Miss Sickness:這幾天鼻涕長流,聽人講飲薑茶可以治療感冒,真的嗎?
01 有無喉嚨不適?有-〉02,沒有 –〉03
02 有喉嚨痕癢?有-〉04;沒有,或有喉嚨痛-〉03
03 有無關節肌肉酸軟?有,或兼全身困重無力-〉屬風濕型感冒;沒有-〉04
04 有無流清涕?有,或有鼻塞,且有咳嗽痰色帶白-〉屬風寒型感冒;沒有,但流黃稠鼻涕-〉屬風熱型感冒
Miss Sickness: I’ve had a runny nose for a few days and some people say ginger tea can treat colds, is it true?
CheckCheckCin: Ginger is warm in nature, and can dispel wind and cold. A lot of people will have ginger tea when they have a cold but it actually isn’t suitable for all types of colds. You have to know your body constitution before drinking it. There are three types of colds- hot-wind, cold-wind, and damp-wind. Raw ginger is warm in nature so it can help to relieve early symptoms of cold-wind colds. If this is not what you have then ginger tea isn’t suitable.
Which type of cold do you have?
Before you have any ginger tea, be sure to find out which type of cold you have.
01 Any throat discomfort? Yes -> 02, No -> 03
02 Do you have an itchy throat? Yes -> 04, No, or you do have a sore throat -> 03
03 Do you have sore muscles? Yes, or you feel like your body is very heavy -> damp-wind type of cold, No -> 04
04 Do you have clear mucus? Yes, or you have stuffed nose with clear phlegm when coughing -> cold-wind type of cold, No, but you do have thick yellow mucus -> hot-wind type of cold
Tea remedy for different types of cold (note: if you drink the tea based on your type but do not see any improvement, be sure to seek professional medical help)
Cold-wind type: 4-5 slices of ginger, cook for 15 minutes. Add into thermos to drink, can be re-brewed until flavor weakens.
Hot-wind type: 6g chrysanthemum, 9g mulberry leaves, cook for 15 minutes. Add into thermos to drink, can be re-brewed until flavor weakens.
Damp-wind type: 9g patchouli, 9g purple perilla, cook for 15 minutes. Add into thermos to drink, can be re-brewed until flavor weakens.
#男 #女 #感冒 #陽虛 #我畏寒