doggy bag?
doggy waste/poop bag?
🆒 俐媽英文教室—狗狗篇:
🐶 doggy/doggie bag (n.) 剩菜打包袋
—> leftover (n.) 剩菜
🐕 dog waste/poop bag (n.) 狗狗拾便袋
—> disposal (n.) 處理
—> biodegradable (a.) 生物可分解的
—> compost (n.) 堆肥
—> meet...standard 符合⋯標準
—> suffocation (n.) 窒息
—> infant (n.) 嬰兒
—> crib (n.) 嬰兒床
—> carriage (n.) 嬰兒車
—> playpen (n.) 嬰兒用遊戲柵欄
🐩 call off the dogs 不再找(某人)麻煩
🐩 dog days of summer 長又熱的夏日
🐩 fleabag 老狗
🐩 stray dog 流浪狗
🐩 lucky dog 運氣好的人
🐩 be in the doghouse 惹麻煩而失寵/受處罰
🐩 not have a dog’s chance 希望渺茫
🐩 shake like a dog shitting razor blades 超級緊張
🐩 top dog 優勝者;人生勝利組
🐩 put on the dog 裝腔作勢
🐩 a dog in the manger 佔著茅坑不拉屎的人
🐩 better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion 寧為雞首不為牛後
🐩 give a dog a bad name and hang him 欲加之罪,何患無辭
🐩 You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. 孺子不可教也
🐩 be like a dog with two tails 十分開心
🐩 work like a dog 工作十分辛勞
🐩 come like a dog at a whistle 呼之即來
🐩 yellow dog 卑鄙小人
🐩 help a lame dog over a stile 助人渡過難關
🐩 dog ear 書頁上折到的一角(像狗耳朵)
狗狗是我們的好朋友,所以idioms, phrases, proverbs特別多,有興趣可以多查查。
但當別人給你doggy bag時,可別拿去裝狗💩了呦~😂
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