

dangerous michaeljackson的相關標籤

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五年前(好久了天啊)代表高雄中學到德國參加模擬聯合國MUNOG 的最後文化交流影片。 當時會議中到底都討論了什麼沒啥頭緒、倒是最後的表演跳的很用力。把國中沒有練精的dangerous重新做一遍,希望有比較對得起 #michaeljackson 🤧🤧 ———————————————————————— This video was recorded five years ago when I went to Germany participating MUNOG(model united nation of Goldberg). For the final cultural events me and my fellow Taiwanese delegates brought a tiny show here covering Dangerous by Michael Jackson. For this show we’ve practiced entirely three weeks, really wished to honor the one and only #KingofPop. #我在中間 😆😆😆

五年前(好久了天啊)代表高雄中學到德國參加模擬聯合國MUNOG 的最後文化交流影片。 當時會議中...