此物造來就是為了把事情鬧大,英國超跑車廠Aston Martin破天荒推出首輛休旅車DBX,身懷頗受好評的4.0升V8雙渦輪引擎,高達542匹馬力的它,零百加速只需4.5秒達陣,而DBX的矛頭當然直擊各大廠超級休旅車,我想現在Urus背後應該在冒冷汗了...
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FIRST LOOK: Aston Martin DBX Super SUV
It was only a matter of time before Aston Martin followed Bentley, Rolls Royce, Lamborghini and Porsche with a super SUV of its own. The DBX is arguably the most beautiful of the lot and comes fitted with a more powerful 542bhp version of the Vantage’s 4.0-litre twin-turbo AMG-sourced V8. So, Internet, what do you think?