昨天的婚禮真的是太美好了❤️ 與一群以失聯將近十年的紐西蘭朋友見面😆 完美的晴天以及溫度,讓人忍不住想唱 Love is in the air🎵今天就算開了八個小時回來嘴角還是上揚😊
記得阿嬤當時聽到我們國外婚禮只有前菜,主菜,點心時🍴忍不住大驚這樣怎麼會飽🙀 不過我飽到晚餐在餐廳只點了一盤配菜用的沙拉🥗 今早起來還感覺不餓😁 讓我越來越深信人晚餐真的不能吃太多,不然睡前怎麼可能消化成功啊!😅
Ps. 倒是上次來台灣參加我婚宴的南非朋友被台灣不停止的食物嚇到😂 #喜歡午宴 #肚子可以消耗 #但無限暢飲無法喝到瘋
Pss. 新娘太幸福了💕 新郎還跟朋友安排了 Flash mob(快閃黨?)大跳舞作為驚喜😆
What a beautiful wedding yesterday ❤️ Perfect weather in Melbourne, reuniting with old NZ friends😊 Made me wana sing love is in the air even on the long 8 hour drive home🎵🚘
I was so full from the wedding yesterday🍴It always fascinates me how my grandma thinks you can't be fill from a 3 course meal😂
Sometimes I think lunch reception is the best, can actually have time to digest 😛 Ps. Flash mob at the wedding was cool😬