Suspend or withdraw? Hong Kong Business Association of Sustainable Economy(HKBASE) has conducted the “Startuppers Survey on Extradition Bill” earlier this month and successfully collected 98 completed questionnaires. Major research findings are as follows and please also read the full research report by clicking this link: https://bit.ly/2Kj3ai0
Q1. 認為《逃犯條例》修訂草案如獲得通過,對貴 公司的業務有何影響?
Do you consider that the Extradition Bill, if passed, will have any implication on your business?
• 70.4%的初創企業人員認為,《逃犯條例》修訂草案如獲得通過,將對其公司的業務「有負面影響」;回答「有正面影響」、「沒有影響」和「不知道/沒有意見/很難說」的初創企業人員,分別為11.2%、8.2%和10.2%。
• 70.4% of Startuppers considered that the Extradition Bill, if passed, will have “negative implication” on their businesses; those who answered “positive implication”, “no implication” and “Don’t know/No comment/Hard to say” were accounted for respectively 11.2%, 8.2% and 10.2%.
Q2. 《逃犯條例》修訂草案如獲得通過,貴 公司會維持在香港的業務嗎?
If the Extradition Bill is passed, would your company remain in business in Hong Kong?
• 52%的初創企業人員認為,《逃犯條例》修訂草案如獲得通過,其公司「將視乎情況,檢討在香港的業務」;回答「將維持在香港的業務」、「將不會維持在香港的業務」和「不知道/沒有意見/很難說」的初創企業人員,分別為31.6%、12.2%和4.1%。
• 52% of Startuppers considered that the Extradition Bill, if passed, they will “depending on the situations, review our business in Hong Kong”; those who answered “shall maintain our business in Hong Kong”, “shall NOT maintain our business in Hong Kong” and “Don’t know/No comment/Hard to say” were accounted for respectively 31.6%, 12.2% and 4.1%.
Q3. 你對《逃犯條例》修訂草案有何看法?
What is your position on the Extradition Bill?
• 76.5%的初創企業人員認為「應該撤回/擱置」《逃犯條例》修訂草案;回答「應該按目前版本通過」、「應該再作修改才通過」和「不知道/沒有意見/很難說」的初創企業人員,分別為10.2%、10.2%和3.1%。
• 76.5% of Startuppers considered that the Extradition Bill “Should be withdrawn/shelved”; those who answered “Should be passed in its existing form”, “Should be passed only after further amendments” and “Don’t know/No comment/Hard to say” were accounted for respectively 10.2%, 10.2% and 3.1%.
Q4. 社會有不少討論,指美國將檢討《美國-香港政策法》,包括對香港實施科技出口禁運。如美國對香港實施科技出口禁運,對貴 公司的業務有何影響?
There are many discussion within the society that the United States will review the “U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act” including imposing a technology export embargo on Hong Kong. If the United State proceeds to impose a technology export embargo on Hong Kong, will it have any implication on your business?
• 66.3%的初創企業人員認為,如美國對香港實施科技出口禁運,將對其公司的業務「有負面影響」;回答「有正面影響」、「沒有影響」和「不知道/沒有意見/很難說」的初創企業人員,分別為4.1%、18.4%和11.2%。
• 66.3% of Startuppers considered that if the United State proceeds to impose a technology export embargo on Hong Kong, it will have “Negative implication” on their businesses; those who answered “No implication”, “Positive implication” and “Don’t know/No comment/Hard to say” were accounted for respectively 4.1%, 18.4% and 11.2%.
#初創企業人員對逃犯條例修訂草案的意見調查 #初創企業 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #香港自治 #一國兩制 #永續經濟 #香港自強
#StartuppersSurvey #Startup #NoExtraditionToChina #Extradition Bill
#HKAutonomy #OCTS
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2. Website:hkbase.org
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初創企業的聲音 在 偉大航道-李勁華 Facebook 的最佳貼文
與我合照的這一群年輕企業家,在各自的領域都已經成為天王巨星了,他們創立了不同的科技企業,包括使用手機就能迅速租到汽車的 GOGOVAN、集合資訊與技術支援的日韓手機遊戲平台 QooApp、主打新興數碼市場的營銷公司 iClick Interactive Asia Limited、將隨拍照片變成香港製造的成衣 Snaptee、本地著名手機程式開發公司 GreenTomato、企業級數據保密通訊軟件 TeamNote 及結合檔案上鎖與影音播放的手機保安程式 iSafe 等,還有讓用戶創意設計手機殼和配件的 Casetify。
#JohnTsang2017 #香港要希望 #香港人拍住上 #香港GOODSHOW