電玩瘋的節目, 所以不克參加,經由本周台灣隊值周教練Power與各教練的討論後, 決定派...
Arteezy, pieliedie & EternalEnvy w/ Speed Gaming ...
Well played Team Malaysia , Dota 2 players who re...
My little guidebook -ice- 台日合作電影聯合發表暨座談會來嚕!10/23一...
嗨 大家午安 我即將登機了 前往USA dallas 的MLG 最近還沒練習出太多心得,所以這次...
Fnatic won against LDNCON with score 2-0 and secu...
The Speed Gaming boys are reliving the past and e...
Just one more step for the championship title, bu...