當《China Daily》話「擔心」只要依家嗰個美國總統仲係咁,將來接任嘅就算有任何善意都好,中美關系都已經爛到好難修保。
(“Even if the incoming administration has any intention of easing the tensions that have been sown, and continue being sown, some damage is simply beyond repair, as the sitting U.S. president intends.”)
但係同一時候,《China Daily》同《Global Times》嗰兩位就咁樣同美國參議員Marsha Blackburn同Marco Rubio大戰...言語之狠毒,火藥味重到呢...
首先發炮嘅係共和黨嘅Marsha Blackburn:
“China has a 5,000 year history of cheating and stealing. Some things will never change…”
咁《China Daily》嘅陳生就...”BXXXX”
Marsha Blackburn就咁回應:
(你啲咁嘅 呢啲咁嘅傀儡諗住稱霸世界?由天安門到維吾爾族淨係識殺自己人, 唔使旨意美國唔會向呢啲性別主義流氓叩頭)
“Chen, you’re a puppet in Xi Jinping’s delusional China dream for global domination. From Tiananmen Square to Uyghur genocide, Communist China is an expert at slaughtering populations. America will not bow down to sexist communist thugs.”
“This is the most racist and ignorant US Senator I have seen. A lifetime bxxxx.”
「 呢個都算係我見過最無知同埋歧視嘅美國參議員,直情係Lifetime bxxxx」
之後《Global Times》胡總出場再加多腳,
“When the Chinese were forming civilization, fighting against cheating and stealing, the ancestors of the Americans had not completely got rid of the nature of monkeys. The US is modernized today, but the pity is why this senator’s cognitive level is still as low as a monkey’s.”
「 當中國人發展文明 對抗偷呃拐騙嘅時候, 美國人都仲未完全脫離離馬騮嘅天性, 今日嘅美國當然係現代化,但係可惜呢呢個參議院嘅認知水平仲係同馬騮差唔多囉。」
可能見到兩個男人對一名女士,另一個共和黨參議員路過Marco Rubio見到之後,就向網民介紹陳生係《China Daily》歐洲版主編(喇,都唔算太大力做「炸兩」嘅),點知陳生再保多下回Marco Rubio。
“Hi, Marco, this is an understatement. She is much worse than that.”
Some Sino-U.S. relations damage 'beyond repair', China state media warn
乜平時唔係四個英文字母嘅咩 在 英文點先可以讀得準?IPA同PHONICS又有咩分別? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
英文難讀,係因為同一個 英文字母 ,喺唔同嘅字入面可以有唔同發音,而 英文字嘅 串法又有好多變化與例外,所以會有見字讀錯音嘅情況。IPA將全球多國語言 ... ... <看更多>
乜平時唔係四個英文字母嘅咩 在 斑馬英文點串㗎?」 「等爹哋話你知……」喺就黎講到個「啦 ... 的推薦與評價
「咁Peppa唔係有個朋友叫Zoe嘅咩,佢係乜嘢黎?」 「咪斑馬囉……」女兒脫口而出,才想起原來Zoe就是斑馬。 然後奔向書櫃努力尋找一本有Zoe Zebra做封面 ... ... <看更多>