大家好, 我是Toyz, 原名劉偉健, 曾經在台北暗殺星擔任隊長一職, 並與同伴拿下S2英雄聯盟世界冠軍,及後在全明星賽奪下中路世界冠軍的美譽。後來加入HKEsports, 主力宣傳及推廣電子競技。並不定時進行實況, 向觀眾教授中路對線技巧。
Hello, I am Toyz, the former Captain of TPA and All Star Skill Competition Champion.
Due to serious mental stress and severe injury, I retired from the pro gaming scene soon after the end of season 2. But then I realized that It was not the end of my esports dream, I joined HKEsports limited Co. and primarily focus on promoting esports. I truly believe esports will be gaining more and more awareness from the public in near future. Lastly, I stream irregularly to teach my fans on improving their games in League of Legends, so stay tuned and let’s make the community better together.
Kurtis "Toyz" Lau is a LoL player, previously the Captain of TPA - S2 World Champions and All Star S