sarahsong 在 s&j《煮》一粒鐘內整個蛋糕無難道!Piece of 香蕉Cake啦hahaha 的影片資訊
Sarah生日,Damon生日 都係 Stay at home架啦 下個星期我可以分享 Sarah個蛋糕(都係 Sarah自己整?) 跟住Sarah 食譜, Jason都接受挑戰整 Damon蛋糕 D...
Sarah生日,Damon生日 都係 Stay at home架啦 下個星期我可以分享 Sarah個蛋糕(都係 Sarah自己整?) 跟住Sarah 食譜, Jason都接受挑戰整 Damon蛋糕 D...
Everyone got so worried when they saw us spraying our masks with disinfectant Back in January, when ...
大家好擔心我地用消毒藥水噴口罩 以前,講緊係一二月嘅時候陳生的確係用好多酒精消毒藥水 到而家都八月中八月尾,我哋已經試晒市面上各品牌各種消毒藥水 實質 Ensure Guard係冇咩情況唔用得 所以帶...
Not an ad for Toys' r Us hahaha And not an ad for BuyBo but their stuff is very good so we took the ...
唔知玩具反斗城需唔需要代言人呢 ??? 呢個亦都唔係BuyBo 嘅廣告,佢哋啲嘢真係幾好所以我哋搵咗我哋嘅助手主動聯絡佢哋睇吓可唔可以幫大家攞到少少discount 佢哋都好爽快,一問就應承咗,多謝B...
記得 Damon出世之前有好多嘢都唔識 我哋當時的確係超緊張嘅新手爸媽 每樣野都想準備好晒,做得最好 成日都會擔心Sarah休息唔夠 飲食同埋日常習慣各方面都要照顧得妥當 就算 Damon未出世都已經...
Damon being our first born meant that we were so inexperienced with so many things Parenthood was ba...
This is something you've all mentioned before Teaching English and sharing funny stories about learn...
大家一直都建議我哋教下英文 終於諗到個得意啲嘅方法 或者唔可以話係教英文 係一個搞笑啲嘅英文分享 千祈唔好太認真 疫情期間大家最需要係放鬆,保持健康,保持開心 其實舊年演舞台劇嘅時候已經諗緊唔同嘅方...
The thumbnail might seem rather dramatic, the title you might think it's click bait but the situatio...