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英國《Channel 4》晚間新聞6分鐘報導香港本來投票日嘅大拘捕 全長差唔多6分鐘,有齊晒香港網絡上見到最嚇人嘅拘捕畫面,配上記者Jonathan Miller一貫好文藝嘅旁白,唔好話係香港人,唔知一個英國觀眾睇完會有咩感想? 畫面影住警察唔同方法拘捕,當一個人被拖住嘅時候, "This is how those still have stomach to standup for Hong Kong, stand up to Beijing. The risks are great, the stakes are high." (呢個就係仲有膽量企出黎為香港,對抗北京嘅(後果),好大嘅危險,極大嘅代價。) 然後就咁形容警察嘅拘捕行動, "...the police lifting those deemed troublemakers pouncing seemingly at random." (警察好隨機咁突擊抽嗰啲「所謂」搞事份子出黎。) #學英文 Video Source:Channel 4 News at 7pm 完整報導原片: 《Channel 4 News》 Pro-democracy Hong Kong activists protest postponed elections https://www.channel4.com/news/pro-democracy-hong-kong-activists-protest-postponed-elections

英國《Channel 4》晚間新聞6分鐘報導香港本來投票日嘅大拘捕 全長差唔多6分鐘,有齊晒香港網...