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Video - Exam Week for the Girls ... Bella & Tasha are having exams Online for their Islamic School . We usually do some revisions with them a week prior to exams just to be sure they know their stuffs . They are good students ... They usually excel - Alhamdulillah Bella always focus in Class . She will memorise all her Surahs , her homework and pays attention at School . Tasha can be very playful at School but somehow produced excellent results which still amazes me - because she always say we only play and do nothing at School . Haha Always ask your child ' How was School ? .... ' What did you learn today ? .... upon coming back from School . A good student will tell you everything in detailed including the topics from every subjects ...on a daily basis . Do revisions 30 minutes daily ... That way the kids will allways be prepared when exam begins . All the best Girls May you succeed Salam Everyone Love As Always PS - Its Tajwid & AlQuran papers today

Video - Exam Week for the Girls ... Bella & Tasha...