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Video - Eusoff Tummytime Day 12 I can never stress the importance of Tummytime on babies. It strengthens the back and limbs which allow them to start crawling at an earlier phase . It expands the lungs when they cry doing the activity. I started on Eusoff once the Umbilical Cord has detached. I do them 3 times a day lasting for a minute each. The idea here is to make babies comfortable lying on prone position . I will increase the duration to 3-5 minutes as time goes by . Once they do , ideally they should just be on Diapers pushing their toes on a rough surface trying to move forward . The earlier the child crawls the better The earlier the child walks the better The earlier the child reads the better The earlier the child do Maths the better All these phases will accelerate brain stimulation and maximise the true potential in your Child in years to come. I have seen the exceptional results on B, T , A & N and I expect E&E with similar impact. InsyaAllah ... Just sharing ... Good Morning Everyone Love As Always PS - Emelia's cord is still intact . Her Tummytime shall have to wait for now. PSS - Detailed descriptions on Tummytime in ' My Way Of Parenting ' Book . Only at Shopee - drsheikh.os #glenndoman

Video - Eusoff Tummytime Day 12 I can never stres...

Pic - Tasha’s Orientation Day at Islamic School Tasha is nervous for her Orientation Day today . Haha ... She is going to be Standard One soon joining Bella at SJKC & SRA starting next year . How proud I am watching my girls grow with just a blink of an eye . But they are well prepared ... We try to equip them for this very Day ... Tasha has already khatam AlQuran , speak & write English well , quite good in Mandarin and her BM is not bad too . She has mastered +, -, x and division for Maths , love Arts and socialise well with other kids . She has changed into a responsible kid waking up early and doing her homework - Alhamdulillah Just sharing . Salam Everyone . Love As Always ... PS - Need to build on her Confidence level though

Pic - Tasha’s Orientation Day at Islamic School T...