出自《最讓人發毛的鬼話英文:EZ TALK總編嚴選特刊》
溫子仁於1977 年生於馬來西亞砂拉越州古晉市的華裔家庭,7 歲時移居澳洲伯斯。溫子仁小時候,媽媽帶他去看電影《鬼哭神號》後,他就愛上了恐怖片,11 歲時就已立志要拍電影。他在就讀墨爾本皇家理工大學電影系時,認識了編劇雷沃納爾,兩人開始根據自己所恐懼的事情和惡夢寫成恐怖片劇本。他們的劇本遭到澳洲的製片廠拒絕後,兩人決定以這劇本拍部短片,向好萊塢的製片人推銷。
Born into a Malaysian-Chinese family in Kuching, Sarawak in 1977, James Wan moved to Perth, Australia at the age of seven. Wan fell in love with scary movies when his mother took him to see Poltergeist when he was a little kid, and by the age of 11, he knew he wanted to be a filmmaker. While attending film school at RMIT University in Melbourne, Wan met screenwriter Leigh Whannell, and the two began writing a script for a horror film based on their own fears and nightmares. After the script was rejected by studios in Australia, the pair decided to make a short film based on it and show it to producers in
溫子仁和沃納爾幾乎是立刻找到製片人,並以低成本拍了電影《奪魂鋸》,且只花了18 天。這部電影在2004 年發行,敘述精神病患拼圖殺人狂綁架受害人,並要他們通過「測試」,通常是會奪命的機械陷阱,受害人若想生存下來,必須通過這些測試。儘管評價不佳,《奪魂鋸》隨即吸引到大批狂熱的支持者,最後在全世界的票房總計超過一億元,超過拍攝預算的80 倍!拼圖殺人狂和木偶比利,也就是殺人狂用來跟受害人溝通的詭異木偶,非常受到恐怖片粉絲的歡迎,目前已經拍攝了七部續集。
Wan and Whannell found a producer almost immediately, and shot their film, Saw , on a low budget in just 18 days. The movie, about a psychopath called the Jigsaw Killer who kidnaps victims and puts them through “tests”—usually involving deadly mechanical traps—that they must pass if they want to survive, was released in 2004. Despite poor reviews, Saw soon had a cult following, and ended up grossing over $100 million worldwide, over 80 times the production budget! The Jigsaw Killer and Billy the Puppet—the creepy puppet he uses to communicate with his victims—became so popular with horror fans that seven sequels have been filmed so far.
想看更多,請見《最讓人發毛的鬼話英文:EZ TALK總編嚴選特刊》。