The list-style-type CSS property specifies appearance of a list item element. As it is the only one who defaults to display:list-item, this is usually a <li> ... ... <看更多>
The list-style-type CSS property specifies appearance of a list item element. As it is the only one who defaults to display:list-item, this is usually a <li> ... ... <看更多>
LIST PROPERTY list - style - type : circle/square/upper-roman/lower-roman/upper-alpha/lower-alpha list-style-image : url('path') ... ... <看更多>
DOCTYPE html>. <html>. <head>. <title>String value for list-style-type CSS property</title>. <style>. @viewport {. width: 100vw; /* same as device-width */. ... <看更多>
Because of your padding reset, the numbers are actually off to the left of the page. Try adding: list-style-position: inside;. ... <看更多>